- 请开到希尔顿酒店。
The Hilton Hotel, please.
- 我大吃了一顿比萨。
I pigged out on pizza.
- 老师把学生狠狠地骂了一顿。
The teacher scolded his students severely.
- 他请我吃了顿美味的晚饭。
I had a good dinner at his expense.
- 从华盛顿乘火车可以到纽约。
New York is accessible by train from Washington.
- 美国的首都是华盛顿还是纽约?
Which is the capital of the United States, Washington or New York?
- 你们可以乘火车从华盛顿去纽约。
You can get from Washington to New York by train.
- 他们结了婚并定居在波士顿附近。
They got married and settled near Boston.
- 基顿把磁铁放在他的鸽子的头上。
Keeton put magnets on the heads of his pigeons.
- 我们到达后发现一顿大餐已经为我们准备好了。
We arrived to find a huge meal ready for us.