
  • horse
  • CL:匹[pi3]
  • horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess
  • knight in Western chess



  • 店主担心地跑过去跪在迪身旁, 迪沉重地喘著气, 他的额头覆著一ì
    Worried, the shopkeeper ran over and kneeled beside Dima, who was breathing heavily - his forehead covered in sweat.
  • 上过来见我.
    Come and see me right now.
  • 所有的都是动物, 但并非所有的动物都是
    All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses.
  • 她看到蒙哥利通了公共汽车、伯明翰接上了水管、塞尔建了桥,一位
    She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "We Shall Overcome." Yes, we can.
  • 妈妈骂吗?
    Is Mother scolding the horse?
  • 他擅长骑
    He is good at riding a horse.
  • 我去过罗
    I have been to Rome.
  • 他终于露出脚了。
    He has finally shown his true colors.
  • 这只狗长的像匹
    This is a dog resembling a horse
  • 我们必须上实行这个计画。
    We must carry out the plan at once.
Chinese Tones