
1996, Year of the Fire Rat
Chinese horoscope 1996

Birthday :

Year of the Fire Rat
« 1995


1997 »
According to Chinese astrology, is the Year of the Fire Rat (traditionally, the year 4694) which started February 19, 1996 in line with the Chinese New Year and end the evening of February 6, 1997, giving way to the Fire Ox zodiac sign.
The Rat Sign :While in the Western World the Rat is looked upon with disgust and revulsion, he is admired and honored in much of the East for his cleverness and aptitude for acquiring things of value. In China and Japan Rats are signs of good luck and prosperity.
The Rat is a charming creature capable of captivating almost anyone. Rats are connoisseurs who take pleasure in flaunting their style. They also possess a great sense of humor. Rats can be very protective and generous to those who are loyal to them.
Rats are also quite self-serving. They have their own goals and ambitions and will not hesitate to advance them. Those outside a Rat 's social circle may find them easily riled and verbally abusive. Rats do not often pass up the opportunity to debate.
Rats are very curious about everything, and are always on the hunt for new information—anything that may be of use to them in the present or future.
The Rat’s biggest problem is they find it difficult to see beyond themselves. If they can find room for others they will be well on the way to true happiness.

Lucky numbers : 1, 4, 5, 10, 11, 14, 41, 45, 51, and 54.