
2030, Year of the Metal Dog
Chinese horoscope 2030

Birthday :

Year of the Metal Dog
« 2029


2031 »
According to Chinese astrology, is the Year of the Metal Dog (traditionally, the year 4728) which will begin February 3, 2030 in line with the Chinese New Year and end the evening of January 22, 2031, giving way to the Metal Pig zodiac sign.
The Dog Sign :Dogs are loyal, truthful and live by their own uncompromising code of ethics. While very trustworthy, they do find it difficult to trust others. Dogs are faithful friends and exceptional listeners. They are the caped warriors of the Chinese Zodiac in that they will fight injustice and side with the underdog anytime, anyplace.
Dogs can be very rigid in their thinking and behavior. They also tend to be moody and need time alone to sulk and revitalize. Dogs are slow to trust, but with time and evidence that someone is trustworthy they will warm up to them.
Dogs need physical activity to be happy. They will champion any cause they deem worthy.
In the pursuit of love, Dogs may be their own worst enemy. They can become so anxious from engaging in the mating ritual that they create too much stress in their potential partners for their dance of love to be successful.

Lucky numbers : 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 19, 28, 30, 41, 45 and 54.