泛光灯 | fàn guāng dēng | floodlight | |
泛域土 | | azonal soil | |
泛代数 | fàn dài shù | universal algebra | |
泛大陆 | fàn dà lù | Pangea (geology) | |
泛大洋 | fàn dà yáng | Panthalassis (geology) | |
泛得林 | fàn dé lín | ventolin, aka salbutamol, an asthma drug (Tw) | |
泛神论 | fàn shén lùn | pantheism, theological theory equating God with the Universe | |
泛性恋 | fàn xìng liàn | pansexuality | |
泛珠三角 | fàn zhū sān jiǎo | Pan-Pearl River delta / The nine provinces of Southern China around Guangzhou and the Pearl River delta / South China | |
泛滥成灾 | fàn làn chéng zāi | lit. to flood (idiom) / fig. rampant / in plague proportions | |
泛泛而谈 | fàn fàn ér tán | to speak in general terms | |
泛泛之交 | fàn fàn zhī jiāo | nodding acquaintance / slight familiarity | |
泛非议会 | | Pan-African Parliament | |
泛定方程 | fàn dìng fāng chéng | universal differential equation | |
泛函分析 | fàn hán fēn xī | (math.) functional analysis | |
泛民主派 | fàn mín zhǔ pài | pan-Democratic alliance (Hong Kong) | |
泛非电信网 | fàn fēi diàn xìn wǎng | Pan-African Telecommunications Network | |
泛非新闻社 | fàn fēi xīn wén shè | Pan-African News Agency | |
泛美卫生局 | fàn měi wèi shēng jú | Pan American Sanitary Bureau | |
泛亚铁路网 | fàn yà tiě lù wǎng | trans-Asian railway network | |
泛珠江三角 | fàn zhū jiāng sān jiǎo | the Pan-Pearl river delta (economic zone including the 5 provinces around Guangzhou and Hong Kong) | |
泛自然神论 | fàn zì rán shén lùn | pandeism, theological theory that God created the Universe and became one with it | |
泛美卫生会议 | | Pan American Sanitary Conference | |
泛撒赫勒倡议 | | Pan-Sahel Initiative | |
泛萨赫勒倡议 | | Pan-Sahel Initiative | |
泛美儿童大会 | | Pan American Child Congress | |
泛非文化大会 | | Pan African Cultural Congress | |
泛欧运输会议 | | Pan-European Transport Conference | |
泛美泛非协会 | | Panamerican-Panafrican Association | |
泛非作家协会 | | Pan-African Writers Association | |
泛非发展组织 | | Pan-African Development Organization | |
泛非应急中心 | | Pan-African Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response | |
泛非发展学会 | | Pan-African Institute for Development | |
泛美儿童论坛 | | Pan American Child Forum | |
泛非青年运动 | | Pan-African Youth Movement | |
泛非电信联盟 | | Pan-African Telecommunications Union | |
泛非数学联盟 | | Pan-African Mathematical Union | |
泛非语言协会 | | Pan-African Linguistic Association | |
泛非妇女组织 | fàn fēi fù rǔ zǔ zhī | Pan-African Women's Organization | |
泛非木薯倡议 | fàn fēi mù shǔ chàng yì | Pan-African Cassava Initiative | |
泛非邮政联盟 | fàn fēi yóu zhèng lián méng | Pan-African Postal Union | |
泛美体育组织 | fàn měi tǐ yù zǔ zhī | Pan American Sports Organization | |
泛美卫生组织 | fàn měi wèi shēng zǔ zhī | Pan American Health Organization | |
泛非雇主联合会 | | Pan-African Employers' Confederation | |
泛美发展基金会 | | Pan-American Development Foundation | |
泛非主义者运动 | fàn fēi zhǔ yì zhě yùn dòng | Pan Africanist Movement | |
泛非ELISA血清监测网 | | Pan African Network on ELISA Sero-monitoring | |
泛非人类学家协会 | | Pan African Association of Anthropologists | |
泛非家畜疫苗中心 | | Pan African Veterinary Vaccine Centre | |
泛美卫生工程中心 | | Pan American Sanitary Engineering Centre | |
泛非维持和平部队 | | African Standby Force | |
泛非补偿问题会议 | | Pan-African Conference on Reparations | |
泛美地理历史学会 | | Pan American Institute of Geography and History | |
泛非发展信息系统 | | Pan-African Development Information System | |
泛非爱国青年大会 | | Congrès panafricain des jeunes et patriotes | |
泛非女童教育会议 | | Pan-African Conference on the Education of Girls | |
泛非主义学生组织 | | Pan Africanist Student Organization | |
泛非港口合作协会 | | Pan-African Association for Port Cooperation | |
泛非豆类研究联盟 | fàn fēi dòu lèi yán jiū lián méng | Pan-African Bean Research Alliance | |
泛非贸易信息系统 | fàn fēi mào yì xìn xī xì tǒng | Pan-African trade information system | |
泛非牛瘟防治运动 | fàn fēi niú wēn fáng zhì yùn dòng | Pan-African Rinderpest Campaign | |
泛非兽疫控制方案 | fàn fēi shòu yì kòng zhì fāng àn | Pan-African Control of Epizootics | |
泛非文件信息系统 | fàn fēi wén jiàn xìn xī xì tǒng | Pan-African Documentation and Information System | |
泛非地质信息系统网 | | Pan-African Network for a Geological Information System | |
泛非除治独脚金网络 | | Pan-African Striga Control Network | |
泛美工程学会联合会 | | Pan-American Federation of Engineering Societies | |
泛非女青年和平运动 | | Panafrican Movement of the Feminine Youth for Peace | |
泛非和平民主研究所 | | Pan-African Institute for Peace and Democracy | |
泛非科学和技术联盟 | | Pan-African Union of Science and Technology | |
泛欧森林认证委员会 | | Pan European Forest Certification Council / PEFC Council | |
泛非民主和复兴联盟 | | Union pour la démocratie et le renouveau panafricain | |
泛美艾滋病电信会议 | | Pan-American Teleconference on AIDS | |
泛非经济和货币同盟 | | Pan-African Economic and Monetary Union | |
泛美技术标准委员会 | | Pan American Standards Commission | |
泛美环境健康信息网 | fàn měi huán jìng jiàn kāng xìn xī wǎng | Pan American Information Network on Environmental Health | |
泛阿拉伯儿童发展项目 | | Pan Arab Project for Child Development | |
泛非妇女研究训练中心 | | Pan-African Research and Training Centre for Women | |
泛亚铁路网政府间协定 | | Intergovernmental Agreement on the Trans-Asian Railway Network | |
泛加勒比备灾防灾项目 | | Pan-Caribbean Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Project | |
泛阿拉伯家庭保健项目 | | Pan Arab Project for Family Health | |
泛阿拉伯社会防卫组织 | | Pan Arab Organization for Social Defense | |
泛美医学院协会联合会 | | Pan-American Federation of Associations of Medical Schools | |
泛非药用植物研究会议 | | Pan-African Conference on Research into Medicinal Plants | |
泛非儿童前途问题论坛 | fàn fēi r tóng qián tú wèn tí lùn tán | Pan-African Forum on the Future of Children | |
泛非电联行政和技术会议 | | PATU Administrative and Technical Conference | |
泛美人类生态和健康中心 | | Pan American Centre for Human Ecology and Health | |
泛阿拉伯麻醉药品事务局 | | Pan-Arab Bureau for Narcotic Affairs | |
泛非公务员制度部长会议 | | Pan-African Conference of Ministers of the Civil Service | |
泛非战略与政策研究小组 | | Pan African Strategic and Policy Research Group / African Strategic and Peace Research Group | |
泛非聋症研究和训练协会 | | Pan African Institute for Studies and Training on Deafness | |
泛阿拉伯人口与发展会议 | | Pan-Arab Conference on Population and Development | |
泛非科学技术专题讨论会 | | Pan-African Symposium on Science and Technology | |
泛太平洋和东南亚妇女协会 | | Pan-Pacific and South-East Asia Women's Association of Thailand | |
泛欧运输、卫生和环境方桉 | | Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme | |
泛欧生物与景观多样性战略 | | Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy | |
泛非和平、性别与发展会议 | | Pan-African Conference on Peace, Gender and Development | |
泛非心智残障人组织联合会 | | Pan African Federation of Organizations of Mentally Disabled Persons | |
泛太平洋自然灾害问题会议 | | Pan-Pacific Conference on Natural Hazards | |
泛非环境与可持续性发展会议 | | Pan-African Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development | |
泛非红十字会和红心月会会议 | | Pan-African Conference of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies | |
泛非可持续综合沿海管理会议 | | Pan-African Conference on Sustainable Integrated Coastal Management | |
泛非农业文化发展伊斯兰协会 | | Pan-African Islamic Society for Agro-Cultural Development | |
泛非采采蝇和锥虫病根除运动 | | Pan-African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign | |
泛美卫生工程和环境科学中心 | | Pan American Center for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences | |
泛非发展信息系统技术委员会 | | Technical Committee for Pan-African Development Information System | |
泛非农村社区信息提供讨论会 | | Pan-African Seminar on Information Provision for Rural Communities | |
泛欧可持续森林管理业务准则 | | Pan-European Operational Level Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management | |
泛欧可再生能源商业和投资论坛 | | Pan-European Forum on Business and Investment for Renewable Energy | |
泛欧生物多样性和景观开发战略 | | Pan European Biodiversity and Landscape Development Strategy | |
泛阿拉伯社会福利政策区域会议 | | Pan-Arab Regional Conference on Social Welfare Policies | |
泛非水事问题执行和伙伴关系会议 | | Pan-African Implementation and Partnership Conference on Water | |
泛美卫生工程和环境科学信息文献网 | | Pan-American Network for Information and Documentation in Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences | |
泛阿拉伯儿童生存、保护和发展计划 | | Pan Arab Plan for Child Survival, Protection and Development | |
泛非工会声援南部非洲工人和人民会议 | | Pan-African Trade Union Conference of Solidarity with the Workers and Peoples of Southern Africa | |
泛美可持续人类发展方面健康与环境宪章 | | Pan American Charter on Health and Environment in Sustainable Human Development | |