反腐败 | fǎn fǔ bài | to oppose corruption / anti-graft (measures, policy etc) | |
防腐剂 | fáng fǔ jì | preservative / antiseptic | |
耐腐蚀 | nài fǔ shí | proof against corrosion | |
臭豆腐 | chòu dòu fu | stinky tofu / strong-smelling preserved beancurd / fig. rough exterior but lovable person | |
吃豆腐 | chī dòu fu | to take liberties with (a woman) / to tease with sexual innuendo / to sexually harass / to take advantage of sb | |
豆腐皮 | dòu fu pí | tofu skin (made by drying the skin that forms on the surface of soymilk during cooking, and therefore not actually made from tofu) | |
豆腐脑 | dòu fu nǎo | jellied tofu / soft bean curd | |
豆腐乳 | dòu fu rǔ | fermented bean curd | |
豆腐花 | dòu fu huā | jellied tofu / soft bean curd | |
豆腐渣 | dòu fu zhā | okara (i.e. soy pulp, a by-product of making soymilk or tofu) | |
反贪腐 | fǎn tān fǔ | anti-corruption | |
根腐病 | gēn fǔ bìng | root rot | |
颈腐病 | jǐng fǔ bìng | collar rot / crown rot | |
均腐土 | Jūn fǔ tǔ | isohumisol (soil taxonomy) | |
绵腐病 | mián fǔ bìng | damping-off / seedling blight | |
磨豆腐 | mò dòu fu | to grumble / to chatter away incessantly | |
易腐败 | yì fǔ bài | perishable | |
反腐倡廉 | fǎn fǔ chàng lián | to fight corruption and advocate probity | |
流水不腐 | liú shuǐ bù fǔ | flowing water does not rot | |
切齿腐心 | qiè chǐ fǔ xīn | to detest sth or sb to the utmost extreme (idiom) | |
酸性腐泥 | | moder | |
职务腐败 | | corruption in office | |
嗳腐吞酸 | ài fǔ tūn suān | putrid belching with regurgitation of stomach acid (medical term) | |
嗳腐吞酸 | ǎi fǔ tūn suān | putrid belching with regurgitation of stomach acid (medical term) | |
嗳气腐臭 | ài qì fǔ chòu | putrid belching (medical term) | |
嗳气腐臭 | ǎi qì fǔ chòu | putrid belching (medical term) | |
嗳气酸腐 | ài qì suān fǔ | belching of sour putrid gas (medical term) | |
嗳气酸腐 | ǎi qì suān fǔ | belching of sour putrid gas (medical term) | |
粗腐殖质 | cū fǔ zhí zhì | raw humus / mor | |
反腐败股 | fǎn fǔ bài gǔ | Anti-Corruption Unit | |
家常豆腐 | jiā cháng dòu fu | home-style tofu | |
拒腐防变 | jù fǔ fáng biàn | to fight corruption and forestall moral degeneration | |
麻婆豆腐 | má pó dòu fǔ | mapo tofu / stir-fried beancurd in chili sauce | |
生物腐蚀 | shēng wù fǔ shí | biodeterioration | |
食腐动物 | shí fǔ dòng wù | scavenger | |
四季豆腐 | sì jì dòu fu | four seasons beancurd | |
贪污腐败 | tān wū fǔ bài | corruption | |
贪汙腐化 | tān wū fǔ huà | corruption | |
细腐殖质 | xì fǔ zhí zhì | mull | |
杏仁豆腐 | xìng rén dòu fu | almond junket | |
反腐败机构 | | anti-corruption institution | |
反腐败顾问 | | Anti-corruption Advisor | |
豆腐渣工程 | dòu fu zhā gōng chéng | jerry-built building project / lit. built on soybean dregs | |
富腐殖质层 | fù fǔ zhí zhì céng | humus-rich layer | |
雷公打豆腐 | Léi Gōng dǎ dòu fu | the God of Thunder strikes bean curd / fig. to bully the weakest person / to pick on an easy target | |
化腐朽为神奇 | huà fǔ xiǔ wéi shén qí | lit. to change something rotten into something magical (idiom) | |
底层食腐动物 | | demersal scavenger | |
全国反腐战略 | | National Anti-Corruption Strategy | |
公职人员腐败 | gōng zhí rén yuán fǔ bài | corruption of public officials | |
国际反腐败日 | guó jì fǎn fǔ bài rì | International Anti-Corruption Day | |
反腐败刑法公约 | | Criminal Law Convention on Corruption | |
全球反腐败组织 | | Global Organization Against Corruption | |
打击腐败讲习班 | | Workshop on combating corruption | |
反腐败国家集团 | | Group of States against corruption | |
刀子嘴,豆腐心 | dāo zi zuǐ , dòu fu xīn | to have a sharp tongue but a soft heart (idiom) | |
国际反腐败学院 | guó jì fǎn fǔ bài xué yuàn | International Anti-Corruption Academy | |
全球反腐败方案 | quán qiú fǎn fǔ bài fāng àn | Global Programme against Corruption | |
打击犯罪和腐败股 | | Anti-Crime and Corruption Unit | |
电火花腐蚀加工机 | | spark erosion machine | |
稳定公约反腐倡议 | | Stability Pact Anti-Corruption Initiative | |
私营部门反腐措施 | | Measure on Combating Corruption in the Private Sector | |
刀子嘴巴,豆腐心 | dāo zi zuǐ ba , dòu fu xīn | lit. knife mouth but heart of bean curd / sharp tongue concealing a caring heart | |
联合国反腐败公约 | lián hé guó fǎn fǔ bài gōng yuē | United Nations Convention against Corruption | |
心急吃不了热豆腐 | xīn jí chī bu liǎo rè dòu fu | hasty men don't get to eat hot tofu (idiom) / one just has to be patient / haste will ruin everything | |
反腐倡廉专题讨论会 | | Symposium on Corruption and Good Governance | |
易腐食品运输专家组 | | Group of Experts on the Transport of Perishable Food-stuffs | |
打击腐败全球讲习班 | | global workshop on combating corruption | |
防止和打击腐败公约 | | Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Corruption | |
国际反腐败协调小组 | | International Group for Anti-Corruption Coordination | |
美洲国家反腐败公约 | | Inter-American Convention against Corruption | |
反腐败和透明化小组 | | Anti-Corruption and Transparency Group / ACT Group | |
流水不腐,户枢不蠹 | liú shuǐ bù fǔ , hù shū bù dù | lit. flowing water does not rot, nor a door-hinge rust (idiom) / fig. constant activity prevents decay | |
易腐食品标准化工作队 | | Working Party on Standardization of Perishable Food-stuffs | |
机构间反腐败协调会议 | | Inter-Agency Anti-corruption Coordination Meeting | |
反腐败二十条指导原则 | | Twenty Guiding Principles for the Fight against Corruption | |
全球公司反腐实践简编 | | Global Compendium of Corporate Anti-Corruption Practices | |
雷公打豆腐,拣软的欺 | Léi Gōng dǎ dòu fu , jiǎn ruǎn de qī | the God of Thunder strikes bean curd, a bully picks the weakest person / to pick on an easy target | |
马尾穿豆腐,提不起来 | mǎ wěi chuān dòu fu , tí bu qǐ lai | lit. like tofu strung on horsetail, you can't lift it / fig. let's not talk of this (pun on 提[ti2]) | |
"迎接腐败挑战"国际会议 | | International Conference on Responding to Challenges of Corruption | |
易腐食品运输问题工作队 | | Working Party on the Transport of Perishable Foodstuffs | |
关于运输易腐食物的协定 | | Agreement on the Transport of Perishable Foodstuffs | |
反腐败公约谈判特设委员会 | | Ad Hoc Committee for the Negotiation of a Convention against Corruption | |
非洲国家打击腐败行为原则 | | Principles to Combat Corruption in African Countries | |
联合国反腐败公约缔约国会议 | | Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption | |
促进善政打击腐败的原则框架 | | Framework for Principles for Promoting Good Governance and Combating Corruption | |
美洲国家组织反腐败专门会议 | | Specialized Conference of the Organization of American States against Corruption | |
政府反腐倡廉战略和行动计划 | | Strategy and Plan of Action to Fight Corruption and Build Ethics and Integrity in Public Office | |
打击有组织犯罪和腐败区域中心 | | Regional Centre for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption | |
政府中的腐败问题区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Corruption in Government | |
联合国反腐措施、善治与人权会议 | | United Nations conference on anti-corruption measures, good governance and human rights | |
鱼生火,肉生痰,青菜豆腐保平安 | yú shēng huǒ , ròu shēng tán , qīng cài dòu fu bǎo píng ān | fish brings heat, meat brings phlegm, vegetables and tofu keep you healthy | |
非洲机构、文化与腐败问题国际会议 | | International Conference on Institutions, Culture and Corruption in Africa | |
国家打击有组织犯罪和反腐行动计划 | | National Plan of Action Against Organized Crime and Corruption | |
签署联合国反腐败公约高级别政治会议 | | High-level Political Conference for the Purpose of Signing the United Nations Convention against Corruption | |
建立反腐败国家集团的部分和扩大协定 | | Partial and Enlarged Agreement Establishing the Group of States against Corruption | |
国际易腐食品运输及其所用特别设备协定 | | Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be used for such Carriage | |