柬埔寨 | Jiǎn pǔ zhài | Cambodia | |
高棉 | Gāo mián | Cambodia / Kampuchea / Khmer | |
金边 | Jīn biān | Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia | |
吴哥窟 | Wú gē kū | Angkor Wat, temple complex in Cambodia | |
洪森 | Hóng Sēn | Hun Sen (1952-), prime minister of Cambodia since 1985 | |
拉那烈 | Lā nà liè | Prince Norodom Ranariddh (1944-), Cambodian politician and son of former King Sihanouk of Cambodia | |
吴哥城 | Wú gē chéng | Ankorwat, Cambodia | |
柬吴哥王朝 | Jiǎn wú gē Wáng cháo | Ankor Dynasty of Cambodia, 802-1431 | |
真腊 | Zhēn là | Khmer kingdom of Kampuchea or Cambodia / Chinese term for Cambodia from 7th to 15th century | |
贡布 | Gòng bù | Kampot, town in Cambodia, capital of Kampot Province | |
柬埔寨王国 | jiǎn pǔ zhài wáng guó | the Kingdom of Cambodia | |
柬埔寨排雷方桉信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the De-Mining Programme in Cambodia | |
柬埔寨人权状况特别报告员 | | Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia | |
柬埔寨人权教育方桉 | | Programme in Human Rights Education for Cambodia | |
柬埔寨信托基金 | jiǎn pǔ zhài xìn tuō jī jīn | Cambodia Trust Fund | |
联合国柬埔寨人权教育方桉信托基金 | | United Nations Trust Fund for a Human Rights Education Programme in Cambodia | |
联合国柬埔寨排雷信托基金 | | United Nations Trust Fund for Demining in Cambodia | |
重建柬埔寨问题国际委员会 | | International Committee on Reconstruction of Cambodia | |
柬埔寨冲突全面政治解决框架 | | Framework for a comprehensive political settlement of the Cambodia conflict | |
柬埔寨问题巴黎国际会议 | | Paris International Conference on Cambodia / International Conference on Cambodia | |
柬埔寨问题国际会议 | | Paris International Conference on Cambodia / International Conference on Cambodia | |
柬埔寨人权办事处 | | Cambodia Human Rights Office | |
柬埔寨民族政府 | jiǎn pǔ zhài mín zú zhèng fǔ | National Government of Cambodia | |
开发署发展柬埔寨排雷能力信托基金 | | UNDP Trust Fund for the Development of the Mine Removal Capacity in Cambodia | |
柬埔寨文献中心 | | Documentation Centre of Cambodia | |
秘书长柬埔寨人权事务特别代表 | | Special Representative of the Secretary-General for human rights in Cambodia | |
柬埔寨人权工作队 | jiǎn pǔ zhài rén quán gōng zuò duì | Human Rights Task Force on Cambodia | |
柬埔寨信托会 | | Cambodia Trust | |
开发署柬埔寨排雷行动能力建设信托基金 | | UNDP Trust Fund for Capacity Building in Demining Operations for Cambodia | |
柬埔寨自由公平选举委员会 | | Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia | |
柬埔寨加强扫雷行动能力信托基金 | | Trust Fund for Capacity-Building for De-mining Operations in Cambodia | |
欧洲联盟协助控制柬埔寨境内小武器项目 | | European Union Assistance in curbing Small Arms in Cambodia | |
关于开采和出口柬埔寨矿物和宝石的宣言 | | Declaration on Mining and Export of Minerals and Gems from Cambodia | |
柬埔寨恢复和重建宣言 | | Declaration on Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Cambodia | |
柬埔寨王国政府 | | Royal Government of Cambodia | |
联合国秘书长柬埔寨问题工作队 | | United Nations Secretary-General's task force on Cambodia | |
柬埔寨环境咨询组 | | Cambodia Environmental Advisory Team | |
柬埔寨冲突全面政治解决协定 | | Agreements on a Comprehensive Political Settlement of the Cambodia Conflict / Paris Peace Agreements | |
巴黎和平协定 | | Agreements on a Comprehensive Political Settlement of the Cambodia Conflict / Paris Peace Agreements | |
柬埔寨过渡时期联合国权力机构 | | United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia | |
柬埔寨临时民族政府 | | Provisional National Government of Cambodia | |
柬埔寨民族团结党 | | National Unity of Cambodia Party | |
柬埔寨国家重建和发展方桉 | | National Programme for the Reconstruction and Development of Cambodia | |
驻柬埔寨国际监督和控制委员会 | | International Commission for Supervision and Control in Cambodia | |
柬埔寨刑事司法行为参考和训练手册 | | Reference and Training Manual for the Conduct of Criminal Justice in Cambodia | |
柬埔寨恢复和重建问题部长级会议 | | Ministerial Conference on the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Cambodia | |
联合国驻柬埔寨先遣团 | | United Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia | |
1992年联合国柬埔寨选举法 | | United Nations Electoral Law for Cambodia, 1992 | |
唝吥 | Gòng bù | old name for Kampot province and Kampot town in Cambodia, now written 貢布|贡布[Gong4 bu4] | |
暹粒 | Xiān lì | Siem Reap, Cambodia | |