基督教 | Jī dū jiào | Christianity / Christian | |
基督徒 | Jī dū tú | Christian | |
基督教徒 | Jī dū jiào tú | a Christian | |
克里斯汀 | kè lǐ sī tīng | (name) Christine, Kristine, Kristen, Kristin etc / Christiane / Christian | |
教案 | jiào àn | lesson plan / teaching plan / a "missionary case" (a dispute over Christian missionaries during the late Qing) | |
公元 | gōng yuán | CE (Common Era) / Christian Era / AD (Anno Domini) | |
教会 | jiào huì | Christian church | |
神父 | shén fu | Christian priest or clergyman / (spiritual) father | |
西元 | xī yuán | (Tw) Christian era / Gregorian calendar / AD (Anno Domini) | |
路西法 | Lù xī fǎ | Lucifer (Satan's name before his fall in Jewish and Christian mythology) | |
亚伯 | Yà bó | Abe (short form for Abraham) / Abel, a figure of Jewish, Christian and Muslim mythologies | |
布道 | bù dào | to preach (the Christian gospel) | |
圣子 | Shèng zǐ | Holy Son / Jesus Christ / God the Son (in the Christian Trinity) | |
多普勒 | Duō pǔ lè | Christian Johann Doppler, Austrian physicist who discovered the Doppler effect | |
开恩 | kāi ēn | to give a favor (used of Christian God) | |
团契 | tuán qì | Christian association / fellowship | |
佛龛 | fó kān | niche for statue (esp. Buddhist, Christian etc) | |
青年会 | Qīng nián huì | YMCA (international Christian youth movement, formed in 1844) | |
圣礼 | shèng lǐ | Holy sacrament / Christian rite (esp. Protestant) / also called 聖事|圣事 / by Catholics | |
西里尔 | Xī lǐ ěr | Cyril (name) / Saint Cyril, 9th century Christian missionary / Cyrillic | |
圣父 | Shèng Fù | Holy Father / God the Father (in the Christian Trinity) | |
圣体 | shèng tǐ | the Emperor's body / Jesus' body / communion wafer (in Christian mass) | |
克里斯蒂安 | Kè lǐ sī dì ān | Kristian or Christian (name) | |
圣奥古斯丁 | Shèng Aò gǔ sī dīng | St Augustine / Aurelius Augustinus (354-430), theologian and Christian philosopher / Sankt Augustin, suburb of Beuel, Bonn, Germany | |
鬼魔 | guǐ mó | Devil (in Jewish and Christian mythology) | |
阿摩司书 | A1 mó sī shū | Book of Amos, one of the books of the Nevi'im and of the Christian Old Testament | |
基督教民主联盟 | Jī dū jiào Mín zhǔ Lián méng | Christian Democratic Union (German political party) | |
路西弗 | Lù xī fú | Lucifer (Satan's name before his fall in Jewish and Christian mythology) | |
安徒生 | An1 tú shēng | Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) | |
基督教派 | Jī dū jiào pài | Christian denomination | |
燕京大学 | Yān jīng Dà xué | Yanjing or Yenching University, Christian university in Beijing founded in 1919 | |
中原大学 | Zhōng yuán Dà xué | Chung Yuan Christian University, in Taiwan | |
倪柝声 | Ní Tuò shēng | Ni Tuosheng or Watchman Nee (1903-1972), influential Chinese Christian | |
克里斯汀·贝尔 | | Christian Bale (1974-), English actor | |
和散那 | hé sǎn nà | Hosanna (in Christian praise) | |
因父之名 | yīn Fù zhī Míng | in the Name of the Father (in Christian worship) | |
基民党 | jī mín dǎng | Christian democratic party | |
基督教科学派 | Jī dū jiào Kē xué pài | Christian Science | |
大斋节 | dà zhāi jié | great fast / Christian lent | |
客西马尼花园 | Kè xī mǎ ní huā yuán | Garden of Gethsemane (in the Christian passion story) | |
提多 | tí duō | Titus (1st century AD), Christian missionary, disciple of St. Paul | |
最后的晚餐 | Zuì hòu de Wǎn cān | the Last Supper (in the Christian Passion story) | |
橄榄山 | gǎn lǎn shān | Mount of Olives (in the Christian passion story) | |
火湖 | huǒ hú | burning lake / lake of burning sulfur / inferno (in Christian mythology) | |
百合子 | Bǎi hé zi | Yuriko, Japanese female given name, translates Christian name Lily | |
监牧 | jiān mù | shepherd / Tang dynasty official with responsibility for animal husbandry / pastor (cleric in charge of a Christian parish) | |
圣事 | shèng shì | Holy sacrament / Christian rite (esp. Catholic) / also called 聖禮|圣礼 / by Protestants | |
圣神 | Shèng shén | feudal term of praise for ruler, king or emperor / general term for saint in former times / term for God during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 太平天國|太平天国 / Holy Spirit (in Christian Trinity) | |
阿爸父 | A1 bà fù | Abba (Aramaic word father) / by ext. God the Father in Christian gospel | |
革兰氏 | Gé lán shì | Mr Gram / Dr. Hans Christian Jaochim Gram (1953-1938), Danish doctor and inventor of the Gram stain 革蘭氏染色法|革兰氏染色法 | |
基督教男青年会 | | Young Mens' Christian Association | |
基督教儿童基金 | | Christian Children's Fund | |
国际基督教民主党 | | Christian Democratic International | |
基督教福利和社会救济组织 | | Christian Welfare and Social Relief Organization | |
世界基督教妇女戒酒联合会 | | World Woman's Christian Temperance Union | |
彼得马里茨堡基督教社会觉醒机构 | | Pietermaritzburg Agency for Christian Social Awareness | |
基督教民主党 | | Christian Democrat Party | |
基督教援助组织 | | Christian Aid | |
安提阿基督教中心 | | Antioch Christian Centre | |
国际基督教工商管理人员联盟 | | International Christian Union of Business Executives | |
世界基督教青年会联盟 | | World Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations | |
基督教家庭运动国际联合会 | | International Confederation of Christian Family Movements | |
世界基督教女青年会 | | World Young Women's Christian Association | |
基督教调解小组 | | Christian Peacemaker Teams | |
帝汶基督教民主联盟 | | Christian Democratic Union of Timor | |
非洲基督徒和平会议 | | African Christian Peace Conference | |
生活之道基督教联谊会 | | Word of Life Christian Fellowship | |
基督教社会党 | | Social Christian Party | |
国际基督教青年工人协进会 | | International Young Christian Workers | |
国际基督教民主青年联合会 | | International Union of Young Christian Democrats | |
国际基督教青年交流社 | | International Christian Youth Exchange | |
布西亚基督教青年会 | | Busia Young Men's Christian Association | |
基督教教育发展组织 | | Christian Related Education Development Organization | |
非洲基督教民主党 | | African Christian Democratic Party | |
世界基督教民主党联盟 | | Christian Democratic World Union | |
世界基督教通信协会 | | World Association for Christian Communication | |
国际基督教青年交流全国委员会联合会 | | Federation of National Committees in the International Christian Youth Exchange | |
世界基督教学生联合会 | | World Student Christian Federation | |
国际基督教会理事会 | | International Council of Christian Churches | |
基督教和平会议 | | Christian Peace Conference | |
乌干达基督教联合理事会 | | Uganda Joint Christian Council | |
国际基督教海事协会 | | International Christian Maritime Association | |
基督教青年工人社 | | Young Christian Workers | |
东帝汶基督教教会会议 | | Synod of Christian Churches in East Timor | |
世界基督教生活团体联合会 | | World Federation of Christian Life Communities | |
赞比亚基督教理事会 | | Christian Council of Zambia | |
克里斯汀・贝尔 | Kè lǐ sī tīng · Bèi ěr | Christian Bale (1974-), English actor | |
克里斯汀·贝尔 | Kè lǐ sī tīng · Bèi ěr | Christian Bale (1974-), English actor | |