联合国人类住区中心 | | United Nations Centre for Human Settlements / Habitat | |
人居中心 | | United Nations Centre for Human Settlements / Habitat | |
生存环境 | shēng cún huán jìng | habitat / living environment | |
栖息地 | qī xī dì | habitat | |
聚居地 | jù jū dì | inhabited land / habitat | |
生境 | shēng jìng | habitat | |
栖地 | qī dì | habitat | |
人居 | rén jū | human habitat | |
水草 | shuǐ cǎo | water plants / habitat with water source and grass | |
日本议员生境联盟 | rì běn yì yuán shēng jìng lián méng | Japanese Parliamentarians League on Habitat | |
人居协调中心 | | Habitat Focal Point | |
全球议员生境会议 | | Conference of Global Parliamentarians on Habitat | |
边缘生境 | bian yuán shēng jìng | edge habitat | |
科特迪瓦住宅银行 | | Banque de l'habitat de Côte d'Ivoire | |
伊斯坦布尔宣言和人居议程 | | The Istanbul Declaration and the Habitat Agenda | |
人居辩论 | rén jū biàn lùn | Habitat Debate | |
人居企业奖 | rén jū qǐ yè jiǎng | 2009 Habitat Business Award for Sustainable Urbanization: Innovation, Affordability, Impact, Sustainability / Habitat Business Award | |
青年生境国际网 | qīng nián shēng jìng guó jì wǎng | Youth for Habitat International Network | |
生境问题全球议员会议 | | Global Parliamentarians on Habitat | |
生境保护 | shēng jìng bǎo hù | habitat conservation | |
人居企业论坛 | rén jū qǐ yè lùn tán | Habitat Business Forum | |
拉姆萨尔公约 | | Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat / Ramsar Convention | |
国际人类栖身地组织 | | Habitat for Humanity International | |
联合国生境和人类住区基金会 | | United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation | |
生境视觉资料处 | | Vision Habitat | |
生境审查 | | The Habitat Reviews | |
区域生境信息系统 | | Regional Habitat Information System | |
人居二城市财政会议 | | Habitat II Urban Finance Conference | |
21世纪生境对话 | | Habitat Dialogues for the 21st Century | |
建筑和住房基金会人居奖 | | BSHF Habitat Awards | |
生境管理 | | habitat management | |
全球生境保护基金 | | global habitat conservation fund | |
国际生境联盟 | | Habitat International Coalition | |
人居议程任务主管人系统 | | Habitat Agenda Task Manager System | |
国际生境理事会 | | Habitat International Council | |
非政府组织人居二全球论坛 | | NGO Global Forum on Habitat II | |
国际生境联盟-亚洲 | | Habitat International Coalition-Asia | |
养护天然生境和野生动植物的生境指令 | | Habitat Directive on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and Wild Fauna and Flora | |
世界人居日 | | World Habitat Day | |
加勒比人居二区域筹备讲习班 | | Caribbean Regional Preparatory Workshop for Habitat II | |
野生生物生境 | | wildlife habitat | |
人居署秘书处 | | Habitat Secretariat | |
人居论坛 | | Habitat Forum | |
生境专家征聘和管理股 | | Habitat Expert Recruitment and Servicing Unit | |
非政府组织生境委员会 | | NGO Committee for Habitat | |
生境执行办公室 | | Habitat Executive Office | |
非洲住房公司 | | Shelter-Afrique (Company for Habitat and Housing in Africa) | |
生境筹备活动信托基金 | | Trust Fund for Preparatory Activities for Habitat | |
生境信息方桉 | | Habitat information programme | |
国际高大建筑物和城市生境理事会 | | International Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat | |
拉丁美洲和加勒比人居二区域筹备会议 | | Regional Preparatory Meeting on Habitat II for Latin America and the Caribbean | |
敏感生境 | | sensitive habitat | |
生境项目采购股 | | Habitat Project Procurement Unit | |