纳米比亚 | Nà mǐ bǐ yà | Namibia | |
温得和克 | Wēn dé hé kè | Windhoek, capital of Namibia | |
纳米比亚共和国 | nà mǐ bǐ yà gòng hé guó | the Republic of Namibia | |
大会第九届特别会议 | | ninth special session of the General Assembly / special session of the General Assembly on the question of Namibia | |
纳米比亚人民解放军 | | People's Liberation Army of Namibia | |
联合国纳米比亚建国方桉基金 | | United Nations Fund for the Nationhood Programme for Namibia | |
纳米比亚过渡时期股 | | Transitional Unit for Namibia | |
关于纳米比亚问题的特别宣言 | | Special Declaration on Namibia | |
大会第八届紧急特别会议 | | eighth emergency special session of the General Assembly / emergency special session of the General Assembly to discuss the question of Namibia | |
加强国际行动支持纳米比亚独立国际会议 | | International Conference on the Intensification of International Action in Support of the Independence of Namibia | |
纳米比亚国家重建和发展方桉规划讨论会 | | Seminar on Programme Planning for the National Reconstruction and Development of Namibia | |
纳米比亚中央收入基金 | | Central Revenue Fund for Namibia | |
纳米比亚技术调查团 | | Technical Survey Mission to Namibia | |
联合国纳米比亚理事会 | | United Nations Council for Namibia / Council for Namibia | |
负责纳米比亚问题的秘书长特别代表 | | Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Namibia | |
联合国纳米比亚研究所 | | United Nations Institute for Namibia | |
联合国纳米比亚研究所评议会 | | Senate of the United Nations Institute for Namibia | |
联合国纳米比亚基金 | | United Nations Fund for Namibia | |
纳米比亚建国方桉 | | Nationhood Programme for Namibia | |
联合国纳米比亚研究所账户 | | United Nations Institute for Namibia Account | |
联合国纳米比亚基金委员会 | | Committee on the United Nations Fund for Namibia | |
不结盟国家纳米比亚团结基金 | | Non-aligned Solidarity Fund for Namibia | |
关于纳米比亚独立的布拉柴维尔议定书 | | Protocol of Brazzaville on the independence of Namibia | |
联合国纳米比亚独立计划 | | United Nations Plan for the Independence of Namibia | |
纳米比亚综合经济图 | | comprehensive economic map of Namibia | |
保护纳米比亚自然资源第1号法令 | | Decree No.1 for the Protection of the Natural Resources of Namibia | |
纳米比亚在战斗 | | Namibia in Struggle | |
纳米比亚独立计划 | | Independence Plan for Namibia | |
支持纳米比亚自决和民族独立的行动纲领 | | Programme of Action in Support of Self-Determination and National Independence for Namibia | |
纳米比亚研究所信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the Institute for Namibia | |
纳米比亚官员外交训练班 | | Diplomacy Training Course for Officials from Namibia | |
纳米比亚新闻中心 | | Namibia Information Service | |
开发署纳米比亚基金建国方桉信托基金 | | UNDP Trust Fund for the Nationhood Programme of the Fund for Namibia | |
促进纳米比亚独立消除种族隔离国际会议 | | International Conference for the Independence of Namibia and the Eradication of Apartheid | |
纳米比亚特设小组委员会 | | Ad Hoc Sub-Committee on Namibia | |
加强国际行动促进纳米比亚独立计划 | | Plan for the Intensification of International Action for the Independence of Namibia | |
联合国纳米比亚职业训练中心 | | United Nations Vocational Training Centre for Namibia | |
纳米比亚职业训练中心董事会 | | Governing Board of the Vocational Training Centre for Namibia | |
纳米比亚卫生和教育中心 | | Namibia Health and Education Centre | |
联合国纳米比亚专员办事处 | | Office of the United Nations Commissioner for Namibia | |
纳米比亚与人权国际会议 | | International Conference on Namibia and Human Rights | |
纳米比亚问题拉丁美洲区域讨论会 | | Regional Seminar on Namibia in Latin America | |
反对种族隔离和纳米比亚节目股 | | Anti-Apartheid and Namibia Programmes Unit | |
联合国纳米比亚专员 | | United Nations Commissioner for Namibia | |
纳米比亚共和国宪法 | | Constitution of the Republic of Namibia | |
不结盟十八国纳米比亚问题委员会 | | Committee of 18 of the Non-aligned Countries on Namibia | |
纳米比亚支援委员会 | | Namibia Support Committee | |
开发署纳米比亚信托基金 | | UNDP Trust Fund for Namibia | |
关于纳米比亚问题的巴黎宣言 | | Paris Declaration on Namibia | |
解放纳米比亚宣言 | | Declaration on the Liberation of Namibia | |
大会第十四届特别会议 | | fourteenth special session of the General Assembly / special session of the General Assembly on the question of Namibia | |
关于纳米比亚问题的大会特别会议 | | fourteenth special session of the General Assembly / special session of the General Assembly on the question of Namibia | |
建立纳米比亚研究所的计划 | | Plan for the Establishment of the Institute for Namibia | |
纳米比亚解放紧急基金 | | Emergency Namibia Liberation Fund | |
关于纳米比亚问题的叁方协定 | | Tripartite Agreement on Namibia | |
纳米比亚儿童、种族隔离和压制问题会议 | | Conference on Children, Apartheid and Repression in Namibia | |
支持纳米比亚独立会议 | | Conference on Support to Independent Namibia | |
加勒比声援南非和纳米比亚人民斗争会议 | | Caribbean Conference in Solidarity with the Struggle of the People of South Africa and Namibia | |
纳米比亚日 | | Namibia Day | |
声援南非和纳米比亚妇女斗争日 | | Day of Solidarity with the Struggle of Women of South Africa and Namibia | |
声援南非和纳米比亚妇女斗争国际日 | | International Day of Solidarity with the Struggle of Women of South Africa and Namibia | |
联合国纳米比亚理事会指导委员会工作组 | | Working Group of the Steering Committee of the United Nations Council for Namibia | |
纳米比亚通讯社 | | Namibia Press Agency | |
联合国纳米比亚计划 | | United Nations Plan for Namibia | |
不结盟国家纳米比亚问题十八国小组 | | Group of Eighteen of the Non-Aligned Countries on Namibia | |
支持津巴布韦和纳米比亚人民会议 | | Conference in Support of the Peoples of Zimbabwe and Namibia | |
关于纳米比亚问题的行动纲领 | | Programme of Action on Namibia | |
声援纳米比亚人民斗争国际会议 | | International Conference in Solidarity with the Struggle of the People of Namibia | |
声援纳米比亚人民国际年 | | International Year of Solidarity with the People of Namibia | |