运作 | yùn zuò | to operate / operations / workings / activities (usu. of an organization) / thread (computing) | |
运筹 | yùn chóu | to plan / operations / logistics | |
遥控 | yáo kòng | to direct operations from a remote location / to remotely control | |
地盘 | dì pán | domain / territory under one's control / foundation of a building / base of operations / crust of earth | |
根据地 | gēn jù dì | base of operations | |
据点 | jù diǎn | stronghold / defended military base / base for operations / strategic point / foothold / (market) presence | |
总司令 | zǒng sī lìng | commander-in-chief / top military commander for a country or theater of operations | |
业务部 | yè wù bù | Department of Operations | |
结业 | jié yè | to finish school, esp. a short course / to complete a course / (of a company) to cease operations | |
战区 | zhàn qū | war zone / combat zone / (military) theater of operations | |
摊子 | tān zi | booth / vendor's stall / (fig.) organizational structure / scale of operations | |
业务经理 | | Operations Manager | |
心理战 | xīn lǐ zhàn | psychological warfare / psychological operations / psyop | |
运筹学 | yùn chóu xué | operations research (OR) | |
业务科 | yè wù kē | Operations Section | |
加减乘除 | jiā jiǎn chéng chú | addition, subtraction, multiplication and division: the four basic operations of arithmetic | |
用兵如神 | yòng bīng rú shén | to lead military operations with extraordinary skill | |
放射作战 | fàng shè zuò zhàn | radiological operations | |
经营管理和维护 | jīng yíng guǎn lǐ hé wéi hù | Operations Administration and Maintenance / OAM | |
兵家常事 | bīng jiā cháng shì | commonplace in military operations (idiom) | |
暗箱操作 | àn xiāng cāo zuò | covert activities (election rigging etc) / under-the-table manipulations / black operations | |
安保情报和行动中心 | | Security Information and Operations Centre | |
联合行动中心 | | Joint Operations Centre | |
索马里紧急救济行动特别协调员 | | Special Coordinator for Emergency Relief Operations in Somalia | |
计划和业务科 | | Plans and Operations Section | |
安保事务控制中心 | | Security Operations Control Centre | |
行动厅 | | Office of Operations | |
区域行动中心 | | Regional Operations Centre | |
维持和平行动特别委员会 | | Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations | |
紧急情况通报和援助技术工作手册 | | Emergency Notification and Assistance Technical Operations Manual | |
非战争军事行动 | | military operations other than war | |
关于捕捞作业中减少海龟死亡的准则 | | Guidelines to Reduce Sea Turtle Mortality in Fishing Operations | |
大流行病危机行动小组 | | Pandemic Crisis Operations Group | |
区域业务司 | qū yù yè wù sī | Division of Regional Operations | |
方桉规划和业务司 | | Programme Planning and Operations Division | |
和平行动训练研讨会 | | Peace Operations Training Seminar | |
蝗虫、迁移害虫和紧急作业组 | | Locusts, Migratory Pests and Emergency Operations Group | |
外勤技术和安全业务处 | | Field Technology and Security Operations Service | |
业务协调员 | | Operations Co-ordinator | |
外勤业务和技术合作司 | | Field Operations and Technical Cooperation Division | |
外地通信和信息技术作业处 | | Field Communications and Information Technology Operations Service | |
特别业务生活津贴 | | Special Operations Living Allowance | |
人力资源业务科 | rén lì zī yuán yè wù kē | Human Resources Operations Section | |
试验性可偿还种子资金业务信托基金 | | Experimental Reimbursable Seeding Operations Trust Fund / ERSO Trust Fund | |
试验性可偿还原始业务信托基金 | | Experimental Reimbursable Seeding Operations Trust Fund / ERSO Trust Fund | |
维持和平行动高级规划和监察组 | | Senior Planning and Monitoring Group for Peace-keeping Operations | |
联合国和平行动问题小组 | | Panel on United Nations Peace Operations | |
气象卫星作业控制中心 | | Meteosat Operations Control Centre | |
暂停军事行动 | | suspension of military operations | |
外勤业务管理股 | wài qín yè wù guǎn lǐ gǔ | Field Operations Management Unit | |
仓库和装配作业科 | | Warehouse and Assembly Operations Section | |
电视作业股 | diàn shì zuò yè gǔ | Television Operations Unit | |
运输业务股 | yùn shū yè wù gǔ | Transportation Operations Unit | |
审判室业务支助股 | shěn pàn shì yè wù zhī zhù gǔ | Courtroom Operations Support Unit | |
转接业务 | | switching operations | |
审判室业务协调员 | | Courtroom Operations Coordinator | |
协调扩展污染管制行动 | | Coordinated Extended Pollution Control Operations | |
业务和分析司 | | Division for Operations and Analysis | |
服务台业务科 | fù wù tái yè wù kē | Service Desk Operations Section | |
技术信息业务支助干事 | | Technical Information Operations Support Officer | |
维持和平行动支助账户 | | support account for peacekeeping operations / support account | |
技术援助协调和业务处 | | Technical Assistance Coordination and Operations Office | |
机场业务助理 | jī chǎng yè wù zhù lǐ | Airfield Operations Assistant | |
文件信息管理系统 | wén jiàn xìn xī guǎn lǐ xì tǒng | documents information management operations system | |
规划和业务干事 | | Planning and Operations Officer | |
联合情报和行动中心 | | Joint Intelligence and Operations Centre | |
当前行动后勤干事 | | Logistics Current Operations Officer | |
未来行动股 | | Future Operations Unit | |
人道主义行动原则和议定书 | | Principles and Protocols of Humanitarian Operations | |
从维和账户借款 | | borrowing from peacekeeping missions / borrowing from peacekeeping operations / borrowing from peacekeeping | |
审计事务委员会 | | Audit Operations Committee | |
空中业务科 | | Air Operations Section | |
外勤业务协调员 | | Field Operations Coordinator | |
方案业务局 | fāng àn yè wù jú | Bureau for Programme Operations | |
运筹和联络股 | | Operations Research and Liaison Unit / (proposed) Situation Centre Operations Research and Liaison Unit | |
业务总计划 | | master plan of operations | |
初级保健业务研究 | chū jí bǎo jiàn yè wù yán jiū | Primary Health Care Operations Research | |
部队作训军官 | bù duì zuò xùn jūn guān | force operations officer | |
和平行动部 | | Department of Peace Operations | |
后勤业务科 | hòu qín yè wù kē | Logistics Operations Section | |
和平计划行动过境协定 | | Agreement between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) Concerning Transit Arrangements for Peace Plan Operations / Transit Agreement for Peace Plan Operations | |
供应业务干事 | | Supply Operations Officer | |
协理规划和业务干事 | | Associate Planning and Operations Officer | |
业务组 | yè wù zǔ | Operations Group | |
主管维持和平行动副秘书长办公室 | | Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations | |
外勤业务训练政策小组 | wài qín yè wù xùn liàn zhèng cè xiǎo zǔ | Field Operations Training Policy Group | |
联合国莫桑比克紧急救济行动特别协调员 | | United Nations Special Coordinator for Emergency Relief Operations in Mozambique | |
外勤业务司 | wài qín yè wù sī | Field Operations Division | |
业务主任 | yè wù zhǔ rèn | Chief of Operations | |
国家业务计划 | | Country Operations Plan | |
外勤业务高级行政人员训练方桉 | | Programme for Senior Administrators in Field Operations | |
选举业务干事 | | Electoral Operations Officer | |
工业业务部 | gōng yè yè wù bù | Department of Industrial Operations | |
非政府组织业务干事 | | NGO Operations Officer | |
发射操作中心 | | Launch Operations Center | |
后勤行动支助科 | | Logistic Operations Support Section | |
经常无形业务准则 | jīng cháng wú xíng yè wù zhǔn zé | Code of Current Invisible Operations | |
关于联合国维持和平行动的全体工作组 | | Working Group of the Whole on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations | |
主管维和行动助理秘书长 | | Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations | |
发展业务 | | development operations | |