国会 | guó huì | Parliament (UK) / Congress (US) / Diet (Japan) / Legislative Yuan (Taiwan) | |
议会 | yì huì | parliament / legislative assembly | |
议院 | yì yuàn | parliament / congress / legislative assembly | |
巴力门 | bā lì mén | parliament (loanword) (old) | |
杜马 | Dù mǎ | Duma, lower chamber of Russian parliament | |
议席 | yì xí | seat in a parliament or legislative assembly | |
欧洲议会 | Oū zhōu Yì huì | European Parliament | |
英国国会 | yīng guó guó huì | parliament of the United Kingdom | |
下议院议员 | xià yì yuàn yì yuán | Member of Parliament (MP) (UK Politics) | |
国民议会 | guó mín yì huì | Assemblée nationale (French lower chamber) / national parliament | |
大呼拉尔 | Dà hū lā ěr | State Great Khural or Great State Assembly, Mongolian parliament | |
萨克洛夫奖 | Sà kè luò fū Jiǎng | Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, awarded by the European Parliament annually since 1988 | |
欧洲议会撒哈拉人民和平问题小组 | | European Parliament inter-group "Peace for the Saharawi people" | |
世界爱好和平人民代表大会 | | World Parliament of the Peoples for Peace | |
过渡联邦议会 | | Transitional Federal Parliament | |
次区域议会 | | subregional parliament | |
欧洲议会人权小组委员会 | | European Parliament Subcommittee on Human Rights | |
议会信息和通信技术全球中心 | | Global Centre for Information and Communication Technology in Parliament | |
中美洲议会筹备委员会 | | Central American Parliament Preparatory Commission | |
欧洲残疾人议会 | | European Disabled People's Parliament | |
拉丁美洲议会 | | Latin American Parliament | |
泛非议会 | | Pan-African Parliament | |
中美洲议会组织条约 | | Constituent Treaty of the Central American Parliament | |
安第斯议会所辖地区儿童状况 | | Children in the Andean Parliament | |
世界议长大会 | | World Conference of Speakers of Parliament | |
中美洲议会 | | Central American Parliament | |
设立中美洲议会条约 | | Treaty establishing the Central American Parliament | |
女议长年度会议 | | Annual Meeting of Women Speakers of Parliament | |
埃德蒙・伯克 | Aī dé méng · Bó kè | Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Irish philosopher and political scientist, member of British Parliament | |
埃德蒙·伯克 | Aī dé méng · Bó kè | Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Irish philosopher and political scientist, member of British Parliament | |