问责制 | wèn zé zhì | accountability | |
问责性 | wèn zé xìng | accountability | |
健康、赋权、权利与责任 | | Health, Empowerment, Rights and Accountability | |
业绩和问责制框架 | | performance and accountability framework | |
问责制结构第一阶段项目小组 | wèn zé zhì jié gòu dì yī jiē duàn xiàng mù xiǎo zǔ | Structure of Accountability Phase I Project Team | |
整体规划和问责制度处 | | Corporate Planning and Accountability Service | |
政府问责局 | zhèng fǔ wèn zé jú | Government Accountability Office | |
问责制和司法委员会 | | Accountability and Justice Commission | |
问责与和解协定 | | Agreement on Accountability and Reconciliation | |
管理问责 | guǎn lǐ wèn zé | management accountability | |
管理当局问责制 | | management accountability | |
人道主义问责伙伴关系 | rén dào zhǔ yì wèn zé huǒ bàn guān xì | Humanitarian Accountability Partnership - International | |
问责制与透明度 | | Accountability and Transparency | |
加强问责制方案 | jiā qiǎng wèn zé zhì fāng àn | Programme of Accountability Enhancement | |
联合国外勤安保管理系统责任制框架 | lián hé guó wài qín ān bǎo guǎn lǐ xì tǒng zé rèn zhì kuàng jià | framework for accountability for the United Nations field security management system / framework for accountability for the United Nations security management system | |
联合国安保管理系统责任制框架 | lián hé guó ān bǎo guǎn lǐ xì tǒng zé rèn zhì kuàng jià | framework for accountability for the United Nations field security management system / framework for accountability for the United Nations security management system | |
问责框架和监督政策 | | Accountability Framework and Oversight Policy | |
援助实效问题巴黎宣言 | yuán zhù shí xiào wèn tí bā lí xuān yán | Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: Ownership, Harmonisation, Alignment, Results and Mutual Accountability / Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness | |
问责制和成果管理司 | | Division for Accountability and Results Management | |
可稽核的问责制度 | | auditable chain of accountability | |
援助问责制 | yuán zhù wèn zé zhì | aid accountability | |
透明和问责顾问 | | Transparency and Accountability Adviser | |
问责制框架 | wèn zé zhì kuàng jià | Accountability Framework | |
人道主义问责制项目 | rén dào zhǔ yì wèn zé zhì xiàng mù | Humanitarian Accountability Project | |
人道主义行动问责和绩效动态学习网络 | | Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action | |
问责、监测和报告股 | | Accountability, Monitoring and Reporting Unit | |
管理问责工作组 | | Working Group on Managerial Accountability | |
财务责任 | | financial accountability | |
问责制和透明度方桉 | | Programme for Accountability and Transparency | |
改善治理和问责协定 | | Improved Governance and Accountability Pact | |
援助责任工作组会议 | | Working Group Meeting on Aid Accountability | |
艾滋病问责制指数 | | AIDS Accountability Index | |
援助管理和问责制框架 | | Aid Management and Accountability Framework | |
政府问责项目 | | Government Accountability Project | |
国际社会透明和问责工作组 | | International Community Transparency and Accountability Working Group | |
廉正和责任制联盟 | | AMAN-Coalition for Integrity and Accountability / AMAN | |
问责制和透明度方桉全球讲习班 | | global workshop on the Programme for Accountability and Transparency | |
确保全球实行民主问责制,谋求共同利益 | | Securing Global Democratic Accountability for the Common Good | |
伊拉克安全责任调查小组 | | Security in Iraq Accountability Panel | |
公共问责 | | public accountability | |
公共问责制 | | public accountability | |
管理和问责制 | | management and accountability system | |
联合国官员和特派专家刑事责任公约草桉 | | Draft convention on the criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on mission | |
强点 | | STRONG PLACES / Sustainable Tsunami Recovery by Organizations Networking at the Grassroot Level through Promoting Local Accountability and Capacity Enhancement Systems | |
独立问责小组 | | Independent Panel on Accountability | |