议程 | yì chéng | agenda / agenda item | |
议事日程 | yì shì rì chéng | agenda | |
进取 | jìn qǔ | to show initiative / to be a go-getter / to push forward with one's agenda | |
无事不登三宝殿 | wú shì bù dēng sān bǎo diàn | lit. One doesn't visit a temple without a cause. (idiom) / fig. to visit sb with an ulterior motive (esp. to ask for sth) / having a hidden agenda | |
改革议程 | gǎi gé yì chéng | Building a New UNDP: Agenda for Change | |
工作与家庭议程 | | work-family agenda | |
跨大西洋新议程 | kuà dài xī yáng xīn yì chéng | New Transatlantic Agenda | |
两性平等议程 | liǎng xìng píng děng yì chéng | Agenda for Gender Equality | |
联合国发展议程 | | United Nations development agenda | |
地方21世纪议程 | | Local Agenda 21 | |
未来工作计划 | | forward agenda | |
临时议程 | lín shí yì chéng | provisional agenda | |
新纲领联盟 | xīn gāng lǐng lián méng | New Agenda Coalition | |
人道主义行动议程 | | Agenda for Humanitarian Action | |
21世纪议程地方化方桉 | | Localizing Agenda 21 Programme | |
人类住区新议程 | rén lèi zhù qū xīn yì chéng | New Agenda for Human Settlements | |
21世纪环境与发展科学议程国际会议 | | International Conference on an Agenda of Science for Environment and Development into the 21st Century | |
2002年青年议程 | 2002nián qīng nián yì chéng | Youth Agenda 2002 | |
附加说明的议程 | | annotated agenda | |
行动议程 | | action agenda | |
新犹太纲领会 | | New Jewish Agenda | |
2000年议程 | 2000nián yì chéng | Agenda 2000 | |
阿克拉行动议程 | | Accra Agenda for Action | |
1990年代联合国非洲发展新议程机构间工作队 | | Inter-agency Task Force on the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s | |
太平洋城市议程 | tài píng yáng chéng shì yì chéng | Pacific Urban Agenda | |
全球就业纲领 | quán qiú jiù yè gāng lǐng | Global Employment Agenda | |
1990年代与非洲进行国际合作议程 | | Agenda for International Cooperation with Africa for the 1990s | |
和平纲领不限成员名额工作组 | | Open-ended Working Group on An Agenda for Peace | |
伊斯坦布尔宣言和人居议程 | | The Istanbul Declaration and the Habitat Agenda | |
亚洲及太平洋二十一世纪社会发展议程 | | Asian and Pacific Agenda for Social Development into the Twenty-First Century | |
电子地方议程 | | Digital Local Agenda / e-local agenda | |
流感监测、预防和控制全球议程 | | Global Agenda on Influenza Surveillance, Prevention and Control | |
马那瓜议程 | | Managua Agenda | |
WIPO发展议程 | | WIPO Development Agenda | |
常规议程 | cháng guī yì chéng | Built-in Agenda | |
二十一世纪老龄问题研究议程 | èr shí yī shì jì lǎo líng wèn tí yán jiū yì chéng | Research agenda on ageing for the twenty-first century | |
妇女问题与和平纲领专家组会议 | | Expert Group Meeting on Gender and the Agenda for Peace | |
2020 年全球住房议程 | 2020 nián quán qiú zhù fáng yì chéng | Global Housing Agenda for the year 2020 | |
保护纲领 | bǎo hù gāng lǐng | Agenda for Protection | |
护山议程 | hù shān yì chéng | Mountain Agenda | |
数字无障碍议程 | | Digital Accessibility Agenda | |
信息社会突尼斯议程 | | Tunis Agenda for the Information Society | |
全球儿童和平与安全纲领 | | Global Peace and Security Agenda for Children | |
发展纲领问题不限成员名额工作组 | | Open-ended Working Group on an Agenda for Development | |
21世纪科学议程 | 21shì jì kē xué yì chéng | science Agenda 21 | |
气候议程 | qì hòu yì chéng | Climate Agenda | |
滚动议程项目 | gǔn dòng yì chéng xiàng mù | rolling agenda | |
我们的共同美洲议程 | | Our Common Agenda for the Americas | |
联合国全系统援助非洲特别倡议 | | United Nations System-wide Special Initiative for the Implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s / United Nations System-wide Special Initiative on Africa / United Nations Special Initiative for Africa | |
联合国非洲特别倡议 | | United Nations System-wide Special Initiative for the Implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s / United Nations System-wide Special Initiative on Africa / United Nations Special Initiative for Africa | |
不同文明对话全球议程 | bù tòng wén míng duì huà quán qiú yì chéng | Global Agenda for Dialogue among Civilizations | |
旅行和旅游业21世纪议程 | | Agenda 21 for the Travel and Tourism Industry | |
褐色议程 | | brown agenda | |
裁军与区域安全新议程 | | New Agenda for Disarmament and Regional Security | |
登博施可持续农业和农村发展行动纲领 | | Den Bosch Agenda for Action on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development | |
波罗的海区域21世纪议程 | | Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region / Baltic 21 | |
海牙二十一世纪和平正义纲领 | | The Hague Agenda for Peace and Justice for the Twenty-first Century | |
成人教育的未来议程 | | Agenda for the Future of Adult Learning | |
关于非洲环境和发展议程的开罗共同立场 | | Cairo Common Position on the African Environment and Development Agenda | |
中美洲环境与发展议程 | | Central American Agenda on Environment and Development | |
非洲环境发展议程 | | African Environment and Development Agenda | |
21世纪议程全球目标 | 21shì jì yì chéng quán qiú mù biāo | global goal in Agenda 21 | |
受战争影响的儿童问题议程 | | Agenda for War-affected Children | |
大会第十九届特别会议 | | nineteenth special session of the General Assembly / special session of the General Assembly devoted to the overall review and appraisal of the implementation of Agenda 21 / Earth Summit + 5 | |
地球问题首脑会议五周年特别会议 | | nineteenth special session of the General Assembly / special session of the General Assembly devoted to the overall review and appraisal of the implementation of Agenda 21 / Earth Summit + 5 | |
21世纪议程 | 21shì jì yì chéng | Agenda 21: Programme of Action for Sustainable Development / Agenda 21 | |
补充项目 | bǔ chōng xiàng mù | supplementary item / supplementary agenda item | |
目前裁军议程中的优先问题 | | Priority Issues on the Current Disarmament Agenda | |
数字议程 | | Digital Agenda | |
多哈发展议程 | | Doha Development Agenda | |
促进人道主义议程股 | cù jìn rén dào zhǔ yì yì chéng gǔ | Promotion of the Humanitarian Agenda Unit | |
1990年代非洲人类发展议程 | | Human Development Agenda for Africa in the 1990s | |
非洲紧急人道恢复和重建事务议程 | | Agenda on Emergency Humanitarian Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Affairs in Africa | |
和平与人类发展议程 | | Agenda for Peace and Human Development | |
和平纲领与全球治理 | | Agenda for Peace and Global Governance | |
国际和平与安全纲领 | | international peace and security agenda | |
海洋议程 | | Agenda for Oceans | |
保护世界儿童-1990年代的议程 | | Protecting the world's children - an agenda for the 1990's | |
反战议程 | | Anti-War Agenda | |
瓜西莫议程 | | Guácimo Agenda | |
21世纪妇女行动议程 | | Women's Action Agenda 21 | |
21世纪议程财务问题会议 | | Meeting on Financial Issues of Agenda 21 | |
21世纪议程财政问题专家组会议 | | Expert Group Meeting on Financial Issues of Agenda 21 | |
冲突对执行全球卫生议程的影响 | | The impact of conflict on the implementation of the global public health agenda | |
1990年代及其后人类和社会发展行动议程 | | Actionable Agenda for Human and Social Development in the 1990s and Beyond | |
21世纪议程的人类住区方桉 | | Human Settlements Programme of Agenda 21 | |
亚太经社会区域社会发展行动议程 | | Agenda for Action on Social Development in the ESCAP Region | |
1993-2002年亚洲及太平洋残疾人十年行动议程 | | Agenda for Action for the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 1993-2002 | |
人居议程任务主管人系统 | | Habitat Agenda Task Manager System | |
国际移徙管理议程 | | International Agenda for Migration Management | |
不结盟运动1992-1995年优先行动经济纲领 | | Economic Agenda for Priority Action, 1992-1995, of the Non-Aligned Movement | |
非洲生产力议程 | | Productivity Agenda for Africa | |
奥斯陆行动议程 | | Oslo Agenda for Action | |
体面工作议程 | | Decent Work Agenda | |
数字团结议程 | | Digital Solidarity Agenda | |
制订欧洲和中亚未来儿童议程 | | Towards a Future Children's Agenda for Europe and Central Asia | |
21世纪议程咨询小组 | | Advisory Team on Agenda 21 | |
21世纪合作议程 | | Cooperative Agenda 21 | |
黑人妇女议程 | | Black Women's Agenda, Inc. | |
大会发展纲领特设工作组 | | Ad hoc working group of the General Assembly on an agenda for development | |