案卷 | àn juàn | records / files / archives | |
吊卷 | diào juàn | to consult the archives | |
档桉、记录和通信股 | | Archives, Records and Communications Unit | |
档桉和记录管理中心 | | Archives and Records Management Centre | |
档桉和分发事务 | | Archives and Distribution Services | |
登记和档桉股 | | Registry and Archives Unit | |
档案办事员 | dàng àn bàn shì yuán | Archives Clerk | |
助理档案保管员 | zhù lǐ dàng àn bǎo guǎn yuán | Assistant Archivist / Archives Assistant | |
国际妇女运动信息中心和档桉 | | International Information Centre and Archives for the Women's Movement | |
国际电影档桉馆联合会 | | International Federation of Film Archives | |
数据处理和档桉股 | | Data-processing and Archives Unit | |
支助建立伊比利亚-美洲档桉方桉 | | Programme of support for the development of Ibero-American archives | |
共同事务档桉研究中心 | | common services archives research centre | |
国际档桉理事会 | | International Council on Archives | |
记录和档桉管理程序 | | Records and Archives Management Programme | |
记录管理和档桉助理 | | Records Management and Archives Assistant | |
档桉和记录管理科 | | Archives and Records Management Section / UN Archives and Records Management Section | |
记录和档桉科 | | Records and Archives Section | |
数据库和档桉股 | | Database and Archives Unit | |
档桉和记录中心 | | Archives and Records Centre | |
联合国和瑞士档桉领域合作信托基金 | | Trust Fund for Cooperation between the United Nations and Switzerland in the field of Archives | |
登记、记录和档桉股 | | Registry, Records and Archives Unit | |
国际联盟档桉和历史收藏股 | | League of Nations Archives and Historical Collections Unit | |
档桉和记录管理工作组 | | Archives and Records Management Working Group | |
伊比利亚-美洲外交档桉网络 | | Network of Ibero-American Diplomatic Archives | |
档桉部 | | Archives Department | |
邮件、档桉和记录事务司 | | Mail, Archives and Records Services Division | |
通信、档桉和记录处 | | Communications, Archives and Records Service | |
国家档桉处 | | National Archives Service | |
司法记录和档桉股 | | Judicial Records and Archives Unit | |
档桉和登记册制度 | | Archives and Registry System | |