总监 | zǒng jiān | head / director (of an organizational unit) / (police) commissioner / inspector-general / rank of local governor in Tang dynasty administration | |
专员 | zhuān yuán | assistant director / commissioner | |
运使 | yùn shǐ | commissioner (old) | |
县长 | xiàn zhǎng | county's head commissioner | |
特派员 | tè pài yuán | special correspondent / sb dispatched on a mission / special commissioner | |
埃尔金 | Aī ěr jīn | James Bruce, 8th Earl of Elgin (1811-1863), British High Commissioner to China who ordered the looting and destruction of the Old Winter Palace Yuanmingyuan 圓明園|圆明园 / in 1860 / Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin (1766-1841), who stole the Parthenon Marbles in 1801-1810 | |
高级专员 | gāo jí zhuān yuán | high commissioner | |
联合国难民事务高级专员办事处 | Lián hé guó Nán mín Shì wù Gāo jí Zhuān yuán Bàn shì chù | Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | |
曾纪泽 | Zēng Jì zé | Cang Jize or Tseng Chi-tse (1839-1890), pioneer diplomat of late Qing, serve as imperial commissioner (ambassador) to UK, France and Russia | |
郭松焘 | Guō Sōng dào | Guo Songdao or Kuo Sun-tao (1818-1891), China's first imperial commissioner (ambassador) to UK and France | |
额尔金 | E2 ěr jīn | James Bruce, 8th Earl of Elgin (1811-1863), British High Commissioner to China who ordered the looting and destruction of the Old Winter Palace Yuanmingyuan 圓明園|圆明园 / in 1860 / Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin (1766-1841), who stole the Parthenon Marbles in 1801-1810 | |
联合国人权事务高级专员 | lián hé guó rén quán shì wù gāo jí zhuān yuán | United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights | |
警务专员办公室 | jǐng wù zhuān yuán bàn gōng shì | Office of the Police Commissioner | |
助理高级专员 | zhù lǐ gāo jí zhuān yuán | Assistant High Commissioner | |
民主体制和人权包括少数人人权专员 | | Commissioner on Democratic Institutions and Human Rights including the Rights of Persons belonging to Minorities | |
土地和财产专员 | | Land and Property Commissioner | |
首席选举专员 | shǒu xí xuǎn jǔ zhuān yuán | Chief Election Commissioner | |
经济、货币和金融事务专员 | | Commissioner for Economic, Monetary and Financial Affairs | |
警察专员部 | jǐng chá zhuān yuán bù | Department of the Police Commissioner | |
人权事务高级专员纽约办事处 | | New York Office of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights | |
联合国人权事务高级专员办事处 | | Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights | |
阿富汗难民事务区域专员 | | Regional Commissioner for Afghan Refugees | |
副警察专员 | fù jǐng chá zhuān yuán | deputy police commissioner | |
经济和货币事务专员 | | Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs | |
联合国难民事务高级专员 | | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | |
副高级专员 | fù gāo jí zhuān yuán | Deputy High Commissioner | |
和平与安全专员 | | Peace and Security Commissioner | |
对外关系专员 | duì wài guān xì zhuān yuán | European Commissioner for External Relations | |
联合国难民事务高级专员方桉执行委员会 | | Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; | |
高级专员特别助理 | | Special Assistant to the High Commissioner | |
民警专员 | mín jǐng zhuān yuán | Civilian Police Commissioner | |
欧洲委员会人权专员 | | Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe | |
专员特别助理 | | Special Assistant to the Commissioner | |
企业领袖理事会 | | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Council of Business Leaders / UNHCR Council of Business Leaders | |
警察专员 | jǐng chá zhuān yuán | police commissioner | |
联合国纳米比亚专员办事处 | | Office of the United Nations Commissioner for Namibia | |
人权事务高级专员尼泊尔办事处 | | Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal | |
农村经济和农业专员 | | Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture | |
负责行动的副警务专员 | | Deputy Police Commissioner for Operations | |
警务专员特别助理 | | Special Assistant to the Police Commissioner | |
负责行政和发展的副警务专员 | | Deputy Police Commissioner for Administration and Development | |
社会事务专员 | | Commissioner of Social Affairs | |
人道主义事务主任专员 | rén dào zhǔ yì shì wù zhǔ rèn zhuān yuán | General Commissioner of Humanitarian Affairs | |
欧洲人道主义事务专员 | ōu zhōu rén dào zhǔ yì shì wù zhuān yuán | European Commissioner for Humanitarian Affairs | |
人权专员 | rén quán zhuān yuán | Human Rights Commissioner | |
人权事务高级专员新闻 | rén quán shì wù gāo jí zhuān yuán xīn wén | High Commissioner for Human Rights News | |
联合国人权事务高级专员驻布隆迪办事处 | | Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Burundi | |
贸易和工业专员 | | Commissioner for Trade and Industry | |
联合国反恐事务高级专员办事处 | | office of the high commissioner on terrorism | |
联合国纳米比亚专员 | | United Nations Commissioner for Namibia | |
主管财政事务副局长兼海洋事务主计长 | | Deputy Commissioner for Financial Affairs and Maritime Controller | |
巴基斯坦的阿富汗难民事务首席专员 | | Chief Commissioner for Afghan Refugees of Pakistan | |
人权和善治高级专员办公室 | | Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights and Good Governance | |
国际委员 | | International Commissioner | |
欧盟扩大事务专员 | | European Union Commissioner for Enlargement | |
少数民族事务高级专员 | | High Commissioner on National Minorities | |
联合国国际独立调查委员会专员 | | Commissioner of the United Nations International Independent Investigation Commission / Commissioner of the UN International Independent Investigation Commission | |
主管行动的助理高级专员 | | Assistant High Commissioner for Operations | |
联合国难民事务高级专员方桉 | | Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | |
纽约市联合国和领事使团事务专员 | | New York City Commissioner for the United Nations and the Consular Corps | |
埃塞俄比亚救济和恢复专员 | | Commissioner for Relief and Rehabilitation | |
北爱尔兰儿童专员 | | commissioner for children in Northern Ireland | |
全民投票专员 | | Referendum Commissioner | |