心理咨询 | xīn lǐ zī xún | counselling | |
咨询服务 | zī xún fú wù | counselling services | |
工作人员咨询和福利科 | | Staff Counselling and Welfare Section | |
心理咨询方案 | xīn lǐ zī xún fāng àn | counselling programme | |
职业咨询 | zhí yè zī xún | job counselling | |
自愿咨询检测 | zì yuàn zī xún jiǎn cè | voluntary counselling and testing | |
应激心理辅导股 | | Stress Counselling Unit | |
信息咨询和介绍服务 | | Information Counselling and Referral Service | |
国际辅导协会 | | International Association for Counselling | |
国际促进辅导工作圆桌会议 | | International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling | |
咨询、组织、研究与开发协会 | | Association for Counselling, Organization, Research and Development | |
青少年同伴咨询 | | Peer Approach to Counselling to Teens | |
辅导中心 | | counselling centre | |
保密自愿咨询检测 | | Voluntary and Confidential Counselling and Testing | |
咨询股 | | Counselling Unit | |
堕胎后咨询 | | post-abortion counselling | |
工作人员咨询和福利股 | | Counselling and Welfare Unit | |
妇女法律援助和咨询中心 | | Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling | |
家庭咨询 | | family counselling | |
国际艾滋病自愿咨询检测日 | | International Voluntary HIV Counselling and Testing Day | |
训练、工作人员福利和咨询股 | | Training, Staff Welfare and Counselling Unit | |
创伤心理咨询 | | trauma counselling | |
心理压力辅导 | | stress counselling | |
志愿咨询助理 | | Voluntary Counselling Assistant | |