刺 骨 cì gǔ piercing / cutting / bone-chilling / penetrating (cold) 切 削 qiē xiāo to cut / cutting / machining 刻 薄 kè bó unkind / harsh / cutting / mean / acrimony / to embezzle by making illegal deductions 尖 利 jiān lì sharp / keen / cutting / shrill / piercing 劲 峭 jìng qiào strong (wind) / cutting (cold wind) 路 堑 lù qiàn (civil engineering) cutting (for a railway or highway) 前 线 qián xiàn front line / military front / workface / cutting edge 刀 具 dāo jù cutting tool 刀 锋 dāo fēng cutting edge or point of a knife, sword or tool 锋 芒 fēng máng tip (of pencil, spear etc) / sharp point / cutting edge / spearhead / vanguard 挖 苦 wā kǔ to speak sarcastically / to make cutting remarks / also pr. [wa1 ku5] 减 价 jiǎn jià to cut prices / to discount / to mark down / price cutting 剪 报 jiǎn bào newspaper cutting / clippings 自 刎 zì wěn to commit suicide by cutting one's own throat 采 煤 cǎi méi coal mining / coal extraction / coal cutting 快 刀 斩 乱 麻 kuài dāo zhǎn luàn má lit. quick sword cuts through tangled hemp (idiom) / decisive action in a complex situation / cutting the Gordian knot 窗 花 chuāng huā paper cutting 刃 具 rèn jù cutting tool 激 光 切 割 机 laser cutting machine 五 刑 wǔ xíng imperial five punishments of feudal China, up to Han times: tattooing characters on the forehead 墨[mo4], cutting off the nose 劓[yi4], amputation of one or both feet 刖[yue4], castration 宮|宫[gong1], execution 大辟[da4 pi4] / Han dynasty onwards: whipping 笞[chi1], beating the legs and buttocks with rough thorns 杖[zhang4], forced labor 徒[tu2], exile or banishment 流[liu2], capital punishment 死[si3] 拉 丝 模 lā sī mó die (i.e. tool for cutting wire to a given diameter) 克 丝 钳 子 kè sī qián zi wire cutting pincers 切 磋 琢 磨 qiē cuō zhuó mó lit. cutting and polishing (idiom) / fig. to learn by exchanging ideas or experiences 剖 腹 藏 珠 pōu fù cáng zhū lit. cutting one's stomach to hide a pearl (idiom) / fig. wasting a lot of effort on trivialities 菜 板 cài bǎn chopping board / cutting board / CL:張|张[zhang1] 吃 刀 chī dāo penetration of a cutting tool 刵 èr cutting off the ears as punishment 快 刀 断 乱 麻 kuài dāo duàn luàn má lit. quick sword cuts through tangled hemp (idiom) / decisive action in a complex situation / cutting the Gordian knot 切 割 女 性 生 殖 器 官 female genital mutilation / female genital cutting 采 伐 单 元 cutting unit / setting 水 磨 切 割 hydro-abrasive cutting / water-jet cutting 锁 具 切 割 机 key cutting machine 部 分 采 伐 , 块 状 采 伐 partial cutting 择 伐 selection cutting / selection harvesting 留 母 树 作 业 法 seed tree cutting / seed tree method 块 状 作 业 patch cutting 采 伐 期 cutting time 掺 加 剂 cutting agent 滚 刀 块 gǔn dāo kuài chunks obtained by repeatedly cutting a vegetable diagonally and rotating the vegetable after each cut