裁军 | cái jūn | disarmament | |
减核 | jiǎn hé | nuclear weapons reduction (abbr. for 裁減核武器|裁减核武器[cai2 jian3 he2 wu3 qi4]) / disarmament | |
裁兵 | cái bīng | to reduce troop numbers / disarmament | |
微观裁军 | | micro-disarmament / disarmament | |
核裁军 | hé cái jūn | nuclear disarmament | |
联合国裁军审议委员会 | lián hé guó cái jūn shěn yì wěi yuán huì | United Nations Disarmament Commission | |
全面彻底裁军 | quán miàn chè dǐ cái jūn | general and complete disarmament | |
联合国裁军问题会议 | | United Nations Conference on Disarmament Issues / Conference on Disarmament Issues; | |
裁军问题会议 | | United Nations Conference on Disarmament Issues / Conference on Disarmament Issues; | |
常规武器包括实际裁军措施处 | | Conventional Arms, including Practical Disarmament Measures, Branch / Conventional Arms Branch | |
常规武器处 | | Conventional Arms, including Practical Disarmament Measures, Branch / Conventional Arms Branch | |
粮食与裁军国际协会 | | Food and Disarmament International | |
民兵解除武装和解散方桉 | | disarmament and dismantling of militias | |
联合国裁军审议委员会核裁军小组 | | Nuclear Disarmament Group of the United Nations Disarmament Commission | |
世界裁军运动科 | shì jiè cái jūn yùn dòng kē | World Disarmament Campaign Section | |
非政府组织裁军委员会 | | NGO Committee on Disarmament | |
非洲裁军与安全问题讨论会 | | Seminar on Disarmament and Security in Africa | |
裁军实况 | cái jūn shí kuàng | Disarmament Facts | |
裁军研究丛刊 | cái jūn yán jiū cóng kān | Disarmament Study Series | |
裁军主题论文 | cái jūn zhǔ tí lùn wén | Disarmament Topical Papers | |
联合国裁军研究所 | lián hé guó cái jūn yán jiū suǒ | United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research | |
裁军十年 | cái jūn shí nián | Disarmament Decade | |
裁军谈判会议 | | Conference on Disarmament | |
国际工会裁军委员会 | | International Trade Union Committee for Disarmament | |
裁军问题参考资料图书馆 | | Disarmament Reference Library | |
联合国裁军研究所章程 | lián hé guó cái jūn yán jiū suǒ zhāng chéng | Statute of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research | |
裁军谈判会议秘书处和会议支助处 | | Conference on Disarmament Secretariat and Conference Support Branch | |
裁军协定与谈判-经济方面 | | Disarmament Agreements and Negotiations - The Economic Dimension | |
Acronym裁军外交研究所 | Acronymcái jūn wài jiāo yán jiū suǒ | The Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy | |
联合国裁军宣传方桉 | | United Nations Disarmament Information Programme | |
联合国裁军宣传方桉自愿信托基金 | | Voluntary Trust Fund for the United Nations Disarmament Information Programme | |
世界裁军运动 | shì jiè cái jūn yùn dòng | World Disarmament Campaign | |
世界裁军自愿信托基金 | shì jiè cái jūn zì yuàn xìn tuō jī jīn | World Disarmament Voluntary Trust Fund | |
马那瓜裁军议定书 | | Managua Protocol on disarmament | |
解除武装问题委员会 | | Disarmament Committee | |
解除武装奖金 | | disarmament bonus | |
裁军和安全问题独立委员会 | | Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues / Palme Commission | |
日内瓦裁军谈判委员会 | | Geneva Committee on Disarmament | |
复员、解除武装和重返社会科 | | Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Section | |
主管联合国裁军中心助理秘书长 | | Assistant Secretary-General, United Nations Centre for Disarmament | |
国际社会单一多边裁军谈判机构 | | single multilateral disarmament negotiating forum of the international community / multilateral negotiating forum | |
裁军行动纲领 | | Programme of Action on Disarmament | |
叁年裁军计划 | | Three-year Disarmament Plan | |
解除武装、复员和重返社会方桉 | | disarmament, demobilization and reintegration | |
联合国非洲区域裁军讲习班 | lián hé guó fēi zhōu qū yù cái jūn jiǎng xí bān | United Nations Regional Disarmament Workshop for Africa | |
裁军实习方案 | cái jūn shí xí fāng àn | Disarmament Internship Programme | |
裁军和非殖民化事务处 | | Disarmament and Decolonization Affairs Branch | |
裁军与和平事务处 | | Disarmament and Peace Affairs Branch | |
联合国和平与裁军亚洲及太平洋区域中心 | | United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific / United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament for Asia and the Pacific | |
裁军事务特别代表 | | Special Representative for Disarmament Affairs | |
裁军和发展之间关系知名人士小组 | | Panel of Eminent Personalities on the Relationship between Disarmament and Development | |
裁军和发展之间关系国际会议行动纲领 | | Action Programme of the International Conference on the Relationship between Disarmament and Development | |
全球和区域裁军活动信托基金 | | Trust Fund for Global and Regional Disarmament Activities | |
联合国裁军研究所信托基金 | lián hé guó cái jūn yán jiū suǒ xìn tuō jī jīn | Trust Fund for the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research | |
裁军与发展工作队 | | Task Force on Disarmament and Development | |
解除武装、复员、重返社会和转业援助科 | | Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration and Rehabilitation Section | |
十八国裁军委员会 | | Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee | |
联合国裁军中心信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the United Nations Centre for Disarmament | |
裁军项目信托基金 | cái jūn xiàng mù xìn tuō jī jīn | Trust Fund for Disarmament Projects | |
中国人民争取和平与裁军协会 | | Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament | |
促进裁军目标周 | cù jìn cái jūn mù biāo zhōu | Week Devoted to Fostering the Objectives of Disarmament | |
综合裁军方案工作组 | zōng hé cái jūn fāng àn gōng zuò zǔ | Working Group on the Comprehensive Programme of Disarmament | |
核裁军行动计划 | | action plan for nuclear disarmament | |
裁军和非殖民化机关服务处 | | Disarmament and Decolonization Organs Servicing Branch | |
中国军控与裁军协会 | | China Arms Control and Disarmament Association | |
国家解除武装、复员和重返社会委员会 | | National Commission on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration | |
南太平洋和平与核裁军论坛 | | South Pacific Forum for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament | |
青年和平与核裁军论坛 | | Youth Forum for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament | |
裁军、排雷和复员司 | | Division for Disarmament, De-mining and Demobilization | |
裁军和国际安全之间关系问题专家组 | | Group of Experts on the Relationship between Disarmament and International Security | |
欧洲核裁军会议 | | European Nuclear Disarmament Convention | |
湾区亚裔支持核裁军组织 | wān qū yà yì zhī chí hé cái jūn zǔ zhī | Bay Area Asians for Nuclear Disarmament | |
核裁军运动 | hé cái jūn yùn dòng | Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament | |
联合国和平与裁军非洲区域中心 | | United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa | |
裁军和解决冲突项目 | | Disarmament and Conflict Resolution Project | |
联合国利马区域中心 | | United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean / United Nations Lima Regional Centre | |
联合国和平与裁军亚洲区域中心 | | United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia | |
解除武装和复员中心 | | disarmament and demobilization centre | |
解除武装、复员和重返社会资源中心 | | Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Resource Centre / DDR Resource Centre | |
复员方桉资源中心 | | Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Resource Centre / DDR Resource Centre | |
裁军中心 | | Centre for Disarmament | |
世界裁军教育大会 | | World Congress on Disarmament Education | |
复员接待中心 | | Disarmament, Demobilization, Repatriation, Resettlement or Reintegration Reception Centre | |
解除武装、复员、遣返和重返社会 | | disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and resettlement or repatriation / disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, reintegration and resettlement / disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, reintegration or resettlement / disarmament, demobilization, | |
大会第十届特别会议 | | tenth special session of the General Assembly / special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament | |
专门讨论裁军问题的大会特别会议 | | tenth special session of the General Assembly / special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament | |
裁军与区域安全新议程 | | New Agenda for Disarmament and Regional Security | |
区域裁军处 | | Regional Disarmament Branch | |
裁军事务部 | cái jūn shì wù bù | Department for Disarmament Affairs | |
联合国区域裁军会议 | | United Nations Regional Disarmament Meeting | |
防务和裁军研究所 | | Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies | |
联合国裁军事务厅 | lián hé guó cái jūn shì wù tīng | United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs / Office for Disarmament Affairs | |
裁军事务厅 | cái jūn shì wù tīng | United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs / Office for Disarmament Affairs | |
苏丹南方复员委员会 | | Southern Sudan Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Commission / Southern Sudan DDR Commission | |
大会第十二届特别会议 | | twelfth special session of the General Assembly / second special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament | |
第二届专门讨论裁军问题的大会特别会议 | | twelfth special session of the General Assembly / second special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament | |
大会第十五届特别会议 | | fifteenth special session of the General Assembly / third special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament | |
第叁届专门讨论裁军问题的大会特别会议 | | fifteenth special session of the General Assembly / third special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament | |
国际裁军与和平联合会 | | International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace | |
亚太区域裁军和安全问题会议 | | Conference on Disarmament and Security Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region | |