流离失所 | liú lí shī suǒ | destitute and homeless (idiom) / forced from one's home and wandering about / displaced | |
提法 | tí fǎ | wording (of a proposal) / formulation / viewpoint (on an issue) / (one of eight methods of bonesetting in TCM) restoring the part displaced by a fracture to its correct position by lifting | |
流离颠沛 | liú lí diān pèi | destitute and homeless (idiom) / displaced and without means | |
游民改造 | yóu mín gǎi zào | rehabilitation of displaced persons | |
失所儿童和孤儿基金 | | Displaced Children and Orphans Fund | |
境内流离失所者 | jìng nèi liú lí shī suǒ zhě | internally displaced persons / displaced persons | |
难民和流离失所者财产基金 | | Refugees and Displaced Persons Property Fund | |
难民和流离失所者问题协定 | | Agreement on Refugees and Displaced Persons | |
流离失所者和难民委员会 | | Commission for Displaced Persons and Refugees | |
粮食署持久难民和流离失所者项目 | | WFP protracted refugee and displaced person projects | |
负责国内流离失所者问题的秘书长代表 | | Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced persons | |
协助失所平民返乡委员会 | | Committee for Assisting the Return of Displaced Civilians | |
境内流离失所者营 | jìng nèi liú lí shī suǒ zhě yíng | internally displaced persons camp | |
遣返柬埔寨难民和流离失所者信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the Repatriation of Cambodian Refugees and Displaced Persons | |
境内流离失所儿童 | jìng nèi liú lí shī suǒ r tóng | internally displaced children | |
流离失所者和难民事务处 | | Office for Displaced Persons and Refugees | |
克罗地亚流离失所者和难民事务处 | | Croatian Office for Displaced Persons and Refugees | |
外来流离失所者 | wài lái liú lí shī suǒ zhě | externally displaced person | |
境外流离失所者 | jìng wài liú lí shī suǒ zhě | externally displaced person | |
坎帕拉公约 | | African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa / Kampala Convention | |
司长兼紧急救济协调员特别顾问 | | Director and Special Adviser to the Emergency Relief Coordinator for Internally Displaced Persons / Director and Special Adviser to the Emergency Relief Coordinator | |
保护和援助境内流离失所者议定书 | | Protocol on the Protection and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons | |
流离失所者中央基金 | | Central Fund for the Displaced | |
流离失所者综合工作队 | | Integrated Displaced Persons Task Force | |
美洲流离失所者问题常设协商会议 | | Permanent Consultation for Displaced Persons in the Americas | |
全面照顾因暴力而失所的人口国家方桉 | | National Programme of Comprehensive Care for the Population Displaced by Violence | |
紧急援助流离失所者和难民 | | Emergency Assistance to Displaced Persons and Refugees | |
难民和流离失所者问题圣何塞宣言 | | San José Declaration on Refugees and Displaced Persons | |
国内流离失所者喀土穆宣言 | | Khartoum Declaration on Internally Displaced Persons | |
国家难民和流离失所者委员会 | | State Commission for Refugees and Displaced | |
流离失所者保健和发展项目 | | Health and Development for Displaced Populations | |
讨论东南亚难民及流离失所者问题会议 | | Meeting on Refugees and Displaced Persons in South-East Asia | |
流离失所者和难民不动产索偿受理委员会 | | Commission for Real Property Claims of Displaced Persons and Refugees | |
难民和流离失所者问题小组委员会 | | sub-commission on refugees and displaced persons | |
流离失所者重新定居和回归准则 | | Norms on the Resettlement and Return of Displaced Populations | |
流离失所者、难民和回归者发展方桉 | | Development Programme for Displaced Persons, Refugees and Returnees | |
境内流离失所者问题工作队 | | Task Force on Internally Displaced Persons | |
流离失所者回归规划小组协议 | | Agreement of the Team for Planning of the Return of Displaced Persons | |