侧 重 点 cè zhòng diǎn main point / emphasis 重 点 zhòng diǎn important point / main point / focus / key (project etc) / to focus on / to put the emphasis on 侧 重 cè zhòng to place particular emphasis on 着 重 zhuó zhòng to put emphasis on / to stress 偏 废 piān fèi to give unequal emphasis to / doing some things at the expense of others 嘛 ma modal particle indicating that sth is obvious / particle indicating a pause for emphasis 着 重 号 zhuó zhòng hào Chinese underdot (punct. used for emphasis, sim. to Western italics) 强 调 事 项 matter of emphasis 强 调 环 境 方 面 的 科 学 与 技 术 问 题 部 门 会 议 Sectoral Meeting on Science and Technology with Special Emphasis on the Environment 加 重 语 气 jiā zhòng yǔ qì to give emphasis / with emphasis 五 讲 四 美 三 热 爱 wǔ jiǎng sì měi sān rè ài the five emphases, four beauties and three loves (PRC policy introduced in 1981, including emphasis on manners, beauty of language and love of socialism)