剥削 | bō xuè | to exploit / exploitation | |
剥削 | bō xuē | to exploit / exploitation | |
牟利 | móu lì | to gain profit (by underhand means) / to exploit / exploitation | |
被剥削者 | bèi bō xuē zhě | person suffering exploitation / the workers in Marxist theory | |
水下勘探 | shuǐ xià kān tàn | underwater exploitation | |
发展中国家开发利用地热能源讲习班 | | Workshop on the Development and Exploitation of Geothermal Energy in Developing Countries | |
文件查检 | | document exploitation | |
开发率 | | exploitation rate | |
莫斯科宣言 | mò sī kē xuān yán | Declaration on Principles of Rational Exploitation of the Living Resources of the Seas and Oceans in the Common Interests of All Peoples of the World | |
不可再生的开采 | | non-renewal exploitation | |
第叁世界反对剥削妇女运动 | | Third World Movement Against the Exploitation of Women | |
反对对人的暴力和性剥削国际专家会议 | | International Experts' Meeting on Violence and Sexual Exploitation of Human Beings | |
性剥削 | | sexual exploitation | |
东南亚海洋鱼类开发与管理专题讨论会 | | Symposium on the Exploitation and Management of Marine Fishery in South-East Asia | |
禁止对儿童商业色情剥削世界大会 | | World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children | |
调整多金属结核开采方法小组 | | Groupement pour la mise au point des moyens nécessaires à l'exploitation des nodules polymétalliques | |
法国海洋开发研究所 | | French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea / Ifremer | |
多金属结核开发 | | nodule exploitation | |
的的喀喀湖水域初步经济研究和开发协定 | | Agreement on the Preliminary Economic Study of the Exploitation of the Waters of Lake Titicaca | |
研究和利用的的喀喀湖水域初步公约 | | Preliminary Convention on the Study of the Exploitation of the Waters Lake Titicaca | |
处理性剥削和性虐待问题办公室 | | Office for Addressing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse | |
欧洲气象卫星利用组织 | ōu zhōu qì xiàng wèi xīng lì yòng zǔ zhī | European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites | |
关于性剥削和性虐待问题的行为守则 | | code of conduct on sexual exploitation and abuse | |
商业性剥削 | | commercial sexual exploitation | |
性剥削和性虐待 | | sexual exploitation and abuse | |
性剥削和性虐待特别调查工作队 | | Special Investigations Task Force for Sexual Exploitation and Abuse | |
防止性剥削和性侵犯的特别措施 | | Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse | |
性剥削和性虐待问题多学科工作队 | | Multidisciplinary Task force on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse | |
阿拉伯-非洲禁止对儿童性剥削论坛 | | Arab-African Forum against Sexual Exploitation of Children | |
欧洲贩卖妇女以图性剥削问题会议 | | European conference on trafficking in women for sexual exploitation | |
机构间防止性剥削和性侵犯行动计划 | | Inter-Agency Plan of Action on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse | |
捕捞率 | | rate of exploitation / harvesting rate / fishing coefficient | |
对儿童的商业性剥削 | | commercial sexual exploitation of children | |
暴力和性剥削问题国际专家会议 | | International Meeting of Experts on Violence and Sexual Exploitation | |
对儿童性虐待和性剥削零容忍国家宣言 | | National Declaration of zero tolerance for sexual abuse and exploitation of children | |
保护儿童免遭性剥削会议 | | Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation conference | |
关于对儿童的商业性剥削问题的协商 | | Consultation on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children | |
利用自然资源 | | exploitation of natural resources | |
禁止非法开采自然资源议定书 | | Protocol against the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources | |
禁止非法开采自然资源委员会成立会议 | | Constitutive Meeting of the Committee against the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources | |
禁止非法开采自然资源委员会 | | Committee against the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources | |
开发现状 | | status of exploitation | |
国际海洋开发座谈会 | | International Colloquium on the Exploitation of the Oceans | |
网上剥削儿童 | | online child exploitation | |
开发模式 | | exploitation pattern | |
防止在战争和武装冲突中利用环境国际日 | | International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict | |
保护礁石和岛屿以防退化和开发 | | Protection of Reefs and Islands from Degradation and Exploitation | |
保护礁石和岛屿以防退化和开发基金会 | | Foundation for the Protection of Reefs and Islands from Degradation and Exploitation | |
扩大战果工作队 | | Exploitation Task Force | |