出口 | chū kǒu | an exit / CL:個|个[ge4] / to speak / to export / (of a ship) to leave port | |
输出 | shū chū | to export / to output | |
导出 | dǎo chū | to derive / derived / derivation / to entail / to induce / to export (data) | |
外销 | wài xiāo | to export / to sell abroad | |
汇出 | huì chū | to remit (funds) / (computing) to export (data) | |
进出口 | jìn chū kǒu | import and export | |
出口额 | chū kǒu é | export amount | |
广交会 | Guǎng Jiāo Huì | China Export Commodities Fair also known as the Canton Fair | |
出口产品 | chū kǒu chǎn pǐn | export product | |
出口商 | chū kǒu shāng | exporter / export business | |
出口商品 | chū kǒu shāng pǐn | export product / export goods | |
出口国 | chū kǒu guó | export State / State of export | |
禁运 | jìn yùn | embargo / export ban (e.g. on weapons) | |
核出口控制 | hé chū kǒu kòng zhì | nuclear export control | |
一般贸易 | yī bān mào yì | general trade (i.e. importing and export without processing) | |
出口货 | chū kǒu huò | exports / goods for export | |
无形输出 | wú xíng shū chū | invisible export | |
输出品 | shū chū pǐn | export item / product for export | |
出口补贴 | chū kǒu bǔ tiē | export subsidy | |
出口加工区 | chū kǒu jiā gōng qū | Export Processing Zone | |
加勒比出口银行 | | Caribbean Export Bank | |
暂停出口杀伤人员地雷 | | moratorium on the export of anti-personnel landmines / export moratorium on landmines | |
巴库-第比利斯-杰伊汉出口石油管道 | | Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Export Oil Pipeline | |
美洲出口促进中心 | | Inter-American Export Promotion Centre | |
伊比利亚-美洲出口信贷担保公司 | | Ibero-American Export Credit Guarantee Company | |
出口税 | chū kǒu shuì | export duties | |
放射源的进口和出口导则 | | Guidance on the Import and Export of Radioactive Sources | |
国际毛坯钻石进出口管制制度 | | system for international rough diamond export and import controls | |
核材料、核设备和核技术出口准则 | | Guidelines for the Export of Nuclear Material, Equipment and Technology | |
出口收入不足补偿性融资办法 | chū kǒu shōu rù bù zú bǔ cháng xìng róng zī bàn fǎ | compensatory financing system for export earnings shortfalls | |
出口许可证 | chū kǒu xǔ kě zhèng | export authorization | |
出口附件 | chū kǒu fù jiàn | export attachment | |
关于出口塞拉利昂钻石的新证书制度 | | New Certification Regime for the Export of Sierra Leone Diamonds | |
共同体一般出口授权 | gòng tòng tǐ yī pán chū kǒu shòu quán | community general export authorization | |
出口收入不足补偿性融资办法专家组 | chū kǒu shōu rù bù zú bǔ cháng xìng róng zī bàn fǎ zhuān jiā zǔ | Expert Group on the Compensatory Financing of Export Earnings Shortfalls | |
关于动物源性产品进出口的国际公约 | | International Convention concerning the Export and Import of Animal Products (other than Meat, Meat Preparations, Fresh Animal Products, Milk and Milk Products) / International Convention concerning the Export and Import of Animal Products | |
出口包装特别方桉 | | Special Programme for Export Packaging | |
出口开发和农业多样化股 | | Export Development and Agricultural Diversification Unit | |
伊斯兰投资保障和出口信贷公司 | | Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investment and Export Credit | |
加勒比出口发展署 | | Caribbean Export Development Agency / Caribbean Export | |
拉丁美洲出口银行 | | Latin American Export Bank / Bladex | |
出口收入 | chū kǒu shōu rù | export revenue | |
联合国发达国家制造商出口单位价值指数 | | United Nations Export Unit Value Index for the Manufactures of the Developed Countries | |
主要出口管道 | | main export pipeline | |
东加勒比国家出口发展机构 | | Eastern Caribbean States Export Development Agency | |
出口清关 | chū kǒu qīng guān | export clearance | |
出口市场发展方桉 | | Programme for Export Market Development | |
印度出口组织联合会 | | Federation of Indian Export Organizations | |
珠宝出口促进理事会 | | Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council | |
关于开采和出口柬埔寨矿物和宝石的宣言 | | Declaration on Mining and Export of Minerals and Gems from Cambodia | |
自动限制出口 | | voluntary export restraint | |
托运人出口报关清单 | | Shipper's Export Declaration | |
多边战略物资出口管制统筹委员会 | | Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Strategic Export Controls | |
视同出口 | | deemed export | |
进出口价格指数 | | import and export price index | |
标准单一出口许可证 | | Standard Individual Export Licence | |
公开单一出口许可证 | | Open Individual Export Licence | |
武器出口准则 | | Arms Export Criteria | |
公开一般出口许可证 | | Open General Export Licence | |
出口发展项目 | | Export Development Project | |
利用出口信贷促进发展中国家出口专家组 | | Expert Group on Export Credits as a Means of Promoting Exports from Developing Countries | |
出口证明书 | | export certificate | |
稳定出口收入制度 | | System of Stabilization of Export Earnings | |
木材出口禁令 | | timber export ban | |
钻石出口管理局 | | diamond export authority | |
大进大出 | dà jìn dà chū | large-scale import and export | |
中航技进出口有限责任公司 | Zhōng háng jì Jìn chū kǒu Yǒu xiàn Zé rèn Gōng sī | China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation (CATIC) | |