渔业 | yú yè | fishing industry / fishery | |
海洋渔业 | hǎi yáng yú yè | marine fishery | |
定向渔业 | dìng xiàng yú yè | directed fishery | |
渔业工业司 | yú yè gōng yè sī | Fishery Industries Division | |
渔业研究船 | yú yè yán jiū chuán | fishery research vessel | |
渔业管理 | yú yè guǎn lǐ | fishery management | |
渔业研究 | yú yè yán jiū | fishery research | |
养护和管理东南大西洋渔业资源公约 | | Convention on the Conservation and Management of Fishery Resources in the South-East Atlantic Ocean | |
几内亚湾区域渔业委员会 | | Regional Fishery Committee for the Gulf of Guinea | |
东南亚海洋鱼类开发与管理专题讨论会 | | Symposium on the Exploitation and Management of Marine Fishery in South-East Asia | |
单种群捕捞活动 | | single-species fishery | |
多鱼种渔业 | | multispecies fishery | |
中东部大西洋渔业委员会 | | Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic | |
中西部大西洋渔业委员会 | | Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission | |
亚洲及太平洋渔业委员会 | | Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission | |
区域渔业机构 | qū yù yú yè jī gòu | regional fishery body | |
水产技术 | | fishery technology | |
渔业办事员 | | Fishery Clerk | |
海湾渔业资源发展和管理委员会 | | Committee for the Development and Management of the Fishery Resources of the Gulfs | |
渔业投资项目信息系统 | | Fishery Investment Project Information System | |
水产资源养护 | | fishery conservation | |
印度洋-太平洋渔业委员会 | | Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission | |
印度洋渔业委员会 | | Indian Ocean Fishery Commission | |
底层渔业 | | bottom fishery | |
渔业统计手册 | | Handbook of Fishery Statistics | |
大西洋渔业统计协调工作队 | | Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishery Statistics | |
国际波罗的海渔业委员会 | | International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission | |
地中海渔业资源管理会议 | | Conference on the Management of the Fishery Resources of the Mediterranean Sea | |
养护北太平洋和白令海大比目鱼渔场公约 | | Convention for the Preservation of the Halibut Fishery of the Northern Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea | |
西太平洋区域渔业管理理事会 | | Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council | |
区域间渔业法咨询方桉 | | Interregional Fishery Law Advisory Programme | |
几内亚湾中西部渔业委员会 | | Fishery Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea | |
西中太平洋围网渔业管理帕劳协议 | | Palau Arrangement for the Management of the Purse Seine Fishery in the Western and Central Pacific / Palau Arrangement | |
畜牧生产和渔业资源部 | | Ministry of Animal Production and Fishery Resources | |
设立印度&mdash太平洋渔业委员会协定 | | Agreement for the Establishment of the Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission | |
区域渔业法律咨询方桉 | | Regional Fishery Law Advisory Programme | |
渔业管理参考点 | | Reference Points for Fishery Management | |
加勒比渔业管理委员会 | | Caribbean Fishery Management Council | |
渔业统计协调工作队 | | Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics | |
太平洋区域渔业方桉 | | Regional Fishery Programme for the Pacific | |
渔业发展和管理技术会议 | | Technical Conference on Fishery Development and Management | |