基金 | jī jīn | fund | |
出资 | chū zī | to fund / to put money into sth / to invest | |
公积金 | gōng jī jīn | official reserves / accumulated fund | |
基金管理 | | fund management | |
游资 | yóu zī | floating capital / idle fund / hot money | |
专款 | zhuān kuǎn | special fund / money allocated for a particular purpose | |
准备金 | zhǔn bèi jīn | reserve fund | |
货币市场基金 | huò bì shì chǎng jī jīn | money market fund | |
国际货币基金组织 | Guó jì Huò bì Jī jīn Zǔ zhī | International Monetary Fund (IMF) | |
对冲基金 | duì chōng jī jīn | hedge fund | |
小金库 | xiǎo jīn kù | supplementary cash reserve / private fund / private hoard / slush fund | |
联合国儿童基金会 | Lián hé guó Er2 tóng Jī jīn huì | United Nations Children's Fund / UNICEF | |
周转金 | zhōu zhuǎn jīn | revolving fund / working capital / petty cash / turnover | |
笔钱 | bǐ qián | fund / sum of money | |
指数基金 | zhǐ shù jī jīn | index fund | |
自然科学基金会 | zì rán kē xué jī jīn huì | natural science fund | |
共同基金 | gòng tóng jī jīn | mutual fund | |
国际货币基金 | Guó jì Huò bì Jī jīn | International Monetary Fund (IMF) | |
世界自然基金会 | Shì jiè Zì rán Jī jīn huì | World Wildlife Fund WWF | |
世界野生生物基金会 | Shì jiè Yě shēng Shēng wù Jī jīn huì | World Wildlife Fund (WWF) | |
中央汇金 | zhōng yāng huì jīn | central finance / Chinese monetary fund | |
创投基金 | chuàng tóu jī jīn | venture capital fund | |
私募基金 | sī mù jī jīn | private equity fund / fund offered to private placement (e.g. hedge fund) | |
等额比基金 | děng é bǐ jī jīn | equality ration fund, a charitable investment fund that can be drawn down in proportion to further donations | |
野生生物基金会 | Yě shēng Shēng wù Jī jīn huì | World Wildlife Fund (WWF) | |
储备基金 | chú bèi jī jīn | reserve fund for adjustments resulting from variations in respect of currency fluctuations, inflation in non-staff costs and statutory cost increases for staff / reserve fund | |
房地产基金 | fáng dì chǎn jī jīn | real estate fund | |
公共资金 | gōng gòng zī jīn | public fund | |
基金管理人 | jī jīn guǎn lǐ rén | fund manager | |
基民 | jī mín | fund investor / (coll.) gay person | |
石油稳定基金 | shí yóu wěn dìng jī jīn | oil stabilization fund | |
主要节约储金 | | Main Provident Fund | |
区域基金 | qū yù jī jīn | regional fund | |
节约储金委员会 | | Provident Fund Committee | |
节约储金秘书处 | | Provident Fund Secretariat | |
执行蒙特利尔议定书多边基金 | | Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol | |
稳定基金 | wěn dìng jī jīn | Stabilization Fund | |
国家荒漠化基金 | guó jiā huāng mò huà jī jīn | National Desertification Fund | |
次区域便利基金 | | Subregional Facilitation Fund | |
社区发展碳基金 | | Community Development Carbon Fund | |
生殖健康商品保障专题信托基金 | shēng zhí jiàn kāng shāng pǐn bǎo zhàng zhuān tí xìn tuō jī jīn | Thematic Trust Fund for Reproductive Health Commodity Security | |
开发署援助非洲难民信托基金 | | UNDP Trust Fund for Assistance to Refugees in Africa | |
维舍格勒国际基金 | | International Visegrad Fund | |
养护野生动物移栖物种公约信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals | |
索马里信托基金-统一指挥部 | | Trust Fund for Somalia - Unified Command | |
联合国系统工作人员安全信托基金 | lián hé guó xì tǒng gōng zuò rén yuán ān quán xìn tuō jī jīn | Trust Fund for Security of Staff Members of the United Nations System | |
捐赠基金 | juān zèng jī jīn | Endowment Fund | |
柬埔寨排雷方桉信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the De-Mining Programme in Cambodia | |
建设和平基金 | | Peacebuilding Fund | |
紧急援助基金 | jǐn jí yuán zhù jī jīn | Emergency Assistance Fund | |
联合国索马里安全机构信托基金 | lián hé guó suǒ mǎ lǐ ān quán jī gòu xìn tuō jī jīn | United Nations Trust Fund for the Somali security institutions | |
联合国支援消除对妇女暴力行为信托基金 | | United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women / Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women | |
支援消除对妇女暴力行为信托基金 | | United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women / Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women | |
协助地雷行动自愿信托基金 | | Voluntary Trust Fund for Assistance in Mine Action | |
篮子基金 | | basket fund | |
设立共同基金谈判会议 | | United Nations Negotiating Conference on a Common Fund Negotiating Conference on a Common Fund to Establish the Composite Programme for Raw Materials / United Nations Negotiating Conference on a Common Fund | |
东地中海漏油损害恢复信托基金 | | Eastern Mediterranean Oil Spill Restoration Trust Fund | |
退休后福利基金 | tuì xiū hòu fú lì jī jīn | post-retirement benefit fund | |
协助各国通过国际法院解决争端信托基金 | | Trust Fund to Assist States in the Settlement of Disputes through the International Court of Justice | |
联合国环境保护邮票基金信托基金 | lián hé guó huán jìng bǎo hù yóu piào jī jīn xìn tuō jī jīn | United Nations Trust Fund for the Environment Stamp Conservation Fund | |
国际气候基金 | guó jì qì hòu jī jīn | international climate fund | |
全球气候基金 | quán qiú qì hòu jī jīn | global climate fund | |
节约储金咨询委员会 | | Provident Fund Advisory Committee | |
支助联合国森林论坛信托基金 | zhī zhù lián hé guó sēn lín lùn tán xìn tuō jī jīn | Trust Fund in support of the United Nations Forum on Forests | |
1994年国际人口与发展会议信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development | |
跨国公司政策分析信托基金 | | Trust Fund for Policy Analysis on Transnational Corporations | |
绿色基金 | | Green Fund | |
黎巴嫩复苏基金 | lí bā nèn fù sū jī jīn | UNDG Lebanon Recovery Fund / Lebanon Recovery Fund | |
气候变化小组信托基金 | qì hòu biàn huà xiǎo zǔ xìn tuō jī jīn | IPCC Trust Fund | |
巴马科倡议发展基金 | | Bamako Initiative Development Fund | |
联合国伊拉克警卫队信托基金 | lián hé guó yī lā kè jǐng wèi duì xìn tuō jī jīn | Trust Fund for the United Nations Guard Contingent in Iraq | |
切尔诺贝利信托基金 | | Trust Fund for Chernobyl | |
联合国卢旺达信托基金 | lián hé guó lú wàng dá xìn tuō jī jīn | United Nations Trust Fund for Rwanda | |
联合国纳米比亚建国方桉基金 | | United Nations Fund for the Nationhood Programme for Namibia | |
贸发会议限制性商业惯例信托基金 | | UNCTAD Restrictive Business Practices Trust Fund | |
向伊拉克提供人道主义援助紧急信托基金 | | Emergency Trust Fund for Humanitarian Assistance for Iraq | |
阿富汗重建信托基金 | | Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund | |
土地退化评估和绘图技术合作信托基金 | | Technical Cooperation Trust Fund on Land Degradation Assessment and Mapping | |
南方发展和人道主义援助基金 | | South Fund for Development and Humanitarian Assistance | |
联合国合办工作人员养恤基金管理系统 | lián hé guó hé bàn gōng zuò rén yuán yǎng xù jī jīn guǎn lǐ xì tǒng | United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund Administration System | |
国际货币基金组织协定 | guó jì huò bì jī jīn zǔ zhī xié dìng | Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund / IMF Articles of Agreement | |
最不发达国家基金 | | Least Developed Countries Fund | |
联合国国际伙伴关系基金 | lián hé guó guó jì huǒ bàn guān xì jī jīn | United Nations Fund for International Partnerships | |
外地办事处办公室和工作人员住房基金 | | Fund for Field Office Accomodation and Staff Housing | |
巴勒斯坦信托基金 | | Palestinian trust fund | |
联合国普通信托基金 | lián hé guó pǔ tòng xìn tuō jī jīn | United Nations General Trust Fund | |
伊拉克重建基金 | | Iraq Reconciliation Fund | |
社会发展问题世界首脑会议信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the World Summit for Social Development | |
外地办公室房舍和工作人员住房准备金 | | Reserve Fund for Field Office Accommodation and Staff Housing | |
政府间气候变化问题小组信托基金 | | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Trust Fund | |
中央应急基金咨询小组 | | Central Emergency Response Fund Advisory Group | |
商品共同基金第一账户 | shāng pǐn gòng tòng jī jīn dì yī zhàng hù | First Account of the Common Fund for Commodities | |
千年疫苗基金 | qiān nián yì miáo jī jīn | millennium vaccine fund | |
试验性可偿还种子资金业务信托基金 | | Experimental Reimbursable Seeding Operations Trust Fund / ERSO Trust Fund | |
试验性可偿还原始业务信托基金 | | Experimental Reimbursable Seeding Operations Trust Fund / ERSO Trust Fund | |
基层组织计划支助基金 | | Grass-roots Initiatives Support Fund | |
联合国资本资产基金 | lián hé guó zī běn zī chǎn jī jīn | United Nations Capital Assets Fund | |
法文信托基金 | fǎ wén xìn tuō jī jīn | French Language Trust Fund | |
联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法基金 | | United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Fund | |
开发署安全孕产倡议基金 | | UNDP Fund for Safe Motherhood Initiative | |