举手投足 | jǔ shǒu tóu zú | one's every movement (idiom) / comportment / gestures | |
张牙舞爪 | zhāng yá wǔ zhǎo | to bare fangs and brandish claws (idiom) / to make threatening gestures | |
虚与委蛇 | xū yǔ wēi shé | pretense at complying (idiom) / sham gestures of politeness | |
比手划脚 | bǐ shǒu huà jiǎo | to gesticulate / to make lively gestures (while talking) / also written 比手畫腳|比手画脚 | |
做派 | zuò pài | way of doing sth / behavior / to act in an affected manner / mannerism / gestures in opera | |
比手画脚 | bǐ shǒu huà jiǎo | to gesticulate / to make lively gestures (while talking) / also written 比手劃腳|比手划脚 |