贪婪 | tān lán | avaricious / greedy / rapacious / insatiable / avid | |
馋 | chán | gluttonous / greedy / to have a craving | |
贪心 | tān xīn | greedy | |
贪食 | tān shí | greedy / glutton | |
馋涎欲滴 | chán xián yù dī | lit. to drool with desire (idiom) / fig. to hunger for / greedy | |
贪 | tān | to have a voracious desire for / to covet / greedy / corrupt | |
亄 | yì | covetous / greedy / stingy | |
嚵 | chán | (variant of 饞|馋[chan2]) gluttonous / greedy | |
馋鬼 | chán guǐ | glutton / greedy / piggish | |
贪馋 | tān chán | gluttonous / greedy / insatiable / avid | |
贪官 | tān guān | corrupt official / grasping functionary / greedy mandarin | |
贪财 | tān cái | to be greedy in getting money | |
贪生怕死 | tān shēng pà sǐ | greedy for life, afraid of death (idiom) / craven and cowardly / clinging abjectly to life / only interested in saving one's neck | |
贪得无厌 | tān dé wú yàn | avaricious and insatiable (idiom) / greedy and never satisfied | |
饕餮之徒 | tāo tiè zhī tú | glutton / gourmand / by extension, person who is greedy for power, money, sex etc | |
贪婪无厌 | tān lán wú yàn | avaricious and insatiable (idiom) / greedy and never satisfied | |
染指垂涎 | rǎn zhǐ chuí xián | lit. dirty finger, mouth watering (idiom) / fig. greedy to seize sth | |
桀贪骜诈 | jié tān ào zhà | brutal, greedy, arrogant and deceitful (idiom) | |
贪心不足 | tān xīn bù zú | avaricious and insatiable (idiom) / greedy and never satisfied | |
贪求无厌 | tān qiú wú yàn | insatiably greedy (idiom) | |
贪猥无厌 | tān wěi wú yàn | avaricious and insatiable (idiom) / greedy and never satisfied | |
多吃多占 | duō chī duō zhàn | taking or eating more than one's due (idiom) / greedy and selfish | |
血盆大口 | xuè pén dà kǒu | bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl (idiom) / ferocious mouth of beast of prey / fig. greedy exploiter / rapacious aggressor | |
贪爵慕位 | tān jué mù wèi | to be greedy for nobility and admire social position (idiom) | |
贪色 | tān sè | greedy for sex / given to lust for women | |
馋人 | chán rén | to make one's mouth water / appetizing / greedy person / glutton | |
吃人不吐骨头 | chī rén bù tǔ gǔ tóu | ruthless / vicious and greedy |