"Hard-working" • Chinese-English Dictionary

CHARACTERS : Simplified Traditional
PHONETIC : Pinyin Bopomofo EFEO Wade-Giles Yale
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 zī hard-working / industrious
 láo xīn láo lì to tax one's mind and body / demanding (work) / dedicated (worker) / hard-working
 zhǎn jìn very hard-working / assiduous
 hái nú "a slave to one's children", hard-working parents who would do everything to ensure their children's well-being, in disregard of their own needs
 bēn bēn zú lit. Rushing Clan, generation born between 1975-1985 and China's most hedonistic and hard-working social group (netspeak)
 ài gǎng jìng yè industrious and hard-working / conscientious and meticulous
 kè kǔ nài láo to bear hardships and work hard (idiom) / assiduous and long-suffering / hard-working and capable of overcoming adversity
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