虚幻 | xū huàn | imaginary / illusory | |
虚构 | xū gòu | to make up / fabrication / fictional / imaginary | |
假想 | jiǎ xiǎng | imaginary / virtual / to imagine / hypothesis | |
虚无缥缈 | xū wú piǎo miǎo | unreal / illusory / imaginary / vague and with nothing in it | |
虚单位 | xū dān wèi | imaginary | |
真人版 | zhēn rén bǎn | real-life version (of some imaginary character) | |
无病呻吟 | wú bìng shēn yín | to moan about imaginary illness / fussing like a hypochondriac / fig. sentimental nonsense | |
虚线 | xū xiàn | dotted line / dashed line / (math.) imaginary line | |
空中楼阁 | kōng zhōng lóu gé | pavilion in the air (idiom) / unrealistic Utopian construction / castles in Spain / imaginary future plans | |
罗织 | luó zhī | to frame sb / to cook up imaginary charges against sb | |
虚数 | xū shù | imaginary number | |
向壁虚构 | xiàng bì xū gòu | facing a wall, an imaginary construction (idiom) / baseless fabrication | |
向壁虚造 | xiàng bì xū zào | facing a wall, an imaginary construction (idiom) / baseless fabrication | |
七政四余 | qī zhèng sì yú | seven heavenly bodies and four imaginary stars (in astrology and feng shui) | |
共轭虚数 | gòng è xū shù | conjugate imaginary number (math) | |
月孛 | yuè bèi | lunar apogee (point in the moon's orbit furthest from earth) / imaginary heavenly body occupying the second focus of the moon's elliptic orbit / dark moon / Lilith | |
虚星 | xū xīng | imaginary star (in astrology) | |
虚誉 | xū yù | imaginary reputation / empty fame | |
计都 | jì dū | concept from Vedic astronomy (Sanskrit Ketu), the opposite point to 羅睺|罗睺[luo2 hou2] / imaginary star presaging disaster |