临时 | lín shí | as the time draws near / at the last moment / temporary / interim / ad hoc | |
过渡 | guò dù | to cross over (by ferry) / transition / interim / caretaker (administration) | |
阶段性 | jiē duàn xìng | specific to a particular stage (of a project etc) / interim (policy etc) / occurring in stages / phased | |
期中 | qī zhōng | interim / midterm | |
权宜之计 | quán yí zhī jì | plan of convenience (idiom) / stop-gap measure / makeshift stratagem / interim step | |
权宜之策 | quán yí zhī cè | stratagem of convenience (idiom) / stop-gap measure / makeshift plan / interim step | |
临时的本地管理接口 | lín shí de běn dì guǎn lǐ jiē kǒu | Interim Local Management Interface / ILMI | |
共同纲领 | gòng tóng gāng lǐng | common program / formal program of the communist party after 1949, that served as interim national plan | |
津梁 | jīn liáng | lit. ferry bridge / fig. interim measure over some difficulty / a guide | |
临时行政委员会 | | Interim Administrative Council | |
联合国临时办事处 | | United Nations Interim Office | |
阿富汗临时行政当局 | | Afghan Interim Administration | |
国际贸易组织临时委员会 | | Interim Commission for the International Trade Organization | |
临时大臣会议 | | Interim Council of Ministers | |
临时宪法起草委员会 | | Interim Constitution Drafting Committee | |
苏丹南方宪法 | sū dān nán fāng xiàn fǎ | Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan | |
联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队特别账户 | | Special Account for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon | |
联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队 | lián hé guó zhù lí bā nèn lín shí bù duì | United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon | |
临时执行委员会 | | Interim Executive Committee | |
伊图里临时行政当局 | | Ituri interim administration | |
设立生物多样性公约临时秘书处信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the Establishment of the Interim Secretariat of the Biological Diversity Convention | |
临时公安部队 | lín shí gōng ān bù duì | Interim Public Security Force | |
临时警察学院 | lín shí jǐng chá xué yuàn | Interim Police Academy | |
联合国援助布隆迪机构间临时联合呼吁 | | Interim United Nations Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for Burundi | |
临时联合行政当局 | | Interim Joint Administration | |
临时工作队 | lín shí gōng zuò duì | Interim Task Force | |
民族团结临时政府 | mín zú tuán jié lín shí zhèng fǔ | Interim Government of National Unity | |
临时媒体委员会 | | Interim Media Commission | |
波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那临时人权法庭 | | interim human rights court for Bosnia and Herzegovina | |
临时付款 | lín shí fù kuǎn | interim disbursements | |
阿富汗临时当局基金 | | Afghanistan Interim Authority Fund | |
多国临时部队 | duō guó lín shí bù duì | Multinational Interim Force | |
临时合作框架 | lín shí hé zuò kuàng jià | Interim Cooperation Framework | |
过渡期间安全安排框架协定 | | Framework Agreement on Security Arrangements during the Interim Period | |
联合临时行政结构 | | Joint Interim Administrative Structure | |
国家临时宪法 | guó jiā lín shí xiàn fǎ | Interim National Constitution | |
支助联合国科索沃临时行政当局信托基金 | | Trust Fund to Support the United Nations Interim Administration in Kosovo | |
南非临时奥林匹克委员会 | | Interim Olympic Committee of South Africa | |
临时援助方案 | lín shí yuán zhù fāng àn | Interim Assistance Programme | |
联合国科学和技术促进发展临时基金 | | United Nations Interim Fund for Science and Tecnology for Development | |
临时的 | | ad interim | |
临时特遣舰队 | | interim naval task force / Interim Maritime Task Force | |
伊斯兰临时委员会 | | Interim Islamic Council | |
临时通信卫星委员会 | | Interim Communications Satellite Committee | |
全国临时文化协调委员会 | | National Interim Cultural Coordinating Committee | |
放射性废物暂时贮存 | fàng shè xìng fèi wù zàn shí zhù cún | interim radioactive waste storage, intermediate radioactive waste storage / waste storage | |
调查湄公河下游流域临时协调委员会 | | Interim Committee for Coordination of Investigations of the Lower Mekong Basin | |
化学品审查临时委员会 | | Interim Chemical Review Committee | |
临时道路 | lín shí dào lù | interim route | |
临时政治局 | lín shí zhèng zhì jú | Interim Political Bureau | |
临时协调委员会 | | Interim Coordination Board | |
贸易和发展理事会部长级会议临时委员会 | | Interim Committee on the Ministerial Session of the Trade and Development Board | |
临时照管中心 | | Interim Care Site | |
科学和技术促进发展临时基金 | | Interim Fund for Science and Technology for Development | |
科学和技术促进发展临时基金会议 | | Conference for the Interim Fund for Science and Technology for Development | |
临时监察小组 | | Interim Monitoring groups | |
临时体制安排 | | interim institutional arrangements | |
布干维尔临时省政府 | | Bougainville Interim Provincial Government | |
海地多国临时部队 | | Multinational Interim Force in Haiti | |
科索沃和平与自治临时协定 | | Interim Agreement for Peace and Self-Government in Kosovo / Rambouillet Accords | |
朗布依埃协定 | | Interim Agreement for Peace and Self-Government in Kosovo / Rambouillet Accords | |
临时执行市长 | | Interim Executive Mayor | |
伊拉克临时行政当局 | | Iraqi interim administration | |
政府间信息学方桉临时政府间委员会 | | Interim Intergovernmental Committee for the Intergovernmental Informatics Programme | |
理事会国际货币制度临时委员会 | | Interim Committee of the Board of Governors on the International Monetary System | |
养护北太平洋海狗临时公约 | | Interim Convention on Conservation of North Pacific Fur Seals | |
扩充调整金-重债穷国信托基金 | | Trust for Special ESAF Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ESAF Subsidy Operations / ESAF-HIPC Trust | |
联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队暂记账户 | | Suspense Account for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon | |
南极中上层海豹捕捞自愿管制临时准则 | | Interim Guidelines for Voluntary Regulation of Antarctic Pelagic Sealing | |
海地恢复临时委员会 | | Interim Haiti Recovery Commission | |
巴勒斯坦临时自治政权 | | Palestinian Interim Self-Governing Authority | |
阿富汗临时选举委员会 | | Interim Afghan Electoral Commission | |
安全理事会临时会议厅 | | Interim Security Council Chamber | |
联合国共同基金谈判会议临时委员会 | | Interim Committee of the United Nations Negotiating Conference on a Common Fund | |
临时刑事诉讼法 | | Interim Criminal Procedure Code | |
临时特别紧急方桉 | | Extraordinary Interim Emergency Programme | |
关于临时自治安排的原则声明 | | Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements / Declaration of Principles | |
原则声明 | | Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements / Declaration of Principles | |
波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那临时人权专员 | | Interim Human Rights Commissionner for Bosnia and Herzegovina | |
阿富汗临时当局 | | Afghan Interim Authority | |
关于大规模毁灭性武器的临时准则 | | Interim Guidelines Related to Weapons of Mass Destruction | |
临时委员会 | | Interim Commission | |
巴勒斯坦临时自治政权基本法 | | Basic Law for the Palestinian Interim Self-Government Authority / Palestinian Basic Law | |
临时紧急多国部队 | | Interim Emergency Multinational Force | |
关于莫斯塔尔市临时规约的议定原则 | | Agreed Principles for the Interim Statute for the City of Mostar | |
政府间体育运动临时委员会 | | Interim Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Education and Sport | |
亚洲区域非政府组织临时协调委员会 | | Asian Regional Interim Coordinating Committee of NGOs | |
联合临时委员会 | | Joint Interim Commission | |
国家临时发展计划 | | Interim National Development Plan | |
解除武装、复员和重返社会方桉临时方桉 | | Interim Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Programme / Interim DDR Programme | |
临时复员方桉 | | Interim Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Programme / Interim DDR Programme | |
北美洲巴勒斯坦问题临时协调委员会 | | North American Interim Coordinating Committee (NAICC) on the question of Palestine | |
莫桑比克团结行动临时委员会 | | Mozambique Solidarity Acting Interim Committee | |
山区论坛临时支助委员会 | | Interim Facilitating Committee of the Mountain Forum | |
临时省政府 | | Interim Provincial Government | |
临时主席团 | | Interim Presidency | |
看守政府 | | caretaker government / interim government | |
临时行动计划 | | Interim Action Plan | |
过渡之前和过渡时期财富分享协定 | | Agreement on Wealth Sharing during the Pre-Interim and Interim Period | |
国际民用航空临时协定 | | Interim Agreement on International Civil Aviation | |