跨地区 | kuà dì qū | interregional / spanning two or more PRC provinces | |
区域间贸易发展讲习班 | | Interregional Trade Development Workshop | |
联合国区域间犯罪和司法研究所 | | United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute | |
区域间残疾问题顾问 | | Interregional Adviser on Disability | |
国际河流流域组织区域间专题讨论会 | | Interregional symposium on international river basin organizations | |
发展中国家小型矿业区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Small-scale Mining in Developing Countries | |
区域间必需药品方桉 | | Interregional programme for essential drugs | |
区域间项目 | | interregional project | |
人人享有健康区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Health for All | |
区域间普惠制训练和咨询服务方桉 | | Interregional Programme for Training and Advisory Services on the Generalized System of Preferences | |
采矿课税区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Mining Taxation | |
区域间训练信息系统 | | Interregional Training Information System | |
区域间调查洗钱技术课程 | | Interregional Investigation Techniques Course on Money-laundering | |
合作社间商业交流区域间方桉 | | Interregional Programme for Commercial Exchanges among Cooperatives | |
发展性社会福利政策和方桉区域间协商 | | Interregional Consultation on Developmental Social Welfare Policies and Programmes | |
国际移徙区域间叁方圆桌会议 | | Interregional Tripartite Round Table on International Migration | |
妇女状况和计划生育区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on the Status of Women and Family Planning | |
联合国区域间青年问题顾问 | | United Nations Interregional Adviser on Youth | |
联合国妇女与经济危机问题区域间讨论会 | | United Nations Interregional Seminar on Women and the Economic Crisis | |
区域间水产养殖发展和协调方桉 | | Interregional Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme | |
国际河流组织区域间会议 | | Interregional Meeting of International River Organizations | |
区域间促进销售方桉 | | Interregional Sales Development Programme | |
学校和平文化和非暴力区域局项目 | | Interregional Project for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence in Schools | |
区域间遥感训练中心 | | Interregional Remote Sensing Training Centre | |
发展中国家非传统用水方法区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on non-conventional water resources use in developing countries | |
减少和应付水灾区域间专题讨论会 | | Interregional Symposium on Water-related Disaster Reduction and Response | |
地中海运输问题区域间项目 | | Interregional Project on Transport Questions in the Mediterranean | |
联合国国际河流组织区域间会议 | | United Nations Interregional Meeting of International River Organizations | |
小岛屿国家水资源管理技术区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Water Resources Management Techniques for Small Island Countries | |
区域间人口问题顾问 | | Interregional Adviser on Population | |
冶金工业能源管理区域间讨论会 | | interregional seminar on energy management in the metallurgical industry | |
区域间工厂能源管理专题讨论会 | | Interregional Symposium on Plant Energy Management | |
区域间智力残疾人生活协助联盟 | | Interregional Union of Life Help for Mentally Handicapped Persons / Sail of Hope | |
希望之帆 | xī wàng zhī fān | Interregional Union of Life Help for Mentally Handicapped Persons / Sail of Hope | |
国家贸易组织区域间协会 | | Interregional Association of State Trading Organizations | |
预防犯罪和刑事司法问题区域间顾问 | | Interregional Adviser in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice | |
核电站运行中质量保证区域间培训班 | | Interregional Training Course on Quality Assurance during Nuclear Power Plant Operation | |
区域间质量保证培训班 | | Interregional Training Course on Quality Assurance | |
区域间专题绘图培训班 | | Interregional Training Course on Thematic Mapping | |
区域间工会理事会 | | Interregional Trade Union Council | |
政府会计计算机化国际讲习班 | | Interregional Workshop on Computerization of Government Accounting | |
国际地籍专家会议 | | Interregional Meeting of Experts on Cadastre | |
自然资源应用金融学区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Applied Finance for Natural Resources | |
吸毒防治国际医生训练班 | | Interregional Training Course for Physicians on Prevention and Treatment of Drug-Dependent Persons | |
区域间保健学习资料方桉 | | Interregional Health Learning Materials Programme | |
家庭社会状况统计和指标区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Statistics and Indicators on the Social Situation of Families | |
区域间社会政策和发展问题顾问 | | Interregional Adviser on Social Policies and Development | |
社会福利的组织和行政区域间专家组会议 | | Interregional Expert Meeting on Social Welfare Organization and Administration | |
大城市社会服务问题区域间专题讨论会 | | Interregional Symposium on Social Services in Major Cities | |
工业化的社会方面区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Social Aspects of Industrialization | |
计划生育的社会福利方面区域间专家会议 | | Interregional Meeting of Experts on the Social Welfare Aspects of Family Planning | |
廉价住房的设计和建造技术区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Design and Building Technology for Low-cost Housing | |
低成本抗震抗飓风建筑物区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Low-Cost Construction Resistant to Earthquakes and Hurricaines | |
农村住房和社区设施区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Rural Housing and Community Facilities | |
区域间艾滋病问题部长级会议 | | Interregional Ministerial Meeting on AIDS | |
开发天然气资源区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on the Development of Natural Gas Resources | |
发展中小型采矿业的准则区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Guidelines for the Development of Small / Medium-scale Mining | |
全球性和区域间方桉司 | | Division for Global and Interregional Programmes | |
执行多国环境协定全球测绘区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Global Mapping for the Implementation of Multinational Environmental Agreements | |
区域间航空训练方桉 | | Interregional TRAINAIR Programme | |
全球性和区域间项目司 | | Division for Global and Interregional Projects | |
电焊工程师区域间工厂内小组训练课程 | | Interregional In-Plant Group Training Programme for Engineers in the Field of Electric Welding | |
区域间安全概率评估训练班 | | Interregional Training Course on Probabilistic Safety Assessment | |
区域间管理发展机构合作方桉 | | Interregional Programme for Cooperation among Management Development Institutions | |
管理发展机构区域间合作项目 | | Interregional project: Cooperation Among Management Development Institutions | |
区域间联合国与人权座谈会 | | Interregional Colloquium on the United Nations and Human Rights | |
区域间渔业法咨询方桉 | | Interregional Fishery Law Advisory Programme | |
女工权利信息有效传播战略区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Effective Information Dissemination Strategies on Women Workers' Rights | |
人力的人口方面区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Demographic Aspects of Manpower | |
青年、犯罪、公正问题区域间专家会议 | | Interregional Meeting of Experts on Youth, Crime and Justice | |
区域间青年问题顾问 | | Interregional Adviser on Youth | |
青年政策和方桉区域间顾问 | | Interregional Adviser on Youth Policies and Programmes | |
区域间方桉编制基金 | | Interregional fund for programme preparation | |
区域间母子健康指标会议 | | Interregional Meeting on Indicators relating to the Health of Mothers and Children | |
区域间咨询机构 | | interregional advisory services | |
管理阶层妇女的发展问题区域间讲习班 | | Interregional Workshop on the Development of Managerial Women | |
人口与发展战略区域间专家组会议 | | Interregional Expert Group Meeting on Population and Development Strategy | |
标准规则区域间顾问 | | interregional adviser on the Standard Rules | |
青少年辍学问题区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Problems of Early School Leavers | |
农村电气化区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Rural Electrification | |
发展中国家重大行政改革区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Major Administrative Reforms in Developing Countries | |
发展规划机构的组织和行政区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Organization and Administration of Development Planning Agencies | |
妇女参与公共生活问题区域间协商 | | Interregional consultation on women in public life | |
政府中的腐败问题区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on Corruption in Government | |
区域间专家筹备会议 | | interregional preparatory meetings of experts | |
政策分析宏观核算区域间顾问 | | Interregional Adviser on Macro Accounting for Policy Analysis | |
区域间残疾统计讲习班 | | Interregional Disability Statistics Workshop | |
区域间残疾人统计讲习班 | | Interregional Workshop on Disability Statistics | |
修订国民账户体系区域间讨论会 | | Interregional Seminar on the Revision of the SNA | |
区域间辐射防护培训班 | | Interregional Training Course on Radiation Protection | |