"Intestine" • Chinese-English Dictionary

CHARACTERS : Simplified Traditional
PHONETIC : Pinyin Bopomofo EFEO Wade-Giles Yale
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 cháng guǎn intestine / gut
 cháng wèi stomach and intestine / digestive system
 dà cháng the large intestine
 xiǎo cháng small intestine
 féi cháng pig-gut (large intestine used as foodstuff)
 yáng cháng xiǎo dào road as twisty as sheep's intestine (idiom) / narrow and winding road / fig. complicated and tricky job
 huí cháng ileum (segment of small intestine between the jejunum 空腸|空肠[kong1 chang2] and appendix 盲腸|盲肠[mang2 chang2])
 kōng cháng jejunum (empty gut, middle segment of small intestine between duodenum 十二指腸|十二指肠[shi2 er4 zhi3 chang2] and ileum 回腸|回肠[hui2 chang2])
 liù fǔ (TCM) six bowels (hollow organs), namely: gall bladder 膽|胆[dan3], stomach 胃[wei4], large intestine 大腸|大肠[da4 chang2], small intestine 小腸|小肠[xiao3 chang2], triple heater 三焦[san1 jiao1], bladder 膀胱[pang2 guang1]
 dòng large intestine / torso
 jiǎ obstruction in the intestine
 shēng jié cháng ascending colon (anatomy) / first section of large intestine
 héng jié cháng transverse colon (anatomy) / second section of large intestine
 cháng bì wall of intestine / lining of gut
 jiàng jié cháng descending colon (anatomy) / third section of large intestine
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