连 缀 lián zhuì to put together / linking / successive / a cluster 及 其 jí qí (conjunction linking two nouns) and its ... / and their ... / and his ... / and her ... 地 de -ly / structural particle: used before a verb or adjective, linking it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct 得 de structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc 泸 定 桥 Lú dìng qiáo Luding Bridge over Dadu river 大渡河[Da4 du4 he2] in Sichuan, built by Kangxi in 1706, linking Luding county Sichuan Luding county 瀘定縣|泸定县[Lu2 ding4 xian4] with Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州|甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] 乙 状 结 肠 yǐ zhuàng jié cháng sigmoid colon (anatomy) / bent colon, linking the descending colon to the rectum 交 臂 jiāo bì linking arms / arm in arm / very close 盲 端 máng duān cecum (start of the colon, linking it to small intestine) 农 村 家 庭 联 产 承 包 责 任 制 nóng cūn jiā tíng lián chǎn chéng bāo zé rèn zhì rural household contract responsibility system, PRC government policy linking rural income to productivity 连 缀 动 词 lián zhuì dòng cí linking verb 喀 喇 昆 仑 公 路 Kā lā kūn lún Gōng lù Karakorum Highway, linking Pakistan and Xinjiang 重 订 和 汇 编 国 民 账 户 丛 书 初 期 讲 习 班 Inception Workshop on Rebasing and Linking National Account Series 将 罪 犯 改 造 与 有 关 社 会 服 务 相 结 合 的 原 则 Principles on linking the rehabilitation of offenders to related social services 卫 星 传 输 实 验 通 信 实 验 室 Satellite Transmission Experiment Linking Laboratories 非 洲 科 学 家 和 专 业 人 员 合 作 信 息 网 Cooperative Information Network Linking Scientists and Professionals in Africa 亚 欧 大 陆 桥 yà ōu dà lù qiáo Eurasian land bridge (rail line linking China and Europe) 粤 汉 铁 路 Yuè Hàn Tiě lù Canton-Hankou Railway, linking Guangzhou and Wuchang, incorporated since 1957 into the Jing-Guang Railway 京廣鐵路|京广铁路[Jing1 Guang3 Tie3 lu4] 喀 喇 昆 仑 公 路 Kā lǎ kūn lún Gōng lù Karakorum Highway, linking Pakistan and Xinjiang