千年 | qiān nián | millennium | |
千禧年 | qiān xǐ nián | millennium | |
三皇 | sān huáng | the three legendary sovereigns of the third millennium BC: Suiren 燧人[Sui4 ren2], Fuxi 伏羲[Fu2 Xi1] and Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2], or 天皇|天皇[Tian1 huang2], 地皇|地皇[Di4 huang2] and 人皇|人皇[Ren2 huang2] | |
龟兹 | Qiū cí | ancient Central Asian city state, flourished in first millennium AD, in modern Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区, Xinjiang | |
千年发展目标 | qiān nián fā zhǎn mù biāo | Millennium Development Goals | |
千年疫苗基金 | qiān nián yì miáo jī jīn | millennium vaccine fund | |
新千年城市和人类住区麦纳麦宣言 | | Manama Declaration on Cities and Human Settlements in the New Millennium | |
千年发展目标本土化 | | Millennium Development Goals localization / MDG localization | |
埃塞俄比亚千年 | | Ethiopian Millennium | |
千年发展目标指标问题主席之友 | | Friends of the Chair on Millennium Development Goals indicators | |
千年发展目标非洲指导小组 | | Millennium Development Goals Africa Steering Group | |
千年发展目标高级别会议 | | High-level Event on the Millennium Development Goals | |
阿拉伯区域千年生态系统评估 | | Arab Millennium Ecosystem Sub-Global Assessment | |
千年生态系统评估 | | Millennium Ecosystem Assessment | |
千年大会办公室 | | Office for the Millennium Assembly | |
千年五周年峰会 | | High-level Plenary Meeting of the sixtieth session of the General Assembly / millennium review summit / Millennium +5 Summit | |
千年回合 | qiān nián huí hé | Millennium Round | |
实现千年发展目标全球业务计划 | | Global Business Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals | |
千年发展目标模拟模型 | | Maquette for Millennium Development Goals Simulations | |
千年学会 | | The Millennium Institute | |
千年发展目标碳机制 | | Millennium Development Goal Carbon Facility / MDG Carbon Facility | |
千年挑战账户 | | Millennium Challenge Account | |
千年发展目标报告 | | Millennium Development Goals Report | |
千年发展目标股 | | Millennium Development Goals Unit / MDGs Unit | |
千年发展目标差距工作队 | | Millennium Development Goals Gap Task Force | |
千年挑战契约 | | Millennium Challenge Compact | |
千年发展目标加速框架 | | Millennium Development Goals acceleration framework | |
千年发展目标的监测 | | Millennium Development Goals monitoring / MDG monitoring | |
千年发展目标战略 | | Millennium Development Goals strategy / MDG strategy | |
《千年宣言》所载价值 | | Millennium Declaration values | |
站起来反贫穷 | zhàn qǐ lái fǎn pín qióng | Stand Up Against Poverty, Stand Up for the Millennium Development Goals / Stand Up Against Poverty | |
与水有关的千年发展目标 | | water-related Millennium Development Goals / water-related MDGs | |
卫生千年发展目标 | | Health MDGs / health Millennium Development Goals | |
经订正的千年发展目标监测框架 | | Revised Millennium Development Goals monitoring framework | |
初级教育和两性平等问题第3工作队 | | Millennium Project Task Force 3 on Primary Education and Gender Equality / Task Force 3 on Primary Education and Gender Equality | |
开放和有规则的贸易制度第9工作队 | | Millennium Project Task Force 9 on Open, Rule-Based Trading Systems / Task Force 9 on Open, Rule-Based Trading Systems | |
改善贫民窟居民生活问题第8工作队 | | Millennium Project Task Force 8 on Improving the Lives of Slum Dwellers / Task Force 8 on Improving the Lives of Slum Dwellers | |
水和卫生问题千年项目第7工作队 | | Millennium Project Task Force 7 on Water and Sanitation / Task Force 7 on Water and Sanitation | |
水和卫生问题第7工作队 | | Millennium Project Task Force 7 on Water and Sanitation / Task Force 7 on Water and Sanitation | |
埃塞俄比亚千年宣言 | | Declaration on the Ethiopian Millennium | |
贫穷和经济发展问题千年项目第1工作队 | | Millennium Project Task Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development / Task Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development | |
贫穷和经济发展问题第1工作队 | | Millennium Project Task Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development / Task Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development | |
饥饿问题千年项目第2工作队 | | Millennium Project Task Force 2 on Hunger / Task Force 2 on Hunger | |
饥饿问题第2工作队 | | Millennium Project Task Force 2 on Hunger / Task Force 2 on Hunger | |
妇幼保健问题千年项目第4工作队 | | Millennium Project Task Force 4 on Child Health and Maternal Health / Task Force 4 on Child Health and Maternal Health | |
妇幼保健问题第4工作队 | | Millennium Project Task Force 4 on Child Health and Maternal Health / Task Force 4 on Child Health and Maternal Health | |
千年项目 | qiān nián xiàng mù | Millennium Project | |
大会第六十届会议高级别全体会议 | | High-level Plenary Meeting of the sixtieth session of the General Assembly / millennium review summit / Millennium +5 Summit | |
科技革新问题千年项目第10工作队 | | Millennium Project Task Force 10 on Science, Technology and Innovation / Task Force 10 on Science, Technology and Innovation | |
科技革新第10工作队 | | Millennium Project Task Force 10 on Science, Technology and Innovation / Task Force 10 on Science, Technology and Innovation | |
亚太千年发展目标媒体奖 | | Asia-Pacific Millennium Development Goals Media Awards | |
千年发展目标运动 | | Campaign for the Millennium Development Goals / Millennium Development Goals Campaign / Millennium Campaign | |
千年运动 | qiān nián yùn dòng | Campaign for the Millennium Development Goals / Millennium Development Goals Campaign / Millennium Campaign | |
千年指标数据库 | | Millennium Indicators Database | |
环境可持续性问题千年项目第6工作队 | | Millennium Project Task Force 6 on Environmental Sustainability / Task Force 6 on Environmental Sustainability | |
环境可持续性问题第6工作队 | | Millennium Project Task Force 6 on Environmental Sustainability / Task Force 6 on Environmental Sustainability | |
琵琶湖千年行动纲要 | | Biwako MIllennium Framework for Action Towards an Inclusive, Barrier-Free and Rights-Based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific / Biwako Millennium Framework for Action | |
扩大千年发展目标的规模 | | Millennium Development Goals scaling up / MDGs scaling up | |
千年发展目标需求评估 | | Millennium Development Goals needs assessment / MDG needs assessment | |
新千年和平基金会 | | New Millennium Peace Foundation | |
宗教和精神领袖千年世界和平首脑会议 | | Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders | |
原则宣言 | | Declaration of Principles - Building the Information Society: a global challenge in the new Millennium / Declaration of Principles | |
千年发展目标战略支助基金 | | Millennium Development Goal strategy support fund | |
欧洲国际金融危机和千年发展目标论坛 | | European Forum on the International Financial Crisis and the Millennium Development Goals | |
千年发展目标指标机构间和专家小组会议 | | Inter-agency and Expert Group Meeting on Millennium Development Goal Indicators | |
2008年千年发展目标疟疾峰会 | | 2008 Millennium Development Goals Malaria Summit | |
千年发展目标和可持续发展总统委员会 | | Presidential Commission on the Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development | |
志愿服务与千年发展目标国际会议 | | International Conference on Volunteerism and the Millennium Development Goals | |
千年发展目标基金 | | Millennium Development Goals Fund | |
联合国千年宣言 | | United Nations Millennium Declaration / Millennium Declaration | |
联合国千年首脑会议 | | Millennium Summit of the United Nations | |
千年信托基金 | | Millennium Trust Fund | |
世纪挑战账户集团 | | Millennium Challenge Corporation | |
千年种子银行 | | Millennium Seed Bank | |
千年科学举措 | | Millennium Science Initiative | |
千年发展目标指标机构间和专家小组 | | Inter-agency and Expert Group on Millennium Development Goal Indicators | |
德班新千年宣言 | | Durban Declaration for the New Millennium | |
大会主席理事会联合国千年首脑会议宣言 | | Declaration of the Council of Presidents of the General Assembly on the occasion of the Millennium Summit of the United Nations | |
汉城千年宣言 | | Seoul Millennium Declaration | |
执行联合国千年宣言的行进图 | | road map towards the implementation of the United Nations Millennium Declaration | |
千年论坛 | | Millennium Forum | |
联合国千年发展目标奖 | | United Nations Millennium Development Goals Awards / Millennium Development Goals Awards | |
千年发展目标筹资机制 | | Millennium Development Goal funding mechanism | |
千年发展目标扩展 | | Millennium Development Goals Plus / MDG-Plus | |
千年发展目标倡导小组 | | Millennium Development Goals Advocacy Group / MDG Advocacy Group; | |
千年发展协约 | | ASEAN Millennium Development Compact / Millennium Development Compact | |
秘书长千年发展目标特别顾问 | | Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Millennium Development Goals | |
千年发展目标非洲工作组 | | Millennium Development Goals Africa Working Group | |
扶持青年走向新的千年 | | youth empowerment for the new millennium | |
人民千年大会 | | "People's Millennium Assembly" | |
新千年第一个十年国际发展战略 | | international development strategy for the first decade of the new millennium | |
实现拉丁美洲和加勒比千年减贫目标 | | Meeting the Millennium Poverty Targets in Latin America and the Caribbean | |
千年发展目标倡导者小组 | | Group of Millennium Development Goals Advocates | |
千年村 | | Millennium Village | |
千年城市伙伴关系 | | Urban Millennium Partnership | |