剂量监控 | jì liàng jiān kòng | monitoring | |
远程监控 | yuǎn chéng jiān kòng | RMON / remote monitoring | |
监测仪器 | | monitoring instrument | |
监测站 | | monitoring station | |
连续监视 | lián xù jiān shì | continuous monitoring | |
远距离监视 | yuǎn jù lí jiān shì | off-site monitoring | |
测试器 | cè shì qì | testing apparatus / monitoring device / checker / meter | |
协理监测和评价干事 | | Associate Monitoring and Evaluation Officer | |
选举监察干事 | | Electoral Monitoring Officer | |
河湖酸化评估和监测国际合作方桉 | | International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes / ICP Waters | |
监测和近距离空中支援协调中心 | | Monitoring and Close Air Support Coordination Centre | |
监测委员会 | | Monitoring Committee | |
文件管理和生产力监测系统 | | Documents Control and Productivity Monitoring System | |
南太平洋海平面和气候监测项目 | | South Pacific Sea Level and Climate Monitoring Project | |
地中海区域荒漠化评价和监测项目 | | Assessment and Monitoring of Desertification in the Mediterranean Region | |
加强监测 | | enhancement of monitoring | |
渔船监测系统 | | vessel monitoring system | |
监测和核查议定书 | | monitoring and verification protocol | |
世界冰川监测机构 | | World Glacier Monitoring Service | |
气候监测 | | climate monitoring | |
经济监测和评估股 | | Economic Monitoring and Assessment Unit | |
遥感应用于环境评价和监测国际训练班 | | International Training Course on Remote Sensing Applications for Environmental Assessment and Monitoring | |
气候变化地球物理监测实验室 | | Geophysical Monitoring for Climate Change Laboratory / GMCC Laboratory | |
参与性监测和评价 | | participatory monitoring and assessment | |
维持和平行动高级规划和监察组 | | Senior Planning and Monitoring Group for Peace-keeping Operations | |
联合监察和评价机制 | | Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Facility | |
人力资源监测助理 | | Human Resource Monitoring Assistant | |
监察和检查委员会 | | Monitoring and Inspection Commission | |
九国监察委员会首脑会议 | | Summit Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of Nine | |
旱情监测中心 | | Drought Monitoring Centre | |
监测、控制和监视 | | monitoring, control and surveillance | |
国际咨询和监测委员会 | | International Advisory and Monitoring Board | |
条约监察机构 | | treaty monitoring body | |
评价和监测委员会 | | Evaluation and Monitoring Committee | |
世界气候系统监测方桉 | | World Climate System Monitoring Programme | |
气候系统监测 | | climate system monitoring | |
血液监测 | | blood supply monitoring | |
全球臭氧监测实验 | | Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment | |
世界气候数据和监测方桉 | | World Climate Data and Monitoring Programme | |
产科服务普及和使用情况监测指导方针 | | Guidelines for Monitoring the Availability and Use of Obstetric Services | |
政策分析和监测股 | | Policy Analysis and Monitoring Unit | |
水监测 | | water monitoring | |
本底空气污染监测网 | | Background Air Pollution Monitoring Network | |
欧洲药物监察中心 | | European Drugs Monitoring Centre | |
监察和评价委员会 | | Monitoring and Assessment Committee | |
全球经济监测股 | | Global Economic Monitoring Unit | |
遵守情况、评价和监察股 | | Compliance, Evaluation and Monitoring Unit | |
卫星作物监测项目 | | Satellite Crop Monitoring Project | |
武器监察 | | arms monitoring | |
评价和监察干事 | | Evaluation and Monitoring Officer | |
非法作物监测方桉 | | Illicit Crop Monitoring Programme | |
选举监察支助股 | | Electoral Monitoring Support Unit | |
媒体监测和分析科 | | Media Monitoring and Analysis Section | |
公民监督 | | civic oversight / public monitoring | |
布干维尔休战监察小组 | | Bougainville Truce Monitoring Group / Regional Truce Monitoring Group / Truce Monitoring Group | |
西非经共体监察组 | | Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group / ECOWAS Monitoring Group | |
西非国家经济共同体监察组 | | Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group / ECOWAS Monitoring Group | |
基金监测股 | | Fund Monitoring Unit | |
国际空间监测机构 | | International Space Monitoring Agency | |
空气污染监视 | | air quality monitoring / air surveillance | |
方桉监测 | | programme monitoring | |
核查与监测小组 | | Verification and Monitoring Unit | |
财务监督报告 | | Financial Monitoring Report | |
监察和评价制度 | | monitoring and evaluation system | |
武器监察办公室 | | Arms Monitoring Office | |
监测和报告工作队 | | Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting | |
人道主义促进和监察联合股 | | Joint Humanitarian Facilitation and Monitoring Unit | |
海啸灾后恢复影响评估和监测系统 | | Tsunami Recovery Impact Assessment and Monitoring System | |
监测和评价咨商小组 | | Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group | |
调查监督 | | investigative monitoring | |
国家信息、监测和外联处 | | National Information, Monitoring and Outreach Branch | |
全民教育全球监测报告 | | EFA Global Monitoring Report | |
规划、合规和监察科 | | Planning, Compliance and Monitoring Section | |
监测和评价小组 | | Monitoring and Evaluation Group | |
国家住房战略监测指导方针 | | Monitoring guidelines for national shelter strategies | |
核查与监察联合委员会 | | Joint Verification and Monitoring Commission | |
项目监察股 | | Project Monitoring Unit | |
基金监测干事 | | Fund Monitoring Officer | |
气候变化全球监测方桉 | | Global Monitoring for Climate Change Programme | |
监测日地环境 | | Monitoring the Sun-Earth Environment | |
未来履约监察小组 | | Future Compliance Monitoring Group | |
监察或侦测政府间工作组 | | Intergovernmental Working Group on Monitoring or Surveillance | |
电子监视镯 | | monitoring bracelet | |
生态系统监测和管理工作组 | | Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management | |
武器和军队管理监察协议 | | Agreement on Monitoring of the Management of Arms and Armies | |
导弹监察小组 | | missile monitoring group / missile group | |
全球珊瑚礁监测网 | | Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network | |
辐射监测 | | radiation monitoring | |
用仪器监测 | | instrumental monitoring | |
助理监测干事 | | Assistant Monitoring Officer | |
化学监察一队 | | chemical monitoring team | |
出席国际咨询和监察委员会的秘书长代表 | | Representative of the Secretary-General to the International Advisory and Monitoring Board | |
制裁安盟监察机制 | | Monitoring Mechanism on Sanctions against UNITA / Monitoring Mechanism | |
计算机化监测系统 | | computerized monitoring system | |
离子监测 | | ion monitoring | |
贫穷监测 | | poverty monitoring | |
地中海污染监测和研究方桉 | | Mediterranean Pollution Monitoring and Research Programme | |
联合监察和协调办公室 | | Joint Monitoring and Coordination Office | |
联合停火监察委员会 | | Joint Cease-fire Monitoring Committee | |
全球生物质汽化器监测方桉 | | Global Biomass Gasifiers Monitoring Programme | |