卫 星 wèi xīng satellite / moon / CL:顆|颗[ke1] 月 亮 yuè liang the moon 月 yuè moon / month / monthly / CL:個|个[ge4],輪|轮[lun2] 月 球 yuè qiú the moon 婵 娟 chán juān a beautiful woman / graceful and elegant posture / moon 玉 兔 yù tù the Jade Hare / the moon 蟾 chán moon / (striped) toad 冰 轮 bīng lún the moon 丽 魄 lì pò moon 太 阴 tài yīn the Moon (esp. in Daoism) 明 月 míng yuè bright moon / refers to 夜明珠, a legendary pearl that can glow in the dark / CL:輪|轮[lun2] 日 月 rì yuè the sun and moon / day and month / every day and every month / season / life and livelihood 星 月 xīng yuè the moon and the stars 新 月 xīn yuè new moon / crescent 满 月 mǎn yuè full moon / whole month / baby's one-month old birthday 嫦 娥 Cháng é Chang'e, the lady in the moon (Chinese mythology) / one of the Chang'e series of PRC lunar spacecraft 望 月 wàng yuè full moon 泰 坦 tài tǎn Titan (race of deities in Greek mythology, moon of Saturn etc) 月 牙 yuè yá crescent moon 残 月 cán yuè waning moon 赏 月 shǎng yuè to admire the full moon 心 花 怒 放 xīn huā nù fàng to burst with joy (idiom) / to be over the moon / to be elated 圆 月 yuán yuè full moon 千 载 难 逢 qiān zǎi nán féng extremely rare (idiom) / once in a blue moon 登 月 dēng yuè to go (up) to the moon 月 宫 yuè gōng Palace in the Moon (in folk tales) 初 升 chū shēng rising (sun, moon etc) 花 好 月 圆 huā hǎo yuè yuán lit. lovely flowers, round moon (idiom) / fig. everything is wonderful / perfect happiness / conjugal bliss 日 月 潭 Rì yuè tán Sun Moon Lake in Nantou County, Taiwan 奔 月 bèn yuè to fly to the moon 蓝 月 亮 lán yuè liang Blue Moon, a hypothetical planet 三 光 sān guāng the sun, the moon, and the stars 上 弦 shàng xián to wind / to tighten / crescent moon / first quarter or waxing moon 闭 月 羞 花 bì yuè xiū huā lit. hiding the moon, shaming the flowers (idiom) / fig. female beauty exceeding even that of the natural world 上 弦 月 shàng xián yuè first quarter moon 月 轮 yuè lún full moon 月 食 yuè shí lunar eclipse / eclipse of the moon 月 相 yuè xiàng phases of moon, namely: new moon 朔[shuo4], first quarter or waxing moon 上弦[shang4 xian2], full moon 望[wang4] and last quarter or waning moon 下弦[xia4 xian2] 望 日 wàng rì the full moon / the fifteenth day of each lunar month 日 月 如 梭 rì yuè rú suō the sun and moon like a shuttle (idiom) / How time flies! 皎 月 jiǎo yuè the bright moon 朔 望 shuò wàng the new moon / the first day of the lunar month 朔 月 shuò yuè new moon / first day of the lunar month 弥 月 mí yuè full moon / first full moon after birth (i.e. entering the second month) 月 晕 yuè yùn ring around the moon / lunar halo 月 球 车 yuè qiú chē moon buggy 吟 风 弄 月 yín fēng nòng yuè lit. singing of the wind and the moon / fig. vacuous and sentimental (of poetry or art) 水 中 捞 月 shuǐ zhōng lāo yuè lit. to scoop the moon out of the water (idiom) / a hopeless endeavor 晕 yùn dizzy / halo / ring around moon or sun 胧 lóng rising moon 嫦 cháng a legendary beauty who flew to the moon / the lady in the moon 众 星 捧 月 zhòng xīng pěng yuè lit. all the stars cup themselves around the moon (idiom, from Analects) / fig. to view sb as core figure / to group around a revered leader / to revolve around sb 镜 花 水 月 jìng huā shuǐ yuè lit. flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake (idiom) / fig. an unrealistic rosy view / viewing things through rose-tinted spectacles / also written 水月鏡花|水月镜花 冰 壶 秋 月 bīng hú qiū yuè jade ice jug and autumn moon (idiom, from poem by Song writer Su Dongpo 蘇東坡|苏东坡) / fig. spotless white and pure / flawless person 日 月 重 光 rì yuè chóng guāng the sun and moon shine once more / fig. things get back to normal after an upheaval 流 星 赶 月 liú xīng gǎn yuè lit. a meteor catching up with the moon / swift action (idiom) 清 风 明 月 qīng fēng míng yuè lit. cool breeze and bright moon (idiom) / fig. peaceful and clear night / (allusively) living a solitary and quiet life 花 容 月 貌 huā róng yuè mào lit. countenance of a flower, face like the moon (idiom) / fig. (of a woman) beautiful 长 夜 难 明 cháng yè nán míng lit. many nights under a harsh moon / long years of oppression (idiom) 风 花 雪 月 fēng huā xuě yuè wind, flower, snow and moon, trite poetry subject (idiom) / effete language without substance / love affair / romance is in the air / dissipated life 东 兔 西 乌 dōng tù xī wū lit. the sun setting and the moon rising (idiom) / fig. the passage of time 月 岩 yuè yán moon rock 月 偏 食 yuè piān shí partial eclipse of the moon 木 卫 mù wèi moon of Jupiter 步 月 bù yuè to stroll beneath the moon 登 陆 月 球 dēng lù yuè qiú moon landing / to land on the moon 朏 fěi crescent moon 火 卫 huǒ wèi moon of Mars 日 月 晕 rì yuè yùn halo / ring of light around the sun or moon 朓 tiào scorch / western moon before sunrise 朣 tóng light from the rising moon 月 球 表 面 yuè qiú biǎo miàn lunar surface / surface of the moon 朠 yīng color of the moon 盈 凸 月 yíng tū yuè full moon / waxing gibbous moon 七 曜 qī yào the seven planets of premodern astronomy (the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) 下 弦 xià xián third quarter or waning moon 下 弦 月 xià xián yuè third quarter or waning moon 中 元 普 渡 zhōng yuán pǔ dù Ghosts' festival on 15th day of 7th moon 倚 栏 望 月 yǐ lán wàng yuè to lean against the railings and look at the moon (idiom) 吴 牛 见 月 Wú niú jiàn yuè cow from Wu is terrified by the moon, mistaking it for the sun 小 潮 xiǎo cháo neap tide (the smallest tide, when moon is at first or third quarter) 尼 厄 丽 德 Ní è lì dé Nereids (Greek sea nymphs, fifty daughters of Nereus and Doris) / Nereid, moon of Neptune 日 月 五 星 rì yuè wǔ xīng sun, moon and the five visible planets 星 曜 xīng yào heavenly bodies (esp. the sun, moon or five visible planets) 月 亮 女 神 yuè liang nu:3 shén the Moon Goddess / name of Japanese moon space probe 月 光 期 yuè guāng qī from new moon to full moon 月 女 神 yuè nu:3 shén Moon Goddess 月 孛 yuè bèi lunar apogee (point in the moon's orbit furthest from earth) / imaginary heavenly body occupying the second focus of the moon's elliptic orbit / dark moon / Lilith 月 径 yuè jìng moonlit path / diameter of the moon / diameter of the moon's orbit 月 亏 yuè kuī waning moon / to wane 月 阑 yuè lán the halo of the moon 朔 望 潮 shuò wàng cháo spring tide (biggest tide, at new moon or full moon) 潘 基 文 Pān Jī wén Ban Ki Moon (1944-), Korean diplomat, UN secretary-general 2007-2016 烘 云 托 月 hōng yún tuō yuè lit. to shade in the clouds to offset the moon (idiom) / fig. a foil / a contrasting character to a main hero 盼 星 星 盼 月 亮 pàn xīng xīng pàn yuè liàng to wish for the stars and the moon / to have unreal expectations 金 乌 西 坠 , 玉 兔 东 升 jīn wū xī zhuì , yù tù dōng shēng lit. the golden bird of the sun sets in the west, the jade hare of the moon rises in the east / fig. at sunset 阿 波 罗 计 划 A1 bō luó jì huà the Apollo project (1961-1975), the NASA moon landing project 风 圈 fēng quān ring around the moon / lunar halo / solar halo 月 池 yuè chí moon pool / central pool 月 球 研 究 联 盟 间 委 员 会 Inter-Union Commission for Studies of the Moon