多边 | duō biān | multilateral | |
多边合作 | duō biān hé zuò | multilateral cooperation | |
多边协定 | duō biān xié dìng | multilateral agreement / cooperation agreement between different parties | |
多边贸易 | duō biān mào yì | multilateral trade | |
多边贸易谈判 | duō biān mào yì tán pàn | multilateral trade talks | |
执行蒙特利尔议定书多边基金 | | Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol | |
多边贸易协议 | duō bian mào yì xié yì | Multilateral Trade Agreement | |
多边金融机构 | duō bian jīn róng jī gòu | multilateral financial institution | |
关于建立欧洲共同飞行区的多边协定 | | Multilateral Agreement on the Establishment of the European Common Aviation Area | |
秘书长作为多边条约保存人的实务提要 | | Summary of Practice of the Secretary-General as Depositary of Multilateral Treaties | |
多边合作伙伴 | duō bian hé zuò huǒ bàn | multilateral partner | |
核燃料循环多边办法 | hé rán liào xún huán duō bian bàn fǎ | multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle / multilateral nuclear approaches | |
获取技术多边基金 | | Multilateral Technology Acquisition Fund | |
多边减债动议 | duō bian jiǎn zhài dòng yì | Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative | |
治理、联合国和多边事务司 | | Governance, United Nations and Multilateral Affairs | |
多边投资担保机构公约 | | Convention Establishing the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency | |
多边援助 | duō bian yuán zhù | multilateral assistance | |
上海合作组织成员国多边经贸合作纲要 | | Plan for Multilateral Economic and Trade Cooperation of the SCO Member States | |
贩运儿童问题区域多边协定 | fàn yùn r tóng wèn tí qū yù duō bian xié dìng | Regional Multilateral Agreement on Trafficking in Children | |
多边支出 | duō bian zhī chū | multilateral expenditures | |
国际社会单一多边裁军谈判机构 | | single multilateral disarmament negotiating forum of the international community / multilateral negotiating forum | |
多边外交 | duō bian wài jiāo | multilateral diplomacy | |
多边机构核心小组 | duō bian jī gòu hé xīn xiǎo zǔ | Core Group of Multilateral Agencies | |
多边捐款 | duō bian juān kuǎn | multilateral contributions | |
多边投资协定 | duō bian tóu zī xié dìng | Multilateral Agreement on Investment | |
亚太空间技术和应用多边合作讲习班 | | Asia-Pacific Workshop on Multilateral Cooperation in Space Technology and Applications | |
交给秘书长保存的多边条约 | | Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General | |
多边渔业条约 | | Multilateral Fisheries Treaty | |
劳工移徙多边框架 | láo gōng yí xǐ duō bian kuàng jià | Multilateral Framework on Labour Migration | |
中东水资源多边工作组 | | Middle East Multilateral Working Group on Water Resources | |
欧洲不定期航空运输商权多边协定 | | Multilateral Agreement on Commercial Rights of Non-Scheduled Air Services in Europe | |
关于非洲疟疾的多边倡议 | | Multilateral Initiative on Malaria in Africa | |
多边贸易自由化 | duō bian mào yì zì yóu huà | multilateral trade liberalization / multilateral liberalization | |
多边规章制度 | duō bian guī zhāng zhì duó | multilateral discipline | |
多边管制 | duō bian guǎn zhì | multilateral discipline | |
多边贸易谈判东京回合 | duō bian mào yì tán pàn dōng jīng huí hé | Tokyo Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations / Tokyo Round | |
东京回合 | dōng jīng huí hé | Tokyo Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations / Tokyo Round | |
多边贸易组织 | duō bian mào yì zǔ zhī | Multilateral Trade Organization | |
获取和惠益分享多边系统 | | Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-Sharing | |
多边环境协定 | duō bian huán jìng xié dìng | multilateral environmental agreement | |
多边关税谈判 | duō bian guān shuì tán pàn | multilateral tariff negotiations | |
多边贸易体制 | duō bian mào yì tǐ zhì | multilateral trading system | |
蒙特利尔议定书多边基金执行委员会 | | Executive Committee for the Multilateral Fund under the Montreal Protocol | |
亚太空间技术和应用多边合作会议 | | Asia-Pacific Conference on Multilateral Cooperation in Space Technology and Applications | |
多边监督 | | multilateral surveillance | |
多边粮食援助问题研究方桉 | | Programme of Studies on Multilateral Food Aid | |
中东多边和平进程 | | Multilateral Middle East Peace Process | |
中东和平进程多边工作组 | | Multilateral Working Groups of the Middle East Peace Process | |
多边和双边财政和技术援助机构 | | Multilateral and Bilateral Financial and Technical Assistance Institutions | |
核燃料循环多边办法专家小组 | | Expert Group on Multilateral Approaches to the Nuclear Fuel Cycle | |
多边偿债机制 | | Multilateral Debt Facility | |
西非打击贩卖儿童活动多边合作协定 | | multilateral cooperation agreement on combating child trafficking in West Africa | |
东北大西洋渔业未来多边合作公约 | | Convention on Future Multilateral Cooperation in the Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | |
多边投资保证机构 | | Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency | |
多边投资基金 | | Multilateral Investment Fund | |
多边开发银行 | | multilateral development bank | |
多边安全 | | multilateral security | |
联合国多边裁军机制 | | United Nations multilateral disarmament machinery | |
多边战略物资出口管制统筹委员会 | | Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Strategic Export Controls | |
防止海上事故多边协定 | | multilateral agreement for the prevention of incidents at sea | |
多边渔业协定 | | Multilateral Fisheries Agreement | |
多边体系 | | multilateral system | |
核反应堆安全和辐射防护多边基金 | | Multilateral Fund for Nuclear Reactor Safety and Radiation Protection | |
多边评价机制 | | Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism | |
禁止化学武器多边公约 | | Multilateral Convention on Banning Chemical Weapons | |
南太平洋金枪鱼捕捞问题多边高级别会议 | | Multilateral High-level Conference on South Pacific Tuna Fisheries | |
多边条约 | | multilateral treaty | |
多边组织业绩评估网 | | Multilateral Organisations Performance Assessment Network | |
多边环境公约间合作协商会议 | | Consultative Meeting on Collaboration among Multilateral Environmental Conventions | |
审查多边条约拟订程序工作组 | | Working Group on the Review of the Multilateral Treaty-making Process | |
审查多边条约拟订程序的最后文件 | | Final Document on the Review of the Multilateral Treaty-Making Process | |
多边难民工作组 | | Multilateral Working Group on Refugees | |
综合多边核查系统 | | integrated multilateral verification system | |
其他多边来源 | | other multilateral sources | |
多边支付安排专家组 | | Expert Group on Multilateral Payments Arrangements | |
多边军备管制和裁军协定现况 | | Status of Multilateral Arms Regulations and Disarmament Agreements | |
多边防扩散体系 | | multilateral non-proliferation regime | |
多边货币协定 | | Multilateral Monetary Agreement | |