群众 | qún zhòng | mass / multitude / the masses | |
人海 | rén hǎi | a multitude / a sea of people | |
人山人海 | rén shān rén hǎi | multitude / vast crowd | |
黎 | lí | (literary) black / dark / many / multitude | |
苠 | mín | multitude / skin of bamboo | |
甡 | shēn | multitude / crowd | |
冗冗 | rǒng rǒng | numerous / excessive / multitude | |
之一 | zhī yī | one of (sth) / one out of a multitude / one (third, quarter, percent etc) | |
庶民 | shù mín | the multitude of common people (in highbrow literature) / plebeian | |
众矢之的 | zhòng shǐ zhī dì | lit. target of a multitude of arrows (idiom) / the butt of public criticism / attacked on all sides | |
合众 | hé zhòng | mass / involving everyone / united / lit. to assemble the multitude | |
济济 | jì jì | a horde or multitude of people | |
千头万绪 | qiān tóu wàn xù | plethora of things to tackle / multitude of loose ends / very complicated / chaotic | |
敌众我寡 | dí zhòng wǒ guǎ | multitude of enemies, few friends (idiom from Mencius) / heavily outnumbered / beaten by the weight of numbers | |
众寡悬殊 | zhòng guǎ xuán shū | the multitude against the few, a wide disparity (idiom from Mencius) / heavily outnumbered / unequally matched / overwhelmed by weight of numbers | |
灿若繁星 | càn ruò fán xīng | bright as a multitude of stars (idiom) / extremely able talent | |
众盲摸象 | zhòng máng mō xiàng | multitude of blind people touch an elephant (idiom, from Nirvana sutra 大般涅槃經|大般涅盘经[da4 ban1 Nie4 pan2 jing1]) / fig. unable to see the big picture / to mistake the part for the whole / unable to see the wood for the trees | |
满天繁星 | mǎn tiān fán xīng | lit. whole sky, a multitude of stars |