羊肉 | yáng ròu | mutton / goat meat | |
涮羊肉 | shuàn yáng ròu | Mongolian hot pot / instant-boiled mutton (dish) | |
羊肉馅 | yáng ròu xiàn | minced mutton | |
老来俏 | lǎo lái qiào | old person who dresses up as teenager / mutton dressed as lamb | |
手抓羊肉 | shǒu zhuā yáng ròu | hand-held mutton (mutton pieces on the bone, eaten with the fingers) | |
羊肉泡馍 | yáng ròu pào mó | mutton and bread soup (a specialty of Shaanxi cuisine) | |
羊油 | yáng yóu | sheep's fat / suet / mutton tallow |