麻醉药 | má zuì yào | anesthetic / narcotic | |
麻醉药品 | má zuì yào pǐn | narcotic | |
麻醉剂 | má zuì jì | narcotic / anesthetic | |
犯毒 | fàn dú | illegal drug / narcotic | |
蒙药 | méng yào | anesthetic / narcotic / knockout drops | |
吸食 | xī shí | (of an insect) to drink (nectar, sap, blood etc) / (of a person) to take (a narcotic drug) / to drink through a straw | |
美洲麻醉药品贩运问题专门会议 | | Inter-American Specialized Conference on Traffic in Narcotic Drugs | |
非政府组织麻醉药品委员会 | | NGO Committee on Narcotic Drugs | |
麻醉药品委员会秘书处 | | Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs | |
国际管制的麻醉药品 | | narcotic drugs under international control | |
麻醉品作物 | má zuì pǐn zuò wù | narcotic crop | |
麻醉药品委员会 | | Commission on Narcotic Drugs | |
具有麻醉功能的植物 | | narcotic plant | |
19xx年麻醉药品统计数字 | | Statistics on Narcotic Drugs for 19.. | |
南盟麻醉药品和精神药物公约 | | SAARC Convention on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances | |
泛阿拉伯麻醉药品事务局 | | Pan-Arab Bureau for Narcotic Affairs | |
1961年麻醉品单一公约 | | Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 / Single Convention 1961 | |
1961年单一公约 | | Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 / Single Convention 1961 | |
非政府组织麻醉药品和精神药物委员会 | | NGO Committee on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances | |
麻醉止痛药 | | narcotic analgesic | |
取缔非法麻醉药品全球行动纲领 | | Global programme of action against illicit narcotic drugs | |
大会第十七届特别会议 | | seventeenth special session of the General Assembly / seventeenth special session of the General Assembly to consider the question of international cooperation against illicit production, supply, demand, trafficking and distribution of narcotic drugs and p | |
修正1961年麻醉品单一公约的议定书 | | Protocol amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 | |
国际管制的麻醉药品清单 | | List of Narcotic Drugs under International Control / Yellow List | |
黄单 | | List of Narcotic Drugs under International Control / Yellow List | |
红单 | | List of Precursors and Chemicals frequently used in the Illicit Manufacture of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances under International Control / Red List | |
打击滥用麻醉药品原则宣言 | | Declaration of Principles to Combat the Abuse of Narcotic Drugs | |
基多禁止贩运麻醉药品宣言 | | Quito Declaration against Traffic in Narcotic Drugs | |
限制麻醉品制造及管制麻醉品运销的公约 | | Convention for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs | |
国际禁毒执法人员协会 | | International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association, Inc. | |
修订1961年麻醉品单一公约全权代表会议 | | Plenipotentiary Conference to amend the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 | |
联合国审议1961年麻醉品单一公约修正桉会议 | | United Nations Conference to Consider Amendments to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 | |
麻醉药品估计数字和统计数字对比表 | | Comparative Statement of Estimates and Statistics on Narcotic Drugs | |
南美洲麻醉药品和精神药物协定 | | South American Agreement on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances | |
非法生产和贩运麻醉药品 | | illicit production and trafficking in narcotic drugs | |
19xx年世界麻醉药品估计需求量 | | Estimated World Requirements of Narcotic Drugs in 19.. | |
麻醉药品需要量估计数 | | estimated requirements of narcotic drugs | |
维也纳非政府组织麻醉药品委员会 | | Vienna NGO Committee on Narcotic Drugs | |
麻醉药品司 | | Division of Narcotic Drugs | |