不限成员名额的 | | open-ended | |
开口合同 | kāi kǒu hé tòng | blanket purchase order / open-ended contract / standing order; | |
常年定单 | | blanket purchase order / open-ended contract / standing order; | |
一揽子购货定单 | | blanket purchase order / open-ended contract / standing order; | |
联合国海洋进程 | | United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process Established by the General Assembly in its Resolution 54 / 33, in Order to Facilitate the Annual Review by the Assembly of Developments in Ocean Affairs / United Nations Oceans Process | |
普遍定期审议机制工作组 | pǔ biàn dìng qī shěn yì jī zhì gōng zuò zǔ | Inter-sessional open-ended intergovernmental Working Group to develop the modalities of the universal periodic review mechanism / Working group on the universal periodic review mechanism | |
不限成员名额非正式协商 | | open-ended informal consultations | |
发展权不限成员名额工作组 | | open-ended working group on the right to development | |
主席之友不限成员名额小组 | | Open-ended Group of the Friends of the Chairman | |
老龄问题不限成员名额工作组 | lǎo líng wèn tí bù xiàn chéng yuán míng é gōng zuò zǔ | Open-ended Working Group on Ageing | |
和平纲领不限成员名额工作组 | | Open-ended Working Group on An Agenda for Peace | |
海洋问题不限成员名额工作组 | hǎi yáng wèn tí bù xiàn chéng yuán míng é gōng zuò zǔ | open-ended working group on oceans issues | |
不限成员名额主席团扩大会议 | | Open-ended Enlarged Bureau Meeting | |
不限成员名额政府间专家小组 | | open-ended intergovernmental expert group | |
巴塞尔公约不限成员名额工作组 | | Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention | |
信息学不限成员名额特设工作组 | | Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Informatics | |
汞问题不限成员名额特设工作组 | | ad hoc open-ended working group on mercury | |
人权委员会不限成员名额工作组 | | Open-ended Working Group of the Commission to examine the question of a draft optional protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | |
大会不限成员名额高级别工作组 | | Open-Ended High-level Working Group of the General Assembly | |
发展纲领问题不限成员名额工作组 | | Open-ended Working Group on an Agenda for Development | |
睦邻问题不限成员名额小组委员会 | | Open-ended Sub-Committee on Good Neighbourliness | |
议事规则问题不限成员名额工作组 | | Open-ended Working Group on the Rules of Procedure | |
不限成员名额特设政府间森林小组 | | Open-ended Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Panel on Forests / Intergovernmental Panel on Forests | |
大会关于商品问题不限成员名额小组 | | Open-ended panel of the General Assembly on commodities | |
联合国筹资战略不限成员名额特设工作组 | | Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on the United Nations Funding Strategy | |