付款 | fù kuǎn | to pay a sum of money / payment | |
给付 | jǐ fù | to pay / payment | |
赔付 | péi fù | to pay out / to compensate / (insurance) payment | |
包月 | bāo yuè | to make monthly payments / monthly payment | |
货款 | huò kuǎn | payment for goods | |
红包 | hóng bāo | money wrapped in red as a gift / bonus payment / kickback / bribe | |
要钱 | yào qián | to charge / to demand payment | |
支付宝 | Zhī fù bǎo | Alipay, online payment platform | |
押金 | yā jīn | deposit / down payment | |
定金 | dìng jīn | down payment / advance payment | |
首付 | shǒu fù | down payment | |
理赔 | lǐ péi | to settle a claim / claims settlement / payment of claims | |
出纳 | chū nà | cashier / to receive and hand over payment / to lend and borrow books | |
收银 | shōu yín | to receive payment | |
分期付款 | fēn qī fù kuǎn | to pay in installments / payment in installments | |
订金 | dìng jīn | an initial payment / earnest money / deposit | |
追讨 | zhuī tǎo | to demand payment of money owing | |
戏份 | xì fèn | scene (in a movie etc) / one's part in a movie or play / (archaic) actor's payment | |
贝宝 | Bèi bǎo | PayPal (Internet payment and money transfer company) | |
付息 | | interest payment | |
转移支付 | zhuǎn yí zhī fù | transfer payment (payment from government or private sector for which no good or service is required in return) | |
抚养费 | fǔ yǎng fèi | child support payment (after a divorce) | |
缴付 | jiǎo fù | to pay / to hand over (tax payment etc) | |
首付款 | shǒu fù kuǎn | down payment | |
追索 | zhuī suǒ | to demand payment / to extort / to trace / to seek / to pursue / to explore | |
抚恤金 | fǔ xù jīn | compensation payment (for injury) / relief payment | |
拒付 | jù fù | to refuse to accept a payment / to refuse to pay / to stop (a check or payment) | |
预支 | yù zhī | to pay in advance / to get payment in advance | |
逼债 | bī zhài | to press for payment of debts / to dun | |
包干制 | bāo gān zhì | a system of payment partly in kind and partly in cash | |
包银 | bāo yín | contracted payment (esp. actors' salary in former times) | |
赊购 | shē gòu | to buy on credit / to delay payment | |
中俄伊犁条约 | Zhōng E2 Yī lí Tiáo yuē | Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, whereby Russia handed back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights | |
中俄改订条约 | Zhōng E2 Gǎi dìng Tiáo yuē | Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, whereby Russia handed back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights | |
二奶专家 | èr nǎi zhuān jiā | "mercenary expert", a person who is supposedly an independent expert, but receives payment for making comments favorable to a particular entity | |
交款单 | jiāo kuǎn dān | payment slip | |
付款方式 | fù kuǎn fāng shì | terms of payment / payment method | |
付款條件 | fù kuǎn tiáo jiàn | terms of payment | |
俸恤 | fèng xù | payment and pension | |
和解费 | hé jiě fèi | money settlement (fine or payment to end a legal dispute) | |
宽免 | kuān miǎn | to reduce payment / to annul (debts, bills, taxes etc) / to let sb off paying | |
延期付款 | yán qī fù kuǎn | to defer payment / to pay back over long term | |
后付 | hòu fù | payment made afterwards / postpaid | |
改订伊犁条约 | Gǎi dìng Yī lí Tiáo yuē | Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881 in which Russia agreed to hand back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights | |
月钱 | yuè qián | monthly payment | |
润格 | rùn gé | scale of fee payment for a painter, calligrapher or writer | |
特惠金 | tè huì jīn | ex gratia payment | |
缓期付款 | huǎn qī fù kuǎn | to defer payment | |
讨账 | tǎo zhàng | to demand payment / to collect overdue payment | |
定银 | dìng yín | deposit / down payment | |
付款凭单 | fù kuǎn píng dān | payment voucher | |
付款条件 | fù kuǎn tiáo jiàn | terms of payment | |
离职偿金 | lí zhí cháng jīn | separation payment | |
养恤金计算和首次付款系统 | | Benefit Calculation and First Payment System | |
支付和清算制度委员会 | | Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems | |
补充支付 | bǔ chōng zhī fù | replenishment payment | |
自动化购置和付款系统 | | Automated Purchase and Payment system | |
惠给金 | | ex gratia payment | |
关于战时医院船免税的公约 | | Convention for the Exemption of Hospital Ships, in Time of War, from The Payment of all Dues and Taxes Imposed for the Benefit of the State | |
经济刺激支付 | jīng jì cì jī zhī fù | economic stimulus payment | |
贷款差额支付 | | Loan-Deficiency Payment | |
支付货币 | zhī fù huò bì | currency of payment | |
支付授权 | zhī fù shòu quán | payment authorization | |
付款卡 | | payment card | |
付款记录 | fù kuǎn jì lù | payment record | |
当地业务费用项下的付款 | | payment towards local operating costs | |
实物支付 | shí wù zhī fù | in-kind payment | |
转让性付款 | | transfer payment | |
转移性支付 | | transfer payment | |
疏通费 | shū tōng fèi | facilitation payment / bribe | |
生态系统服务付费 | shēng tài xì tǒng fù wù fù fèi | payment for ecosystem services | |
月支付委托书 | | monthly payment order | |
月付款通知 | yuè fù kuǎn tòng zhī | monthly payment order | |
亏损付款 | kuī sǔn fù kuǎn | deficiency payment | |
区域统一支付清算系统 | qū yù tǒng yī zhī fù qīng suàn xì tǒng | Unified Regional Payment Clearing System | |
福利的支付 | | payment of benefits | |
养恤金的支付 | | payment of benefits | |
津贴和薪资事务干事 | | allowance and payment officer | |
支付股 | | Payment Unit | |
受付权 | | rights to payment | |
系统性重要支付制度的核心原则 | | Core Principles for Systemically Important Payment Systems | |
科索沃公共出纳处 | | Public Payment Service in Kosovo | |
定期给付中的养恤金 | | periodic benefit in payment | |
解雇偿金基金 | | Termination Payment Fund | |
关于金钱债务偿付地点的欧洲公约 | | European Convention on the Place of Payment of Money Liabilities | |
复员费 | | demobilization payment | |
国际学校学费月付计划 | | UNIS Monthly Payment Plan | |
一笔总付 | | lump-sum payment | |
供应商支付股 | | Vendors' Payment Unit | |
多年付款计划 | | multi-year payment plan | |
现金支付方式 | | cash payment option | |
抵充 | dǐ chōng | to use in payment / to compensate | |
月供 | yuè gōng | monthly loan repayment / mortgage payment | |
头期款 | tóu qī kuǎn | down payment | |
头款 | tóu kuǎn | down payment | |
脚钱 | jiǎo qián | payment to a porter | |
力钱 | lì qián | payment to a porter | |
提示付款 | tí shì fù kuǎn | to present (a bill of exchange etc) for payment | |
款到发货 | kuǎn dào fā huò | dispatch upon receipt of payment | |
回款 | huí kuǎn | payment of money owing | |