警 察 jǐng chá police / police officer / CL:個|个[ge4] 警 方 jǐng fāng police 干 警 gàn jǐng police / police cadres 警 jǐng to alert / to warn / police 报 警 bào jǐng to sound an alarm / to report sth to the police 民 警 mín jǐng civil police / PRC police / abbr. for 人民警察 派 出 所 pài chū suǒ local police station 公 安 局 gōng ān jú public security bureau (government office similar in function to a police station) 交 警 jiāo jǐng traffic police / abbr. for 交通警察 老 总 lǎo zǒng boss / sir (person with a leading role in an organization) / (after a surname) high ranking commander in the PLA / (Qing dynasty) high ranking government official / (old) courteous term used by the general populace in addressing a rank-and-file soldier or police officer 公 车 gōng chē bus / abbr. for 公共汽車|公共汽车[gong1 gong4 qi4 che1] / car belonging to an organization and used by its members (government car, police car, company car etc) / abbr. for 公務用車|公务用车[gong1 wu4 yong4 che1] 武 警 wǔ jǐng armed police 警 官 jǐng guān constable / police officer 刑 警 xíng jǐng abbr. for 刑事警察[xing2 shi4 jing3 cha2] / criminal police 警 车 jǐng chē police car 警 察 局 jǐng chá jú police station / police department / police headquarters 特 警 tè jǐng SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) / riot police / abbr. for 特種警察|特种警察[te4 zhong3 jing3 cha2] 巡 警 xún jǐng police patrol / patrol officer / police officer (old) 警 力 jǐng lì police force / police officers 警 局 jǐng jú police department / police station / abbr. of 警察局 人 民 警 察 rén mín jǐng chá civil police / PRC police 宪 兵 xiàn bīng military police 警 戒 线 jǐng jiè xiàn police cordon / alert level 警 探 jǐng tàn police detective 锦 衣 卫 jǐn yī wèi Brocade Uniform Guard, imperial bodyguard and secret police force of the Ming emperors 警 犬 jǐng quǎn police dog 交 通 警 察 jiāo tōng jǐng chá traffic police / abbr. to 交警 警 服 jǐng fú police uniform 保 安 人 员 bǎo ān rén yuán security personnel / member of police force 警 民 jǐng mín the police and the community 武 警 部 队 wǔ jǐng bù duì People's Armed Police 警 讯 jǐng xùn warning sign / police call 飞 虎 队 fēi hǔ duì Flying Tigers, US airmen in China during World War Two / Hong Kong nickname for police special duties unit 警 棍 jǐng gùn police truncheon 出 警 chū jǐng to dispatch police to the scene of crime, accident etc 细 作 xì zuò police spy / secret agent 电 子 警 察 diàn zǐ jǐng chá traffic camera / speed camera / closed-circuit TV police surveillance 乘 警 chéng jǐng police on trains / train marshal 岗 亭 gǎng tíng sentry box / police box 宪 兵 队 xiàn bīng duì the Kempeitai or Japanese Military Police 1881-1945 (Japanese counterpart of the Gestapo during WWII) 局 子 jú zi police station 骑 警 qí jǐng mounted police (on horse or motorbike) 警 衔 jǐng xián police rank 警 徽 jǐng huī police badge 刑 事 警 察 xíng shì jǐng chá criminal police / member of the criminal police 岗 楼 gǎng lòu watchtower / observation tower / police booth 交 通 警 jiāo tōng jǐng traffic police 警 察 署 jǐng chá shǔ police station 防 暴 警 察 fáng bào jǐng chá riot police / riot squad 中 国 人 民 武 装 警 察 部 队 Zhōng guó Rén mín Wǔ zhuāng Jǐng chá Bù duì Chinese People's Armed Police Force (PAP, aka CAPF) 国 际 刑 事 警 察 组 织 Guó jì Xíng shì Jǐng chá Zǔ zhī International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) 皇 家 香 港 警 察 Huáng jiā Xiāng gǎng Jǐng chá Royal Hong Kong Police Force (1969-1997) 警 察 厅 Jǐng chá tīng National Police Agency (Japan) 香 港 警 察 Xiāng gǎng Jǐng chá Hong Kong Police Force (since 1997) 皁 zào black / police runners, from the black clothes formerly worn by them 内 政 部 警 政 署 Nèi zhèng bù Jǐng zhèng shǔ National Police Agency (Tw) 协 管 xié guǎn to assist in managing (e.g. traffic police or crowd control) / to steward 员 警 yuán jǐng police officer / policeman 国 际 刑 警 组 织 Guó jì Xíng jǐng Zǔ zhī Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization) 欧 洲 刑 警 组 织 Oū zhōu Xíng jǐng Zǔ zhī Europol (European Police Office) 武 警 战 士 wǔ jǐng zhàn shì armed fighters / armed police / militia 炮 儿 局 pào r jú police station (Beijing slang) 特 别 任 务 连 tè bié rèn wu lián Special Duties Unit, Hong Kong special police 皇 家 骑 警 huáng jiā qí jǐng Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Canadian federal and national police force / Mounties 秘 密 警 察 mì mì jǐng chá secret police 警 政 署 Jǐng zhèng shǔ National Police Agency (Taiwan) / abbr. for 內政部警政署|内政部警政署[Nei4 zheng4 bu4 Jing3 zheng4 shu3] 警 民 冲 突 jǐng mín chōng tū a clash between the police and the people 警 种 jǐng zhǒng police classification / subdivision of policing activities (traffic, border guard, criminal etc) 边 防 警 察 biān fáng jǐng chá border police 骑 警 队 qí jǐng duì mounted police detachment (on horse or motorbike) 处 警 chǔ jǐng (of police etc) to deal with an emergency incident 加 拿 大 皇 家 骑 警 jiā ná dà huáng jiā qí jǐng Royal Canadian Mounted Police 契 卡 qì kǎ Cheka, a Soviet secret police agency, forerunner of the KGB 巡 捕 房 xún bǔ fáng (old) police station in a foreign concession 租界[zu1 jie4] 游 牧 警 察 yóu mù jǐng chá nomadic police 世 界 警 察 大 会 World Police Congress 平 民 警 察 píng mín jǐng chá popular police 西 南 非 洲 警 察 xī nán fēi zhōu jǐng chá South West Africa Police 中 央 后 备 警 察 部 队 Central Reserve Police 警 务 专 员 办 公 室 jǐng wù zhuān yuán bàn gōng shì Office of the Police Commissioner 军 事 和 警 务 顾 问 Military and Police Advisers' Community 刚 果 国 家 警 察 gāng guǒ guó jiā jǐng chá Congolese national police 欧 盟 驻 科 法 治 团 警 察 部 分 EULEX Police Component 警 务 顾 问 办 公 室 jǐng wù gù wèn bàn gōng shì Office of the Police Adviser 宪 兵 调 查 单 位 military police investigations element 常 备 警 察 能 力 cháng bèi jǐng chá néng lì standing police capacity 警 察 联 络 官 police liaison officer 高 级 警 务 顾 问 gāo jí jǐng wù gù wèn Senior Police Adviser 嫌 疑 犯 列 队 xián yí fàn liè duì police line-up 警 务 顾 问 小 组 jǐng wù gù wèn xiǎo zǔ police advisory team 武 装 警 察 部 队 wǔ zhuāng jǐng chá bù duì Armed Police Force 科 索 沃 警 察 部 队 kē suǒ wò jǐng chá bù duì Kosovo Police Service / Kosovo Police Force 民 警 顾 问 mín jǐng gù wèn Civilian Police Adviser 特 别 警 察 股 Special Police Unit 坦 桑 尼 亚 女 警 官 网 络 Tanzania Female Police Network 国 家 警 务 委 员 会 National Police Affairs Commission 国 际 边 境 警 察 股 guó jì bian jìng jǐng chá gǔ International Border Police Unit 印 度 尼 西 亚 国 家 警 察 yìn duó ní xī yà guó jiā jǐng chá Indonesian National Police 国 际 民 警 股 guó jì mín jǐng gǔ International Civilian Police Unit 西 南 非 洲 警 察 镇 暴 队 xī nán fēi zhōu jǐng chá zhèn bào duì South West African Police Counterinsurgency / Koevoet