色情 | sè qíng | pornography / sex | |
淫书 | yín shū | obscene book / pornography | |
A片 | A piàn | adult movie / pornography | |
黄毒 | huáng dú | pornography / the psychological harm of pornography | |
扫黄 | sǎo huáng | campaign against pornography | |
扫黄打非 | sǎo huáng dǎ fēi | to eradicate pornography and illegal publications | |
扫黄运动 | sǎo huáng yùn dòng | campaign against pornography | |
A片 | A piàn | adult movie / pornography | |
儿童色情 | ér tóng sè qíng | child pornography | |
打击因特网儿童色情制品国际会议 | International Conference on Combating Child Pornography on the Internet |