贫困 | pín kùn | impoverished / poverty | |
扶贫 | fú pín | assistance to the poor / poverty alleviation | |
脱贫 | tuō pín | to lift oneself out of poverty | |
脱贫致富 | tuō pín zhì fù | to rise from poverty and become prosperous (idiom) / poverty alleviation | |
穷困 | qióng kùn | destitute / wretched poverty | |
饥寒交迫 | jī hán jiāo pò | beset by hunger and cold (idiom) / starving and freezing / in desperate poverty | |
糟糠 | zāo kāng | chaff, husks, distillers' dregs etc (food eaten by the poor) / (fig.) rubbish / junk / (abbr. for 糟糠妻[zao1 kang1 qi1]) wife who goes through the hardships of poverty with her husband | |
哭穷 | kū qióng | to bewail one's poverty / to complain about being hard up / to pretend to be poor | |
人穷志短 | rén qióng zhì duǎn | poor and with low expectations / poverty stunts ambition | |
反裘负刍 | fǎn qiú fù chú | lit. to wear one's coat inside out and carry firewood on one's back (idiom) / fig. to live a life of poverty and hard work / fig. to act stupidly | |
家贫如洗 | jiā pín rú xǐ | extreme poverty (idiom) / destitute / penniless / poor as church mice | |
筚门闺窦 | bì mén guī dòu | wicker door, hole window (idiom) / fig. wretched hovel / living in poverty | |
荜门圭窦 | bì mén guī dòu | wicker door, hole window (idiom) / fig. wretched hovel / living in poverty | |
衣单食薄 | yī dān shí bó | thin coat, meager food (idiom) / life of wretched poverty / destitute | |
贫病交加 | pín bìng jiāo jiā | poverty compounded by ill health (idiom) | |
安贫乐道 | ān pín lè dào | to be content with poverty and strive for virtue (idiom) | |
贫病交迫 | pín bìng jiāo pò | beset by poverty and illness (idiom) | |
饭糗茹草 | fàn qiǔ rú cǎo | lit. to live on dry provisions and wild herbs (idiom) / fig. to live in abject poverty | |
以工代赈 | yǐ gōng dài zhèn | to provide work to relieve poverty | |
勤劳不虞匮乏 | qín láo bù yú kuì fá | Poverty is a stranger to industry. (idiom) | |
啼饥号寒 | tí jī háo hán | hunger cries and cold roars (idiom) / wretched poverty | |
穷当益坚,老当益壮 | qióng dāng yì jiān , lǎo dāng yì zhuàng | poor but ambition, old but vigorous (idiom) / robust and determined to hold one's position despite poverty and old age | |
笑贫不笑娼 | xiào pín bù xiào chāng | the notion in society that it's better to get ahead in the world by abandoning one's scruples than to suffer poverty / lit. despising poverty but not prostitution (idiom) | |
脫贫 | tuō pín | to escape poverty | |
苦根 | kǔ gēn | underlying cause of poverty | |
装穷叫苦 | zhuāng qióng jiào kǔ | to feign and complain bitterly of being poverty stricken (idiom) | |
装酸哭穷 | zhuāng suān kū qióng | to dress poorly an plead poverty (even though rich) (idiom) | |
贫困率 | pín kùn lu:4 | poverty rate | |
贫穷潦倒 | pín qióng liáo dǎo | poverty stricken | |
贫贱不能移 | pín jiàn bù néng yí | not shaken by poverty / to preserve one's ambitions although destitute | |
里约贫穷统计小组 | | Rio Group on Poverty Statistics | |
社会发展和消除贫穷司 | | Social Development and Poverty Elimination Division | |
联合国消除贫穷十年 | lián hé guó xiāo chú pín qióng shí nián | United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty | |
关于就业和消除贫穷的行动计划 | | Plan of Action for promotion of employment and poverty alleviation | |
采取行动战胜饥饿和贫穷 | | Action against Hunger and Poverty | |
性别、贫穷与安康 | | Gender, Poverty and Well-being | |
绘制贫穷图 | huì zhì pín qióng tú | poverty mapping | |
世界城市扶贫联盟 | shì jiè chéng shì fú pín lián méng | World Alliance of Cities Against Poverty | |
决定贫穷程度 | jué dìng pín qióng chéng duó | absolute level of poverty | |
贫穷陷阱 | pín qióng xiàn jǐng | poverty trap | |
联合国贫穷问题行动计划 | | United Nations Plan of Action on Poverty | |
减轻贫穷和调整的社会代价方桉 | | Programme to Alleviate Poverty and the Social Cost of Adjustment | |
扶贫行动基金 | | Poverty Action Fund | |
华盛顿社会改革与贫困问题论坛 | | Washington Forum on Social Reform and Poverty | |
贫穷和社会影响分析 | | poverty and social impact analysis | |
贫困土着化 | | indigenization of poverty | |
极端贫穷 | jí duān pín qióng | extreme poverty | |
加勒比消除贫穷问题部长级会议 | | Caribbean Ministerial Meeting on Poverty Eradication | |
非洲减缓贫穷与宏观经济改革项目 | | Poverty Alleviation and Macroeconomic Reforms in Africa Project | |
消除贫穷 | xiāo chú pín qióng | poverty eradication | |
绝对贫穷 | jué duì pín qióng | absolute poverty | |
消除贫穷和可持续生计方桉 | | Poverty Elimination and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme | |
开发署非洲反贫抗饥信托基金 | | UNDP Trust Fund to Combat Poverty and Hunger in Africa | |
联合国机构间贫穷问题工作组 | | United Nations Interagency Working Group on Poverty Issues | |
贫穷监测 | | poverty monitoring | |
亚太副作物开发减贫中心 | | Centre for the alleviation of poverty through secondary crops development in Asia and the Pacific | |
城乡扶贫社会经济措施委员会 | | Committee on Socio-Economic Measures to Alleviate Poverty in Rural and Urban Areas | |
贫穷、人口、环境 | | poverty, population, environment | |
贫穷评估 | | poverty assessment | |
贫穷问题专家会议 | | Expert Meeting on Poverty | |
治理、减少贫穷、两性平等联合讲习班 | | joint workshop on governance, poverty reduction and gender equality | |
非洲就业与减贫特别峰会 | | Extraordinary Summit on Employment and Poverty Alleviation in Africa | |
站起来反贫穷 | zhàn qǐ lái fǎn pín qióng | Stand Up Against Poverty, Stand Up for the Millennium Development Goals / Stand Up Against Poverty | |
减贫战略文件 | jiǎn pín zhàn lu:è wén jiàn | Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper | |
减贫委员会 | | Committee on Poverty Reduction | |
扶贫实践小组委员会 | | Subcommittee on Poverty Reduction Practices | |
可持续和平、发展和消除贫穷框架 | | Framework for Sustained Peace, Development and Poverty Eradication | |
减缓贫穷常设委员会 | | Standing Committee on Poverty Alleviation | |
人类贫穷指数 | | human poverty index | |
贫穷监测和可持续人类发展指标 | | Poverty Monitoring and Sustainable Human Development Indicators | |
参与性贫穷评估项目 | | Participatory Poverty Assessment Project | |
减贫战略 | jiǎn pín zhàn lu:è | poverty reduction strategy | |
消除贫穷、就业和青年处 | | Poverty Eradication, Employment and Youth Branch | |
非洲贫穷和社会政策方桉? | | Poverty and Social Policy Programme for Africa Programme | |
非洲减贫战略文件学习小组 | fēi zhōu jiǎn pín zhàn lu:è wén jiàn xué xí xiǎo zǔ | African Learning Group on the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers | |
减少贫穷知识网络 | | Knowledge Network for Poverty Reduction | |
扶贫中心 | | Poverty Centre | |
国际减贫中心 | | International Poverty Centre | |
宏观经济政策对贫穷的预期影响评估 | | Exante Poverty Impact Assessment of Macroeconomic Policies | |
贫水指数 | | Water Poverty Index | |
贫穷和经济发展问题千年项目第1工作队 | | Millennium Project Task Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development / Task Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development | |
贫穷和经济发展问题第1工作队 | | Millennium Project Task Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development / Task Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development | |
贫穷深度比 | | poverty gap ratio / poverty gap index | |
贫穷深度指数 | | poverty gap ratio / poverty gap index | |
赤贫妇女问题讨论会 | | Seminar on Women in Extreme Poverty, Integration of Women's Concerns in National Development Planning / Seminar on Women in Extreme Poverty | |
多维贫穷 | duō wéi pín qióng | multidimensional poverty | |
非政府组织消除贫穷小组委员会 | | NGO Sub-committee for the Eradication of Poverty | |
自然资源管理用于减缓农村贫穷 | zì rán zī yuán guǎn lǐ yòng yú jiǎn huǎn nóng cūn pín qióng | Natural Resource Management for Rural Poverty Alleviation | |
农业体制与农村减贫区域专家组会议 | | Regional Expert Group Meeting on Agrarian Systems and the Alleviation Rural Poverty | |
贫穷和环境问题部长论坛 | | Forum of Ministers on Poverty and Environment | |
贫穷鸿沟 | pín qióng hóng gōu | poverty divide | |
南亚除贫联盟 | nán yà chú pín lián méng | South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication | |
减贫基金 | jiǎn pín jī jīn | Poverty Alleviation Fund | |
消除贫穷国际日 | xiāo chú pín qióng guó jì rì | International Day for the Eradication of Poverty | |
扩展性贫困 | | pervasive poverty | |
扶贫小组 | fú pín xiǎo zǔ | Poverty Group | |
综合贫穷指数 | | Integrated Poverty Index | |
贫穷监测和分析股 | | Poverty Monitoring and Analysis Unit | |
全面减贫和增长战略 | | comprehensive poverty reduction and growth strategy | |
贫穷的世代相传 | | intergenerational transmission of poverty | |