预备 | yù bèi | to prepare / to make ready / preparation / preparatory | |
辅导班 | fǔ dǎo bān | tutorial class / remedial class / preparatory course | |
预科 | yù kē | preparatory course (in college) | |
大学预科 | dà xué yù kē | university preparatory course | |
准备阶段 | zhǔn bèi jiē duàn | preparatory phase | |
预备教育 | | remedial education / preparatory education | |
新的国际发展战略筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee for the New International Development Strategy | |
印度支那难民问题国际会议筹备会议 | | Preparatory Meeting for the International Conference on Indo-Chinese Refugees | |
筹备性谈判 | chóu bèi xìng tán pàn | preparatory negotiation | |
筹备委员会 | | preparatory committee | |
国际刑事法院预备委员会 | | Preparatory Commission for the International Criminal Court | |
地球观测筹备方桉 | | Earth observation preparatory programme | |
非洲和西亚国际家庭年筹备会议 | | Africa and Western Asia Preparatory Meeting for the International Year of the Family | |
镍筹备会议 | | Preparatory Meeting on Nickel | |
国际工会制裁南非会议筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee for the International Trade Union Conference on Sanctions against South Africa | |
1995年妇女问题世界会议筹备活动信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the Preparatory Activities for the 1995 World Conference on Women | |
筹备性援助 | chóu bèi xìng yuán zhù | preparatory assistance | |
筹备委员会主席团 | | Bureau of the Preparatory Committee | |
达尔富尔-达尔富尔对话和协商筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee of the Darfur-Darfur Dialogue and Consultation | |
政府间筹备会议 | | Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting | |
设立世界贸易组织筹备委员会的决定 | | Decision on the Establishment of the Preparatory Committee for the World Trade Organization | |
国际多式联运公约拉丁美洲区域筹备会议 | | Latin American Regional Preparatory Meeting on a Convention on International Multimodal Transport | |
联合国水会议筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Water Conference | |
国际农业发展基金筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Commission for the International Fund for Agricultural Development | |
世界粮食大会筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee for the World Food Conference | |
国际原子能机构筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Commission of the International Atomic Energy Agency | |
IRENA筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Commission for IRENA | |
大会全体筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee of the Whole of the General Assembly | |
共同基金谈判筹备会议 | | Preparatory Meeting for the Negotiation of a Common Fund | |
联合国武器贸易条约会议筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty | |
中美洲议会筹备委员会 | | Central American Parliament Preparatory Commission | |
船舶登记条件问题政府间筹备组 | | Intergovernmental Preparatory Group on Conditions for Registration of Ships | |
数据中继卫星筹备方桉 | | data relay satellite preparatory programme | |
欧洲空间研究筹备委员会 | | European Preparatory Commission for Space Research | |
非洲法语最不发达国家专家级筹备会议 | | Expert-level preparatory meeting for the French-speaking African LDCs | |
关于准备移交权力和责任的协定 | | Agreement on Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities / Preparatory Transfer Agreement | |
准备移交协定 | | Agreement on Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities / Preparatory Transfer Agreement | |
全面禁止核试验条约组织筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization | |
索马里民族和解非正式筹备会议 | | Informal Preparatory Meeting on National Reconciliation in Somalia | |
就业、收入分配和社会进步筹备会议 | | Preparatory Meeting on Employment, Income Distribution and Social Progress | |
老龄问题世界大会拉丁美洲区域筹备会议 | | Latin American Regional Preparatory Meeting for the World Assembly on Aging | |
国际青年年拉丁美洲区域筹备会议 | | Latin American Regional Preparatory Meeting for the International Youth Year | |
联合国国际家庭年筹备会议 | | United Nations Preparatory Meetings for the International Year of the Family | |
专家筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee of Experts | |
国际热带木材理事会筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee for the International Tropical Timber Council | |
国际黄麻理事会筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee for the International Jute Council | |
加勒比人居二区域筹备讲习班 | | Caribbean Regional Preparatory Workshop for Habitat II | |
生境筹备活动信托基金 | | Trust Fund for Preparatory Activities for Habitat | |
拉丁美洲和加勒比人居二区域筹备会议 | | Regional Preparatory Meeting on Habitat II for Latin America and the Caribbean | |
筹备规划小组 | | Preparatory Planning Group | |
植物油和油菜籽筹备会议 | | Preparatory Meeting on Vegetable Oils and Oilseeds | |
筹备委员会训练小组 | | Preparatory Commission Training Panel | |
设立国际海底管理局筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Commission for the establishment of the International Sea-Bed Authority | |
筹备委员会训练方桉 | | Preparatory Commission Training Programme | |
技术转让、合作和本地能力问题筹备会议 | | Preparatory Meeting on Technology Transfer, Cooperation and Local Capacities | |
新的国际发展战略筹备委员会77国集团 | | Group of 77 of the Preparatory Committee for the New International Development Strategy | |
联合国可持续发展会议筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development | |
传统森林知识土着筹备会议 | | Indigenous Preparatory Meeting on Traditional Forest-Related Knowledge | |
联合国环境与发展会议筹备活动信托基金 | | Trust Fund for Preparatory Activities for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development | |
世界青年环发会议筹备论坛 | | World Youth Preparatory Forum for UNCED / Youth '92 | |
非洲青年与发展区域筹备会议 | | Preparatory Regional Meeting on Youth and Development in Africa | |
联合国班轮公会行为守则会议筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences | |
南极条约协商会议筹备会议 | | Preparatory Meeting of the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting | |
预防犯罪和罪犯待遇亚太区域筹备会议 | | Asian and Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders | |
预防犯罪和罪犯待遇欧洲区域筹备会议 | | European Regional Preparatory Meeting on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders | |
科学筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Scientific Committee | |
世界人口会议筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee for the World Population Conference | |
1984年国际人口会议筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee for the International Conference on Population, 1984 | |
国际人口会议拉丁美洲区域筹备会议 | | Latin American Regional Preparatory Meeting for the International Conference on Population | |
国际人口与发展会议亚太区域筹备会议 | | Asian and the Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting for the International Conference on Population and Development | |
亚洲区域筹备会议 | | Asian Regional Preparatory Meeting | |
亚洲区域筹备委员会 | | Asian Regional Preparatory Committee | |
禁止化学武器组织筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Commission for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons | |
德班审查会议筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee for the Durban Review Conference | |
大湖区问题国际会议区域筹备委员会 | | Regional Preparatory Committee of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region / Regional Preparatory Committee | |
区域筹备委员会 | | Regional Preparatory Committee of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region / Regional Preparatory Committee | |
设立国际刑事法院筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court | |
非洲英语最不发达国家专家级筹备会议 | | Expert-level preparatory meeting for the English-speaking African LDCs | |
联合国妇女十年世界会议区域筹备会议 | | Regional Preparatory Meeting for the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women | |
联合国妇女十年世界会议筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee for the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women | |
发展中国家政府专家筹备会议 | | Preparatory Meeting of Governmental Experts of Developing Countries | |
法律和司法改革筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Commission on Legal and Judicial Reform | |
拉丁美洲非核化筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Commission for the Denuclearization of Latin America | |
联合国筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Commission of the United Nations | |
筹备性技术海事会议 | | Preparatory Technical Maritime Conference | |
区域间专家筹备会议 | | interregional preparatory meetings of experts | |
契约筹备小组 | | Compact Preparatory Group / Preparatory Group | |
筹备小组 | | Compact Preparatory Group / Preparatory Group | |
77国集团政府专家筹备会议 | | Preparatory Meeting of Governmental Experts of the Group of 77 | |
中美洲难民问题国际会议筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee for the International Conference on Central American Refugees | |
国际家庭年区域筹备会议 | | Regional Preparatory Meeting for the International Year of the Family | |
举业 | jǔ yè | preparatory literary studies for imperial examination | |