整备 | zhěng bèi | preparedness / to bring sth to a state of readiness | |
有备无患 | yǒu bèi wú huàn | Preparedness averts peril. / to be prepared, just in case (idiom) | |
应急准备 | | emergency preparedness | |
能源准备工作 | néng yuán zhǔn bèi gōng zuò | energy preparedness | |
大流行性流感准备工作小组 | | influenza pandemic preparedness team | |
纽约防范大流行性流感协调员办公室 | | Office of the New York Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Coordinator | |
紧急准备和反应科 | | Emergency Preparedness and Response Section | |
纽约防范大流行性流感协调员 | | New York Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Coordinator / Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Coordinator | |
联合国预防和应急小组 | | United Nations Prevention and Preparedness Group | |
人道主义准备信托基金 | rén dào zhǔ yì zhǔn bèi xìn tuō jī jīn | Trust Fund for Humanitarian Preparedness (Iraq) | |
应急准备账户 | | Emergency Preparedness Account | |
应急准备和反应干事 | | Emergency Preparedness and Response Officer | |
漏油事故准备和反应全球倡议 | | Global Initiative for Oil Spill Preparedness and Response | |
放射性物质运输事故应急规划和准备 | | Emergency Response Planning and Preparedness for Transport Accidents Involving Radioactive Material | |
泛非应急中心 | | Pan-African Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response | |
作好干旱准备 | | drought preparedness | |
备旱 | bèi hàn | drought preparedness | |
亚洲防灾中心 | | Asian Disaster Preparedness Center | |
泛加勒比备灾防灾项目 | | Pan-Caribbean Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Project | |
应急准备网 | | Emergency Preparedness Web | |
地方一级的应急意识和准备 | | Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at the Local Level | |
应急准备信息交流项目 | | Emergency Preparedness Information Exchange Project | |
准备和应急规划工作分组 | | Sub-Working Group on Preparedness and Contingency Planning / IASC Sub-Working Group on Preparedness and Contingency Planning | |
紧急准备和反应方桉 | | Emergency Preparedness and Response Programme / EPR Programme | |
孟加拉国卫生部门防灾和救灾方桉 | | Bangladesh Health Sector Disaster Preparedness and Response Programme | |
驻地小组自然灾害反应准备自我评估表 | | In-Country Team Self-Assessment Tool for Natural Disaster Response Preparedness | |
挪威应急制度 | | Norwegian Emergency Preparedness System | |
民事安全和应急准备管理局 | | Administrative Department of Civil Security and Emergency Preparedness | |
区域备灾讨论会 | | Regional Seminar on Disaster Preparedness | |
阿拉伯国家备灾防灾联合讨论会 | | joint seminar on disaster preparedness and prevention in the Arab countries | |
应急准备工作队 | | Emergency Preparedness Task Force | |
防止、防备和应付化学事故指导原则 | | Guiding Principles for Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response | |
适任能力 | | mission preparedness | |
国际油污防备、反应和合作公约 | | International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation | |
防备和应付海洋污染会议 | | Meeting on Marine Pollution Preparedness and Response | |
预防和应付油类污染外交会议 | | Diplomatic Conference on Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response | |
预防和应付油类污染国际合作会议 | | International Conference on Cooperation on Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response | |
应急准备和应急计划 | | Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Planning | |
分析、评估和准备 | | Analysis, Assessment and Preparedness Service | |
联合国应急防灾备灾小组 | | United Nations Emergency Prevention and Preparedness Group | |
备灾 | | disaster preparedness | |
大流行病的防范 | | pandemic preparedness | |
紧急准备和预防小组 | | Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Group | |
应急准备和支助股 | | Emergency Preparedness and Support Unit | |
阿拉伯国家备灾防灾讨论会 | | Seminar on Disaster Preparedness and Prevention in Arab Countries | |
备灾战略讨论会 | | Disaster Preparedness Strategies Seminar | |
非洲防灾备灾区域会议 | | Regional Meeting on Disaster Prevention and Preparedness in Africa | |
电信和遥感技术用于救灾防灾国际会议 | | International Conference on the Use of Telecommunications and Remote Sensing Technology for Disaster Relief, Preparedness and Prevention | |
灾前规划和准备工作 | | pre-disaster planning and preparedness | |
南太平洋备灾救灾讨论会 | | South Pacific Disaster Preparedness and Relief Seminar | |
救济协调和准备处 | | Relief Coordination and Preparedness Branch | |
国际备灾救灾讨论会 | | International Seminar on Disaster Preparedness and Relief | |
应急准备和反应 | | Emergency Preparedness and Response | |
应急准备和响应评价团 | | Emergency Preparedness and Response Evaluation Mission | |
大流行病防范计划 | | pandemic preparedness plan | |
平民备战 | | civilian preparedness for war | |