成本 | chéng běn | (manufacturing, production etc) costs | |
生产线 | shēng chǎn xiàn | assembly line / production line | |
大队 | dà duì | group / a large body of / production brigade / military group | |
生产力 | shēng chǎn lì | production capability / productive force / productivity | |
生产能力 | shēng chǎn néng lì | manufacturing ability / production capacity | |
产能 | chǎn néng | production capacity | |
投产 | tóu chǎn | to put into production / to put into operation | |
年产 | nián chǎn | annual production | |
剧组 | jù zǔ | cast and crew / performers and production team | |
剧照 | jù zhào | photo taken during a theatrical production / a still (from a movie) | |
生产设备 | shēng chǎn shè bèi | production equipment / manufacturing equipment | |
停产 | tíng chǎn | to stop production | |
生产总值 | shēng chǎn zǒng zhí | gross domestic production (GDP) / total output value | |
配乐 | pèi yuè | to create music for a movie or stage production / to dub music onto a soundtrack / incidental music / soundtrack music | |
产销 | chǎn xiāo | production and sales / production and marketing | |
生产成本 | shēng chǎn chéng běn | production costs | |
所有制 | suǒ yǒu zhì | ownership of the means of production (in Marxism) / system of ownership | |
增产 | zēng chǎn | to increase production | |
生产过程 | shēng chǎn guò chéng | course of production / manufacturing process | |
生产资料 | shēng chǎn zī liào | means of production | |
发声 | fā shēng | vocal / sound / sound production / to utter / to give voice | |
废品 | fèi pǐn | production rejects / seconds / scrap / discarded material | |
原产 | yuán chǎn | original production / native to (of species) | |
生产率 | shēng chǎn lu:4 | productivity / efficiency of production | |
工种 | gōng zhǒng | kind of work in production (e.g. benchwork, foundry work etc) | |
产区 | chǎn qū | place of production / manufacturing location | |
粮食生产 | | food production | |
停工 | tíng gōng | to stop work / to shut down / to stop production | |
生产要素 | shēng chǎn yào sù | factors of production | |
清洁生产 | qīng jié shēng chǎn | cleaner production | |
生产关系 | shēng chǎn guān xì | relations between levels of production / socio-economic relations | |
新疆生产建设兵团 | xīn jiāng shēng chǎn jiàn shè bīng tuán | Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, also known as XPCC or Bingtuan ("the Corps"), a state-owned economic and paramilitary organization in China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region | |
脱产 | tuō chǎn | to transfer (from production to other duties) / to take leave (for study or other job) / to dispose of property / to transfer assets (to avoid liability) | |
联产 | lián chǎn | co-production / cooperative production | |
包销 | bāo xiāo | to have exclusive selling rights / to be the sole agent for a production unit or firm | |
生产队 | shēng chǎn duì | production team | |
转产 | zhuǎn chǎn | to change production / to move over to new products | |
粮食产量 | | food production | |
停摆 | tíng bǎi | (of a pendulum) to stop swinging / (of work, production, activities etc) to come to a halt / to be suspended / to be canceled / shutdown / (sports) lockout | |
扩大再生产 | kuò dà zài shēng chǎn | to expand production / to reproduce on an extended scale | |
装配线 | zhuāng pèi xiàn | assembly line / production line | |
超产 | chāo chǎn | to exceed a production goal | |
包产 | bāo chǎn | to make a production contract | |
生产反应堆 | shēng chǎn fǎn yìng duī | production reactor | |
生产设施 | shēng chǎn shè shī | production facility | |
语言产生 | yǔ yán chǎn shēng | production of speech | |
重水生产 | zhòng shuǐ shēng chǎn | heavy water production | |
大量生产 | dà liàng shēng chǎn | to manufacture in bulk / mass production | |
攀枝花市 | Pān zhī huā shì | Panzhihua, prefecture-level city in south Sichuan, bordering Yunnan, famous for steel production and pollution | |
生产单位 | shēng chǎn dān wèi | production unit | |
產能 | chǎn néng | production capacity | |
亏产 | kuī chǎn | shortfall in production | |
头牌 | tóu pái | tablet announcing the name of leading actor in a theatrical production / by extension, the lead role | |
初级生产量 | | primary production | |
工业生产 | gōng yè shēng chǎn | industrial production | |
生产中心 | shēng chǎn zhōng xīn | Production Centre | |
生产助理 | shēng chǎn zhù lǐ | Production Assistant | |
可持续生产和消费工作组 | | Working Group on Sustainable Production and Consumption | |
关于2009年工业生产指数的国际建议 | | International Recommendations for the Index of Industrial Production 2009 | |
改变生产和消费形态国际工作方桉 | | international work programme on changing production and consumption patterns | |
关于书刊出版的国际统计标准化的建议 | | Recommendation concerning the International Standardization of Statistics Relating to Book Production and Periodicals | |
浮式生产、储存、卸载设施 | | floating production, storage and offloading facility | |
植物生产和保护司 | | Plant Production and Protection Division | |
欧洲畜产协会 | | European Association for Animal Production | |
文件管理和制作统计 | | Documentation Control and Production Statistics | |
中东和近东区域畜牧业和家畜卫生项目 | | Middle and Near East Regional Animal Production and Health Project | |
视听材料制作助理 | | Audiovisual Production Assistant | |
视听制作图书馆股 | | Audio-Visual Production Libraries Unit | |
助理生产和分发干事 | | Assistant Production and Distribution Officer | |
体面工作数据制作股 | | Decent Work Data Production Unit | |
核武器示范公约 | | Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Testing, Production, Stockpiling, Transfer, Use and Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons and on Their Elimination / Model Nuclear Weapons Convention | |
作物生产技术 | | crop production technology | |
电视-录像制作股 | | TV - Video Production Unit | |
全球作物产量 | | global crop production | |
洁净生产法 | jié jìng shēng chǎn fǎ | clean production method | |
海外特许生产 | | licensed production abroad / licensed manufacture abroad | |
国际清洁生产宣言 | guó jì qīng jié shēng chǎn xuān yán | International Declaration on Cleaner Production | |
加勒比共同体粮食增产年 | | Year of CARICOM Increased Food Production | |
生产核算和投入产出表专家组会议 | | Expert Group Meeting on Production Accounts and Input-Output Tables | |
生产科 | shēng chǎn kē | Production Section | |
可持续消费和生产 | | sustainable consumption and production | |
协理生产和分发干事 | | Associate Production and Distribution Officer | |
清洁生产中心信息网 | | Information Network of Cleaner Production Centres | |
生产股 | shēng chǎn gǔ | Production Unit | |
提高温热气候和恶劣环境下的小麦产量 | | Increasing Wheat Production in Warmer and Stressed Environments | |
设计、生产和印刷 | | design, production and printing | |
生产支助服务股 | shēng chǎn zhī zhù fù wù gǔ | Production Support Services Unit | |
财务、行政和制作 | | finance, administration and production | |
通过国内生产获得的军备 | | procurement through national production | |
妇女参与农业生产和农村发展处 | | Women in Agricultural Production and Rural Development Service | |
生产管制员 | shēng chǎn guǎn zhì yuán | Production Control Clerk | |
农业生产和销售科 | | Agriculture Production and Marketing Section | |
可持续消费和生产工作方桉 | | Work Programme on Sustainable Consumption and Production | |
生产、生产力和管理司 | | Production, Productivity and Management Division | |
欧洲清洁生产圆桌会议 | | European Roundtable on Cleaner Production | |
奥斯陆可持续生产和消费圆桌会议 | | Oslo Ministerial Roundtable Conference on Sustainable Production and Consumption | |
综合生产和虫害管理-农民田间学校 | | Integrated Production and Pest Management - Farmers Field Schools | |
电视和视听制作科 | | Television and Audio-Visual Production Section | |
第二性生产量 | | secondary production | |
次级生产量 | | secondary production | |