推广 | tuī guǎng | to extend / to spread / to popularize / generalization / promotion (of a product etc) | |
推介 | tuī jiè | promotion / to promote / to introduce and recommend | |
晋级 | jìn jí | to advance in rank / promotion / advancement | |
升华 | shēng huá | to sublimate / sublimation (physics) / to raise to a higher level / to refine / promotion | |
广告宣传 | guǎng gào xuān chuán | advertising / publicity / promotion | |
升职 | shēng zhí | to get promoted (at work etc) / promotion | |
升格 | shēng gé | promotion / upgrade | |
乔迁 | qiáo qiān | to move (to a superior place) / promotion | |
强打 | qiáng dǎ | promotion (for a product) / advertisement | |
加官 | jiā guān | promotion / to take additional post | |
高迁 | gāo qiān | promotion (honorific) | |
招商 | zhāo shāng | to seek investment or funding / investment promotion | |
招商引资 | zhāo shāng yǐn zī | investment promotion | |
提拔 | tí bá | to promote to a higher job / to select for promotion | |
高升 | gāo shēng | to get a promotion | |
春风得意 | chūn fēng dé yì | flushed with success / proud of one's success (in exams, promotion etc) / as pleased as punch | |
自动升级 | zì dòng shēng jí | social promotion | |
暑促 | shǔ cù | summer promotion (sale) | |
促进就业 | cù jìn jiù yè | employment promotion | |
爬升 | pá shēng | to rise / to ascend / to climb (airplane etc) / to go up (sales figures etc) / to gain promotion | |
扶摇直上 | fú yáo zhí shàng | to skyrocket / to get quick promotion in one's career | |
请功 | qǐng gōng | to request recognition for sb's merits / to recommend sb for promotion or an award | |
乔迁之喜 | qiáo qiān zhī xǐ | congratulations on house-moving or promotion (idiom) / Best wishes for your new home! | |
青云直上 | qīng yún zhí shàng | rising straight up in a clear sky (idiom) / rapid promotion to a high post / meteoric career | |
加官进爵 | jiā guān jìn jué | promotion to the nobility (idiom) | |
加官进禄 | jiā guān jìn lù | promotion in official post and salary raise (idiom) | |
巴高望上 | bā gāo wàng shàng | to wish for higher status (idiom) / to curry favor in the hope of promotion | |
终南捷径 | zhōng nán jié jìng | lit. Mt Zhongnan is a shortcut to a ministerial job (idiom) / fig. to take a shortcut to promotion | |
高官厚禄 | gāo guān hòu lù | high post and generous salary (idiom) / promotion to a high official position | |
中国国际贸易促进委员会 | Zhōng guó Guó jì Mào yì Cù jìn Wěi yuán huì | China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) | |
加官晋级 | jiā guān jìn jí | new post and promotion | |
加官进位 | jiā guān jìn wèi | promotion in official post and salary raise (idiom) | |
拔擢 | bá zhuó | select the best people for promotion | |
提掖 | tí yē | to recommend sb for a promotion / to guide and support sb | |
登仙 | dēng xiān | to become immortal / big promotion / die | |
转干 | zhuǎn gàn | to become a cadre (e.g. a promotion from shopfloor) | |
促进小组 | cù jìn xiǎo zǔ | Promotion Group | |
促进妇女地位和男女平等股 | | Unit for the Promotion of the Status of Women and Gender Equality | |
促进书刊国际畅流协会 | | Association for the Promotion of the International Circulation of the Press | |
国家促进和保护人权机构国际协调委员会 | | International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights / International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions | |
国际增进健康会议 | | International Conference on Health Promotion | |
关于就业和消除贫穷的行动计划 | | Plan of Action for promotion of employment and poverty alleviation | |
执行和促进发展权工作组 | | Working Group on the Implementation and Promotion of the Right to Development | |
贸易促进干事 | | Trade Promotion Officer | |
贸易促进组织 | mào yì cù jìn zǔ zhī | trade promotion organization | |
投资促进实体 | tóu zī cù jìn shí tǐ | Investment Promotion Entity | |
促进难民法科 | | Promotion of Refugee Law Section | |
促进和保护人权国家机构国际讲习班 | | International Workshop on National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights | |
全球健康促进会议 | | Global Conference on Health Promotion | |
促进难民法股 | | Promotion of Refugee Law Unit | |
促进和平信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the Promotion of Peace | |
区域贸易促进中心 | | Regional Centre for Trade Promotion | |
促进民主中心 | | Unit for the Promotion of Democracy | |
美洲出口促进中心 | | Inter-American Export Promotion Centre | |
促进海洋科学方案 | cù jìn hǎi yáng kē xué fāng àn | Promotion of Marine Sciences Programme | |
促进跨界合作国家间协定范本 | | Model inter-state agreement for the promotion of transfrontier co-operation | |
欧洲促进青年跨国长期志愿服务公约 | | European Convention on the Promotion of a Transnational Long-term Voluntary Service for Young People | |
促进健康和研究发展基金会 | | Fondation pour la promotion de la santé et le développement de la recherche | |
就业和住房促进协会 | | Association pour la promotion de l'emploi et du logement | |
卢旺达促进和捍卫人权联盟 | | League for the Promotion and Defence of Human Rights in Rwanda | |
区域方桉编制、宣传和评价基金 | | Regional Fund for Programme Preparation, Promotion and Evaluation | |
拉丁美洲和加勒比促进手工业方桉 | | Latin American and Caribbean Programme for the Promotion of the Handicraft Industry | |
全非贸易促进组织 | quán fēi mào yì cù jìn zǔ zhī | All Africa Trade Promotion Organization | |
进一步促进不同制度间贸易政府间专家组 | | Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Futher Promotion of Inter-systems Trade | |
青年促进教育、和平与文化协会 | | Association of Young People for Promotion of Education, Peace and Culture | |
促进农民积极性研究信息中心 | | Centre d'information, de recherche et d'action pour la promotion des initiatives paysannes | |
拉丁美洲和加勒比区域图书推广中心 | | Regional Centre for Book Promotion in Latin America and the Caribbean | |
促进和保护人权办公室 | | Office for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights | |
促进公共事务奖 | cù jìn gōng gòng shì wù jiǎng | Prize for the Promotion of the Civil Service | |
欧洲促进技术革新中心 | | European Centre for the Promotion of Technological Innovations | |
媒体和宣传股 | | Media and Promotion Unit | |
大分一村一品国际交流推进协会 | | Oita OVOP International Exchange Promotion Committee | |
安第斯促进和保护人权宪章 | | Andean Charter for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights | |
贸易促进科 | mào yì cù jìn kē | Trade Promotion Section | |
东部和南部非洲贸易促进和训练中心 | | Trade Promotion and Training Centre for Eastern and Southern Africa | |
联合任用和升级委员会 | | Joint Appointment and Promotion Board | |
促进转型经济体开发面向市场的煤气业 | | Promotion and Development of Market-Based Gas Industries in Economies in Transition | |
促进和保护人权小组委员会 | | Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights | |
促成联合国国际老龄方案信托基金 | cù chéng lián hé guó guó jì lǎo líng fāng àn xìn tuō jī jīn | Trust Fund for the Promotion of a United Nations International Programme for Aging | |
总部任用和升级委员会 | | Headquarters Appointment and Promotion Board | |
提倡土着和少数民族地名工作组 | | Working Group on the Promotion of Indigenous and Minority Group Names | |
促进无害环境的健康城市区域讨论会 | | Regional Seminar on the Promotion of Environmentally Sound and Healthy Cities | |
促进环境技术和预防化学事故手册 | | Manual on the promotion of environmental technology and prevention of chemical accidents | |
推销助理 | tuī xiāo zhù lǐ | Promotion Assistant | |
宣传和推销干事 | | Publicity and Promotion Officer | |
工业协调促进委员会 | | Industrial Coordination Promotion Committee | |
建立国际茶叶促进协会协定 | | Agreement Establishing the International Tea Promotion Association | |
独联体国家间知识促进和成人教育委员会 | | Interstate Committee of CIS on Knowledge Promotion and Adult Education | |
塞内加尔文化和文化业促进协会 | | Senegalese Association for the Promotion of Culture and Cultural Industries | |
日本美丽星球促进计划 | | Japanese Cool Earth Promotion Programme | |
投资促进局 | tóu zī cù jìn jú | Investment Promotion Agency | |
保护和促进文化表现形式多样性公约 | | Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions | |
国际文化促进基金 | guó jì wén huà cù jìn jī jīn | International Fund for the Promotion of Culture | |
关于宗教在促进和平文化中的作用的宣言 | | Declaration on the Role of Religion in the Promotion of a Culture of Peace | |
促进文化业技术支助项目 | | Technical Support Project for the Promotion of Cultural Industries | |
促进非洲解决冲突与和解原则网络 | | Network for the Promotion of African Principles of Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation | |
促进教育和社会发展文化援助协会 | | Association culturelle d'aide à la promotion éducative et sociale | |
促进环境规划和应用研究区域中心 | | Regional Centre for the Promotion of Environmental Planning and Applied Studies | |
保护非洲历史遗址遗迹研究和促进中心 | | Centre de recherches et de promotion pour la sauvegarde des sites et monuments historiques en Afrique | |
荷兰促进自发展中国家进口活动中心 | | Netherlands Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries | |