重建 | chóng jiàn | to rebuild / to reestablish / reconstruction / rebuilding | |
重构 | chóng gòu | to reconstruct / reconstruction / (computing) refactoring | |
善后借款 | shàn hòu jiè kuǎn | reconstruction loan provided by Great Powers to Yuan Shikai in 1913 | |
国际复兴开发银行 | guó jì fù xīng kāi fā yín háng | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | |
主管重建和发展的秘书长副特别代表 | | Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Reconstruction and Development | |
支持巴勒斯坦经济重建加沙国际会议 | | International Conference in Support of the Palestinian Economy for the Reconstruction of Gaza | |
联合国中美洲重建和改造机构间工作队 | | United Nations inter-agency task force for the reconstruction and transformation of Central America | |
阿富汗重建信托基金 | | Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund | |
索马里中期重建和恢复计划 | | Medium-term Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Plan for Somalia | |
东南欧重建和发展机构 | | south-east European agency for reconstruction and development | |
纳米比亚国家重建和发展方桉规划讨论会 | | Seminar on Programme Planning for the National Reconstruction and Development of Namibia | |
经济重建、发展与合作工作会议 | | Working Table on Economic Reconstruction, Development and Cooperation | |
重建和人道主义事务副协调员 | | Deputy Reconstruction and Humanitarian Coordinator | |
用于黎巴嫩重建和发展的秘书长信托基金 | | Secretary-General's Trust Fund for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon | |
重建执行委员会 | | Reconstruction Implementation Commission | |
国际伊拉克重建基金机制 | | International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq | |
省级重建队 | | Provincial Reconstruction Team | |
冲突后重建和发展 | | Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development | |
利比里亚重建发展委员会 | | Liberia Reconstruction Development Committee | |
社会-经济重建和发展 | | socio-economic reconstruction and development | |
非洲联盟冲突后重建和发展框架 | | African Union Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development Framework | |
重建柬埔寨问题国际委员会 | | International Committee on Reconstruction of Cambodia | |
摆脱武装冲突地区稳定和重建计划 | | stabilization and reconstruction plan for areas emerging from armed conflict | |
冲突后调整和重建 | | post-conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction | |
援助利比里亚重建国际会议 | | International Reconstruction Conference for Liberia | |
巴勒斯坦发展和重建经济理事会 | | Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction | |
黎巴嫩发展和重建理事会 | | Council of Development and Reconstruction | |
津巴布韦重建发展会议 | | Zimbabwe Conference on Reconstruction and Development | |
援助波匈经济改革方案 | yuán zhù bō xiōng jīng jì gǎi gé fāng àn | Poland-Hungary Aid for the Reconstruction of the Economy | |
重建工作队 | | Task Force for Reconstruction | |
重建和重返社会国务部长 | | Minister of State in charge of reconstruction and reintegration | |
安哥拉恢复和重建捐助者圆桌会议 | | Round-Table Conference of Donors for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Angola / Brussels Round-Table Conference | |
布鲁塞尔圆桌会议 | | Round-Table Conference of Donors for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Angola / Brussels Round-Table Conference | |
联合国冲突后重建机制 | | United Nations post-conflict reconstruction facility | |
遣返、重返社会、复原和重建 | | repatriation, reintegration, rehabilitation and reconstruction / Four Rs | |
亚非农村复兴组织 | | Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction Organization | |
农场重建紧急项目 | | Emergency Farm Reconstruction Project | |
索马里重建和发展框架 | | Reconstruction and Development Framework for Somalia | |
战后和灾后重建与恢复机构间常设委员会 | | Inter-Agency Standing Committee on Post-War and Disaster Reconstruction and Rehabilitation / Inter-Agency Standing Committee | |
机构间常设委员会 | | Inter-Agency Standing Committee on Post-War and Disaster Reconstruction and Rehabilitation / Inter-Agency Standing Committee | |
重建和人道主义援助办公室 | | Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance | |
援助黎巴嫩重建和发展协调员办公室 | | Office of the Coordinator of Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon | |
尼泊尔农村重建组织 | | Rural Reconstruction Nepal | |
重建和发展委员会 | | Reconstruction and Development Commission | |
非洲紧急人道恢复和重建事务议程 | | Agenda on Emergency Humanitarian Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Affairs in Africa | |
古地理再造 | | paleogeographic reconstruction | |
海地重建基金 | | Haiti Reconstruction Fund | |
国家安置、恢复和重建方桉 | | National Resettlement, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Programme | |
冲突后重建 | | post-conflict reconstruction | |
全国重建计划 | | National Reconstruction Plan | |
国家重建、安置和恢复委员会 | | National Commission for Reconstruction, Resettlement and Rehabilitation | |
战略资源管理、国家重建和发展委员会 | | Commission for the Management of Strategic Resources, National Reconstruction and Development | |
冲突后重建战略国际座谈会 | | International Colloquium on Post-Conflict Reconstruction Strategies | |
援助阿富汗重建国际会议 | | International Conference on Reconstruction Assistance to Afghanistan | |
隔离区回返与重建程序 | | Procedure for Return and Reconstruction in the Zone of Separation | |
欧洲复兴开发银行 | | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | |
紧急多部门恢复和重建方桉 | | Emergency Multisector Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Programme | |
冲突后重建股 | | Post-Conflict Reconstruction Unit / Post-Conflict Unit | |
冲突后股 | | Post-Conflict Reconstruction Unit / Post-Conflict Unit | |
库尔德斯坦重建和发展协会 | | Kurdistan Reconstruction and Development Society | |
紧急重建方桉 | | emergency reconstruction programme | |
大湖区救济、重建和发展工作队 | | Great Lakes Task Force on Relief, Reconstruction and Development | |
共同体援助重建、发展和稳定方桉 | | Community Assistance to Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation programme / CARDS programme | |
重建与发展特别基金 | | Special Fund for Reconstruction and Development | |
苏丹南方重建和发展基金 | | Southern Sudan Reconstruction and Development Fund | |
古气候重建 | | palaeoclimatic reconstruction | |
重建与民主人民党 | | Parti du peuple pour la reconstruction et la démocratie | |
国际重建黎巴嫩基金 | | International Fund for the Reconstruction of Lebanon | |
苏丹东部重建和发展基金 | | Eastern Sudan Reconstruction and Development Fund | |
波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那救济和重建基金 | | Fund for Relief and Reconstruction in Bosnia and Herzegovina | |
东南欧洲区域环境重建方桉 | | Regional Environmental Reconstruction Program for South Eastern Europe | |
欧洲重建机构 | | European Agency for Reconstruction | |
紧急重建和恢复项目 | | Emergency Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Project | |
洪灾后紧急重建方桉 | | Emergency Flood Reconstruction Programme | |
联合国援助黎巴嫩重建和发展 | | United Nations Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon | |
援助黎巴嫩重建和发展协调员 | | Coordinator of Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon | |
联合国援助黎巴嫩重建和发展协调员 | | United Nations Coordinator of Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon | |
柬埔寨恢复和重建宣言 | | Declaration on Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Cambodia | |
重建与发展计划 | | Reconstruction and Development Plan | |
非洲冲突后重建政策框架 | | African Post-Conflict Reconstruction Policy Framework | |
伊拉克重建问题国际捐助者会议 | | International Donors Conference for the Reconstruction of Iraq | |
重建和捐助方协调 | | Reconstruction and Donor Co-ordination | |
国际农村重建研究所 | | International Institute of Rural Reconstruction | |
达尔富尔重建与发展基金 | | Darfur Reconstruction and Development Fund | |
紧急状况和重建教育方桉 | | Programme of Education for Emergencies and Reconstruction | |
阿富汗重建指导小组 | | Afghan Reconstruction Steering Group | |
欧洲联盟委员会科索沃重建工作队 | | European Commission Task Force for Reconstruction of Kosovo | |
重建南黎巴嫩方桉 | | South Lebanon Reconstruction Programme | |
西亚重建与复兴十年 | | Decade for the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Western Asia | |
重建和发展国务大臣 | | Minister of State in Charge of Reconstruction and Development | |
发展和重建理事会 | | Council for Development and Reconstruction | |
全国重建运动 | | Mouvement pour la reconstruction nationale | |
遣返、安置和重建委员会 | | Repatriation, Resettlement and Reconstruction Committee / RRR Committee | |
柬埔寨国家重建和发展方桉 | | National Programme for the Reconstruction and Development of Cambodia | |
民族爱国重建政府 | | National Patriotic Reconstruction Government | |
国家重建秘书处 | | National Reconstruction Secretariat | |
巴勒斯坦早日恢复和重建计划 | | Palestinian Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan | |
恢复和重建局 | | Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency | |
重建和回归问题工作队 | | Reconstruction and Return Task Force | |
伊拉克重建和就业方桉 | | Iraq Reconstruction and Employment Programme | |